/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/shared-head.js", this ); function toggleMutationBreakpoint(inspector) { const allMenuItems = openContextMenuAndGetAllItems(inspector); const attributeMenuItem = allMenuItems.find( ({ id }) => id === "node-menu-mutation-breakpoint-attribute" ); attributeMenuItem.click(); } // Test inspector markup view handling DOM mutation breakpoints icons // The icon should display when a breakpoint exists for a given node add_task(async function () { const { inspector } = await openInspectorForURL( "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,


bar" ); await selectNode("span", inspector); toggleMutationBreakpoint(inspector); const span = await getContainerForSelector("span", inspector); const mutationMarker = span.tagLine.querySelector( ".markup-tag-mutation-marker" ); ok( mutationMarker.classList.contains("has-mutations"), "has-mutations class is present" ); toggleMutationBreakpoint(inspector); await waitFor(() => !mutationMarker.classList.contains("has-mutations")); ok(true, "has-mutations class is not present"); }); // Test that the inspector markup view dom mutation breakpoint icon behaves // correctly when disabled add_task(async function () { await pushPref("devtools.debugger.dom-mutation-breakpoints-visible", true); const { inspector, toolbox } = await openInspectorForURL( "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,


bar" ); await selectNode("span", inspector); toggleMutationBreakpoint(inspector); const span = await getContainerForSelector("span", inspector); const mutationMarker = span.tagLine.querySelector( ".markup-tag-mutation-marker" ); ok( mutationMarker.classList.contains("has-mutations"), "has-mutations class is present" ); is( mutationMarker.classList.contains("mutation-breakpoint-disabled"), false, "mutation-breakpoint-disabled class is not present" ); info("Switch over to the debugger pane"); await toolbox.selectTool("jsdebugger"); const dbg = createDebuggerContext(toolbox); const mutationItem = await waitForElement(dbg, "domMutationItem"); mutationItem.scrollIntoView(); info("Disable the DOM mutation breakpoint"); const checkbox = mutationItem.querySelector("input"); checkbox.click(); await waitFor(() => !checkbox.checked); await waitFor( () => mutationMarker.classList.contains("has-mutations") && mutationMarker.classList.contains("mutation-breakpoint-disabled") ); ok( true, "has-mutations and mutation-breakpoint-disabled classes are both present" ); info("Re-enable the DOM mutation breakpoint"); checkbox.click(); await waitFor(() => checkbox.checked); await waitFor( () => mutationMarker.classList.contains("has-mutations") && !mutationMarker.classList.contains("mutation-breakpoint-disabled") ); ok( true, "has-mutation class is present, mutation-breakpoint-disabled is not present" ); // Test re-enabling disabled dom mutation breakpoint from inspector info("Disable the DOM mutation breakpoint"); checkbox.click(); await waitFor(() => !checkbox.checked); await waitFor( () => mutationMarker.classList.contains("has-mutations") && mutationMarker.classList.contains("mutation-breakpoint-disabled") ); ok( true, "has-mutations and mutation-breakpoint-disabled classes are both present" ); info("Switch over to the inspector pane"); await toolbox.selectTool("inspector"); toggleMutationBreakpoint(inspector); await waitFor( () => mutationMarker.classList.contains("has-mutations") && !mutationMarker.classList.contains("mutation-breakpoint-disabled") ); ok( true, "has-mutation class is present, mutation-breakpoint-disabled is not present" ); }); // Test icon behavior with multiple breakpoints on the same node. add_task(async function () { await pushPref("devtools.debugger.dom-mutation-breakpoints-visible", true); const { inspector, toolbox } = await openInspectorForURL( "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,


bar" ); await selectNode("span", inspector); const span = await getContainerForSelector("span", inspector); const mutationMarker = span.tagLine.querySelector( ".markup-tag-mutation-marker" ); info("Add 2 DOM mutation breakpoints"); const allMenuItems = openContextMenuAndGetAllItems(inspector); const attributeMenuItem = allMenuItems.find( item => item.id === "node-menu-mutation-breakpoint-attribute" ); attributeMenuItem.click(); const subtreeMenuItem = allMenuItems.find( item => item.id === "node-menu-mutation-breakpoint-subtree" ); subtreeMenuItem.click(); info("Switch over to the debugger pane"); await toolbox.selectTool("jsdebugger"); const dbg = createDebuggerContext(toolbox); info("Confirm that DOM mutation breakpoints exists"); await waitForAllElements(dbg, "domMutationItem", 2, true); const mutationItem = await waitForElement(dbg, "domMutationItem"); mutationItem.scrollIntoView(); info("Disable 1 dom mutation breakpoint"); const checkbox = mutationItem.querySelector("input"); checkbox.click(); await waitFor(() => !checkbox.checked); await waitFor( () => mutationMarker.classList.contains("has-mutations") && !mutationMarker.classList.contains("mutation-breakpoint-disabled") ); ok( true, "has-mutation class is present, mutation-breakpoint-disabled is not present" ); });