/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test the rule-view content when the inspector gets opened via the page // ctx-menu "inspect element" const CONTENT = `

test element

`; add_task(async function () { await addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + CONTENT); // const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab); // // Initialize the TargetCommands which require some async stuff to be done // // before being fully ready. This will define the `targetCommand.targetFront` attribute. // await commands.targetCommand.startListening(); const inspector = await clickOnInspectMenuItem("span"); checkRuleViewContent(inspector.getPanel("ruleview").view); }); function checkRuleViewContent({ styleDocument }) { info("Making sure the rule-view contains the expected content"); const headers = [...styleDocument.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-header")]; is(headers.length, 3, "There are 3 headers for inherited rules"); is( headers[0].textContent, STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getFormatStr("rule.inheritedFrom", "p"), "The first header is correct" ); is( headers[1].textContent, STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getFormatStr("rule.inheritedFrom", "div"), "The second header is correct" ); is( headers[2].textContent, STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getFormatStr("rule.inheritedFrom", "body"), "The third header is correct" ); const rules = styleDocument.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-rule"); is(rules.length, 4, "There are 4 rules in the view"); for (const rule of rules) { const selector = rule.querySelector(".ruleview-selectorcontainer"); is( selector.textContent, STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr("rule.sourceElement"), "The rule's selector is correct" ); const propertyNames = [...rule.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-propertyname")]; is(propertyNames.length, 1, "There's only one property name, as expected"); const propertyValues = [ ...rule.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-propertyvalue"), ]; is( propertyValues.length, 1, "There's only one property value, as expected" ); } }