/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test the copy inner and outer html menu options. // The nicely formatted HTML code. const FORMATTED_HTML = `
`; // The inner HTML of the body node from the code above. const FORMATTED_INNER_HTML = FORMATTED_HTML.replace(/<\/*body>/g, "") .trim() .replace(/^ {2}/gm, ""); // The formatted outer HTML, using tabs rather than spaces. const TABS_FORMATTED_HTML = FORMATTED_HTML.replace(/[ ]{2}/g, "\t"); // The formatted outer HTML, using 3 spaces instead of 2. const THREE_SPACES_FORMATTED_HTML = FORMATTED_HTML.replace(/[ ]{2}/g, " "); // Uglify the formatted code by removing all spaces and line breaks. const UGLY_HTML = FORMATTED_HTML.replace(/[\r\n\s]+/g, ""); // And here is the inner html of the body node from the ugly code above. const UGLY_INNER_HTML = UGLY_HTML.replace(/<\/*body>/g, ""); add_task(async function () { // Load the ugly code in a new tab and open the inspector. const { inspector } = await openInspectorForURL( "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(UGLY_HTML) ); info("Get the inner and outer html copy menu items"); const allMenuItems = openContextMenuAndGetAllItems(inspector); const outerHtmlMenu = allMenuItems.find( ({ id }) => id === "node-menu-copyouter" ); const innerHtmlMenu = allMenuItems.find( ({ id }) => id === "node-menu-copyinner" ); info("Try to copy the outer html"); await waitForClipboardPromise(() => outerHtmlMenu.click(), UGLY_HTML); info("Try to copy the inner html"); await waitForClipboardPromise(() => innerHtmlMenu.click(), UGLY_INNER_HTML); info("Set the pref for beautifying html on copy"); await pushPref("devtools.markup.beautifyOnCopy", true); info("Try to copy the beautified outer html"); await waitForClipboardPromise(() => outerHtmlMenu.click(), FORMATTED_HTML); info("Try to copy the beautified inner html"); await waitForClipboardPromise( () => innerHtmlMenu.click(), FORMATTED_INNER_HTML ); info("Set the pref to stop expanding tabs into spaces"); await pushPref("devtools.editor.expandtab", false); info("Check that the beautified outer html uses tabs"); await waitForClipboardPromise( () => outerHtmlMenu.click(), TABS_FORMATTED_HTML ); info("Set the pref to expand tabs to 3 spaces"); await pushPref("devtools.editor.expandtab", true); await pushPref("devtools.editor.tabsize", 3); info("Try to copy the beautified outer html"); await waitForClipboardPromise( () => outerHtmlMenu.click(), THREE_SPACES_FORMATTED_HTML ); });