/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests for visited/unvisited rule. const TEST_URI = URL_ROOT + "doc_visited.html"; add_task(async () => { info("Open a url which has a visited and an unvisited link"); const tab = await addTab(TEST_URI); info("Wait until the visited link is available"); await waitUntilVisitedState(tab, ["#visited"]); info("Open the inspector"); const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); info("Check whether the rule view is shown correctly for visited element"); await selectNode("#visited", inspector); ok(getRuleViewRule(view, "a:visited"), "Rule of a:visited is shown"); ok(!getRuleViewRule(view, "a:link"), "Rule of a:link is not shown"); ok(getRuleViewRule(view, "a"), "Rule of a is shown"); info("Check whether the rule view is shown correctly for unvisited element"); await selectNode("#unvisited", inspector); ok(!getRuleViewRule(view, "a:visited"), "Rule of a:visited is not shown"); ok(getRuleViewRule(view, "a:link"), "Rule of a:link is shown"); ok(getRuleViewRule(view, "a"), "Rule of a is shown"); });