/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that verifies the content of the keyframes rule and property changes // to keyframe rules. const TEST_URI = URL_ROOT + "doc_keyframeanimation.html"; add_task(async function () { await addTab(TEST_URI); const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); await testPacman(inspector, view); await testBoxy(inspector, view); }); async function testPacman(inspector, view) { info("Test content in the keyframes rule of #pacman"); const rules = await getKeyframeRules("#pacman", inspector, view); info("Test text properties for Keyframes #pacman"); is( convertTextPropsToString(rules.keyframeRules[0].textProps), "left: 750px", "Keyframe pacman (100%) property is correct" ); // Dynamic changes test disabled because of Bug 1050940 // If this part of the test is ever enabled again, it should be changed to // use addProperty (in head.js) and stop using _applyingModifications // info("Test dynamic changes to keyframe rule for #pacman"); // let defaultView = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; // let ruleEditor = view.element.children[5].childNodes[0]._ruleEditor; // ruleEditor.addProperty("opacity", "0", true); // yield ruleEditor._applyingModifications; // yield once(element, "animationend"); // is // ( // convertTextPropsToString(rules.keyframeRules[1].textProps), // "left: 750px; opacity: 0", // "Keyframe pacman (100%) property is correct" // ); // is(defaultView.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue("opacity"), "0", // "Added opacity property should have been used."); } async function testBoxy(inspector, view) { info("Test content in the keyframes rule of #boxy"); const rules = await getKeyframeRules("#boxy", inspector, view); info("Test text properties for Keyframes #boxy"); is( convertTextPropsToString(rules.keyframeRules[0].textProps), "background-color: blue", "Keyframe boxy (10%) property is correct" ); is( convertTextPropsToString(rules.keyframeRules[1].textProps), "background-color: green", "Keyframe boxy (20%) property is correct" ); is( convertTextPropsToString(rules.keyframeRules[2].textProps), "opacity: 0", "Keyframe boxy (100%) property is correct" ); } function convertTextPropsToString(textProps) { return textProps.map(t => t.name + ": " + t.value).join("; "); } async function getKeyframeRules(selector, inspector, view) { await selectNode(selector, inspector); const elementStyle = view._elementStyle; const rules = { elementRules: elementStyle.rules.filter(rule => !rule.keyframes), keyframeRules: elementStyle.rules.filter(rule => rule.keyframes), }; return rules; }