/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests that the computed view shows the original source link when source maps // are enabled. const TESTCASE_URI = URL_ROOT_SSL + "doc_sourcemaps.html"; const PREF = "devtools.source-map.client-service.enabled"; const SCSS_LOC = "doc_sourcemaps.scss:4"; const CSS_LOC = "doc_sourcemaps.css:1"; add_task(async function () { info("Turning the pref " + PREF + " on"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF, true); await addTab(TESTCASE_URI); const { toolbox, inspector, view } = await openComputedView(); let onLinksUpdated = inspector.once("computed-view-sourcelinks-updated"); await selectNode("div", inspector); info("Expanding the first property"); await expandComputedViewPropertyByIndex(view, 0); info("Verifying the link text"); await onLinksUpdated; verifyLinkText(view, SCSS_LOC); info("Toggling the pref"); onLinksUpdated = inspector.once("computed-view-sourcelinks-updated"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF, false); await onLinksUpdated; info("Verifying that the link text has changed after the pref change"); await verifyLinkText(view, CSS_LOC); info("Toggling the pref again"); onLinksUpdated = inspector.once("computed-view-sourcelinks-updated"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF, true); await onLinksUpdated; info("Testing that clicking on the link works"); await testClickingLink(toolbox, view); info("Turning the pref " + PREF + " off"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF); }); async function testClickingLink(toolbox, view) { const onEditor = waitForStyleEditor(toolbox, "doc_sourcemaps.scss"); info("Clicking the computedview stylesheet link"); const link = getComputedViewLinkByIndex(view, 0); link.scrollIntoView(); link.click(); const editor = await onEditor; const { line } = editor.sourceEditor.getCursor(); is(line, 3, "cursor is at correct line number in original source"); } function verifyLinkText(view, text) { const link = getComputedViewLinkByIndex(view, 0); is( link.textContent, text, "Linked text changed to display the correct location" ); }