/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests to make sure that URLs are clickable in the rule view const TEST_URI = URL_ROOT_SSL + "doc_urls_clickable.html"; const TEST_IMAGE = URL_ROOT_SSL + "doc_test_image.png"; const BASE_64_URL = "" + "FCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4//8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAA" + "BJRU5ErkJggg=="; add_task(async function () { await addTab(TEST_URI); const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); await selectNodes(inspector, view); }); async function selectNodes(inspector, ruleView) { const relative1 = ".relative1"; const relative2 = ".relative2"; const absolute = ".absolute"; const inline = ".inline"; const base64 = ".base64"; const noimage = ".noimage"; const inlineresolved = ".inline-resolved"; await selectNode(relative1, inspector); let relativeLink = ruleView.styleDocument.querySelector( ".ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer a" ); ok(relativeLink, "Link exists for relative1 node"); is(relativeLink.getAttribute("href"), TEST_IMAGE, "href matches"); await selectNode(relative2, inspector); relativeLink = ruleView.styleDocument.querySelector( ".ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer a" ); ok(relativeLink, "Link exists for relative2 node"); is(relativeLink.getAttribute("href"), TEST_IMAGE, "href matches"); await selectNode(absolute, inspector); const absoluteLink = ruleView.styleDocument.querySelector( ".ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer a" ); ok(absoluteLink, "Link exists for absolute node"); is(absoluteLink.getAttribute("href"), TEST_IMAGE, "href matches"); await selectNode(inline, inspector); const inlineLink = ruleView.styleDocument.querySelector( ".ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer a" ); ok(inlineLink, "Link exists for inline node"); is(inlineLink.getAttribute("href"), TEST_IMAGE, "href matches"); await selectNode(base64, inspector); const base64Link = ruleView.styleDocument.querySelector( ".ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer a" ); ok(base64Link, "Link exists for base64 node"); is(base64Link.getAttribute("href"), BASE_64_URL, "href matches"); await selectNode(inlineresolved, inspector); const inlineResolvedLink = ruleView.styleDocument.querySelector( ".ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer a" ); ok(inlineResolvedLink, "Link exists for style tag node"); is(inlineResolvedLink.getAttribute("href"), TEST_IMAGE, "href matches"); await selectNode(noimage, inspector); const noimageLink = ruleView.styleDocument.querySelector( ".ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer a" ); ok(!noimageLink, "There is no link for the node with no background image"); }