/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests that CSS property names and values are autocompleted and cycled // correctly when editing existing properties in the rule view. // format : // [ // what key to press, // modifers, // expected input box value after keypress, // is the popup open, // is a suggestion selected in the popup, // expect ruleview-changed, // ] const OPEN = true, SELECTED = true, CHANGE = true; var testData = [ ["b", {}, "beige", OPEN, SELECTED, CHANGE], ["l", {}, "black", OPEN, SELECTED, CHANGE], ["VK_DOWN", {}, "blanchedalmond", OPEN, SELECTED, CHANGE], ["VK_DOWN", {}, "blue", OPEN, SELECTED, CHANGE], ["VK_RIGHT", {}, "blue", !OPEN, !SELECTED, !CHANGE], [" ", {}, "blue aliceblue", OPEN, SELECTED, CHANGE], ["!", {}, "blue !important", !OPEN, !SELECTED, CHANGE], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, "blue !", !OPEN, !SELECTED, CHANGE], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, "blue ", !OPEN, !SELECTED, CHANGE], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, "blue", !OPEN, !SELECTED, CHANGE], ["VK_TAB", { shiftKey: true }, "color", !OPEN, !SELECTED, CHANGE], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, "", !OPEN, !SELECTED, !CHANGE], ["d", {}, "display", OPEN, SELECTED, !CHANGE], ["VK_TAB", {}, "blue", !OPEN, !SELECTED, CHANGE], ["n", {}, "none", !OPEN, !SELECTED, CHANGE], ["VK_RETURN", {}, null, !OPEN, !SELECTED, CHANGE], ]; const TEST_URI = "


"; add_task(async function () { await addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); const { toolbox, inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); info("Test autocompletion after 1st page load"); await runAutocompletionTest(toolbox, inspector, view); info("Test autocompletion after page navigation"); await reloadBrowser(); await runAutocompletionTest(toolbox, inspector, view); }); async function runAutocompletionTest(toolbox, inspector, view) { info("Selecting the test node"); await selectNode("h1", inspector); const prop = getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "red" }); info("Focusing the css property editable value"); let editor = await focusEditableField(view, prop.editor.valueSpan); info("Starting to test for css property completion"); for (let i = 0; i < testData.length; i++) { // Re-define the editor at each iteration, because the focus may have moved // from property to value and back editor = inplaceEditor(view.styleDocument.activeElement); await testCompletion(testData[i], editor, view); } } async function testCompletion( [key, modifiers, completion, open, selected, change], editor, view ) { info("Pressing key " + key); info("Expecting " + completion); info("Is popup opened: " + open); info("Is item selected: " + selected); let onDone; if (change) { // If the key triggers a ruleview-changed, wait for that event, it will // always be the last to be triggered and tells us when the preview has // been done. onDone = view.once("ruleview-changed"); } else { // Otherwise, expect an after-suggest event (except if the popup gets // closed). onDone = key !== "VK_RIGHT" && key !== "VK_BACK_SPACE" ? editor.once("after-suggest") : null; } info("Synthesizing key " + key + ", modifiers: " + Object.keys(modifiers)); // Also listening for popup opened/closed events if needed. const popupEvent = open ? "popup-opened" : "popup-closed"; const onPopupEvent = editor.popup.isOpen !== open ? once(editor.popup, popupEvent) : null; EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, modifiers, view.styleWindow); // Flush the debounce for the preview text. view.debounce.flush(); await onDone; await onPopupEvent; // The key might have been a TAB or shift-TAB, in which case the editor will // be a new one editor = inplaceEditor(view.styleDocument.activeElement); info("Checking the state"); if (completion !== null) { is(editor.input.value, completion, "Correct value is autocompleted"); } if (!open) { ok(!(editor.popup && editor.popup.isOpen), "Popup is closed"); } else { ok(editor.popup.isOpen, "Popup is open"); is(editor.popup.selectedIndex !== -1, selected, "An item is selected"); } }