/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that the dimensions of the preview tooltips are correctly updated to fit their // content. // Small 32x32 image. const BASE_64_URL = "" + "0AAAAUElEQVRYR+3UsQkAQAhD0TjJ7T+Wk3gbxMIizbcVITwwJWlkZtptpXp+v94TAAEE4gLTvgfOf770RB" + "EAAQTiAvEiIgACCMQF4kVEAAQQSAt8xsyeAW6R8eIAAAAASUVORK5CYII="; add_task(async function () { await addTab( "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(`
inspect me
`) ); const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); await selectNode("#target", inspector); // Note: See intermittent Bug 1721743. // On linux webrender opt, the inspector might open the ruleview before it has // been populated with the rules for the div. info("Wait until the rule view property is rendered"); const colorPropertyElement = await waitFor(() => getRuleViewProperty(view, "#target", "color") ); // Retrieve the element for `--test-var` on which the CSS variable tooltip will appear. const colorPropertySpan = colorPropertyElement.valueSpan; const colorVariableElement = colorPropertySpan.querySelector(".ruleview-variable"); // Retrieve the element for the background url on which the image preview will appear. const backgroundPropertySpan = getRuleViewProperty( view, "#target", "background" ).valueSpan; const backgroundUrlElement = backgroundPropertySpan.querySelector(".theme-link"); info("Show preview tooltip for CSS variable"); let previewTooltip = await assertShowPreviewTooltip( view, colorVariableElement ); // Measure tooltip dimensions. let tooltipRect = previewTooltip.panel.getBoundingClientRect(); const originalHeight = tooltipRect.height; const originalWidth = tooltipRect.width; info(`Original dimensions: ${originalWidth} x ${originalHeight}`); await assertTooltipHiddenOnMouseOut(previewTooltip, colorVariableElement); info("Show preview tooltip for background url"); previewTooltip = await assertShowPreviewTooltip(view, backgroundUrlElement); // Compare new tooltip dimensions to previous measures. tooltipRect = previewTooltip.panel.getBoundingClientRect(); info( `Image preview dimensions: ${tooltipRect.width} x ${tooltipRect.height}` ); ok( tooltipRect.height > originalHeight, "Tooltip is taller for image preview" ); ok( tooltipRect.width < originalWidth, "Tooltip is narrower for image preview" ); await assertTooltipHiddenOnMouseOut(previewTooltip, colorVariableElement); info("Show preview tooltip for CSS variable again"); previewTooltip = await assertShowPreviewTooltip(view, colorVariableElement); // Check measures are identical to initial ones. tooltipRect = previewTooltip.panel.getBoundingClientRect(); info( `CSS variable tooltip dimensions: ${tooltipRect.width} x ${tooltipRect.height}` ); is( tooltipRect.height, originalHeight, "Tooltip has the same height as the original" ); is( tooltipRect.width, originalWidth, "Tooltip has the same width as the original" ); await assertTooltipHiddenOnMouseOut(previewTooltip, colorVariableElement); });