/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that the rule-view content displays @import conditions. const TEST_URI = `

Hello @import!

`; add_task(async function () { // Enable the pref for @import supports() await pushPref("layout.css.import-supports.enabled", true); await addTab( "https://example.com/document-builder.sjs?html=" + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI) ); const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); await selectNode("h1", inspector); const expectedRules = [ { selector: "element", ancestorRulesData: null }, { // Checking that we don't show @import for rules from imported stylesheet with no conditions selector: `h1, [test-hint="imported-no-layer--no-rule-layer"]`, ancestorRulesData: null, }, { selector: `h1, [test-hint="imported-conditional"]`, ancestorRulesData: [ "@import supports(display: flex) screen and (width > 10px)", ], }, { selector: `h1, [test-hint="imported-conditional"]`, ancestorRulesData: ["@import supports(display: flex)"], }, { selector: `h1, [test-hint="imported-conditional"]`, ancestorRulesData: ["@import screen and (width > 10px)"], }, { selector: `h1, [test-hint="imported-named-layer--no-rule-layer"]`, ancestorRulesData: [ "@import supports(display: flex) screen and (width > 10px)", "@layer importedLayerTwo", "@media screen", ], }, { selector: `h1, [test-hint="imported-named-layer--named-layer"]`, ancestorRulesData: [ "@import supports(display: flex) screen and (width > 10px)", "@layer importedLayerTwo", "@media screen", "@layer in-imported-stylesheet", ], }, { selector: `h1, [test-hint="imported-named-layer--no-rule-layer"]`, ancestorRulesData: [ "@import (height > 42px)", "@layer importedLayer", "@media screen", ], }, { selector: `h1, [test-hint="imported-named-layer--named-layer"]`, ancestorRulesData: [ "@import (height > 42px)", "@layer importedLayer", "@media screen", "@layer in-imported-stylesheet", ], }, ]; const rulesInView = Array.from(view.element.children); is( rulesInView.length, expectedRules.length, "All expected rules are displayed" ); for (let i = 0; i < expectedRules.length; i++) { const expectedRule = expectedRules[i]; info(`Checking rule #${i}: ${expectedRule.selector}`); const selector = rulesInView[i].querySelector( ".ruleview-selectorcontainer" ).innerText; is(selector, expectedRule.selector, `Expected selector for ${selector}`); if (expectedRule.ancestorRulesData == null) { is( getRuleViewAncestorRulesDataElementByIndex(view, i), null, `No ancestor rules data displayed for ${selector}` ); } else { is( getRuleViewAncestorRulesDataTextByIndex(view, i), expectedRule.ancestorRulesData.join("\n"), `Expected ancestor rules data displayed for ${selector}` ); } } });