/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that the rule-view behaves correctly when entering mutliple and/or // unfinished properties/values in inplace-editors const TEST_URI = "
Test Element
"; add_task(async function () { await addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); await selectNode("div", inspector); const ruleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, 0); // Note that we wait for a markup mutation here because this new rule will end // up creating a style attribute on the node shown in the markup-view. // (we also wait for the rule-view to refresh). const onMutation = inspector.once("markupmutation"); const onRuleViewChanged = view.once("ruleview-changed"); await createNewRuleViewProperty( ruleEditor, "color:red;color:orange;color:yellow;color:green;color:blue;color:indigo;" + "color:violet;" ); await onMutation; await onRuleViewChanged; is( ruleEditor.rule.textProps.length, 7, "Should have created new text properties." ); is( ruleEditor.propertyList.children.length, 8, "Should have created new property editors." ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "red" }).name, "color", "Should have correct property name" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "red" }).value, "red", "Should have correct property value" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "orange" }).name, "color", "Should have correct property name" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "orange" }).value, "orange", "Should have correct property value" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "yellow" }).name, "color", "Should have correct property name" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "yellow" }).value, "yellow", "Should have correct property value" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "green" }).name, "color", "Should have correct property name" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "green" }).value, "green", "Should have correct property value" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "blue" }).name, "color", "Should have correct property name" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "blue" }).value, "blue", "Should have correct property value" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "indigo" }).name, "color", "Should have correct property name" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "indigo" }).value, "indigo", "Should have correct property value" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "violet" }).name, "color", "Should have correct property name" ); is( getTextProperty(view, 0, { color: "violet" }).value, "violet", "Should have correct property value" ); });