/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests adding a rule on elements nested in iframes. const TEST_URI = `
`; add_task(async function () { await addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); await selectNode("div", inspector); await addNewRuleAndDismissEditor(inspector, view, "div", 1); await addNewProperty(view, 1, "color", "red"); await selectNodeInFrames(["#frame1", "div"], inspector); await addNewRuleAndDismissEditor(inspector, view, "div", 1); await addNewProperty(view, 1, "color", "blue"); await selectNodeInFrames(["#frame2", "div"], inspector); await addNewRuleAndDismissEditor(inspector, view, "div", 1); await addNewProperty(view, 1, "color", "green"); }); /** * Add a new property in the rule at the provided index in the rule view. * * @param {RuleView} view * @param {Number} index * The index of the rule in which we should add a new property. * @param {String} name * The name of the new property. * @param {String} value * The value of the new property. */ async function addNewProperty(view, index, name, value) { const idRuleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, index); info(`Adding new property "${name}: ${value};"`); const onRuleViewChanged = view.once("ruleview-changed"); idRuleEditor.addProperty(name, value, "", true); await onRuleViewChanged; const textProps = idRuleEditor.rule.textProps; const lastProperty = textProps[textProps.length - 1]; is(lastProperty.name, name, "Last property has the expected name"); is(lastProperty.value, value, "Last property has the expected value"); }