/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Basic tests for exporting Network panel content into HAR format. */ const EXPECTED_REQUEST_HEADER_COUNT = 9; const EXPECTED_RESPONSE_HEADER_COUNT = 6; add_task(async function () { // Disable tcp fast open, because it is setting a response header indicator // (bug 1352274). TCP Fast Open is not present on all platforms therefore the // number of response headers will vary depending on the platform. await pushPref("network.tcp.tcp_fastopen_enable", false); const { tab, monitor, toolbox } = await initNetMonitor(SIMPLE_URL, { requestCount: 1, }); info("Starting test... "); await testSimpleReload({ tab, monitor, toolbox }); await testResponseBodyLimits({ tab, monitor, toolbox }); await testManyReloads({ tab, monitor, toolbox }); await testClearedRequests({ tab, monitor, toolbox }); // Do not use teardown(monitor) as testClearedRequests register broken requests // which never complete and would block on waitForAllNetworkUpdateEvents await closeTabAndToolbox(); }); async function testSimpleReload({ tab, monitor, toolbox }) { info("Test with a simple page reload"); const har = await reloadAndCopyAllAsHar({ tab, monitor, toolbox }); // Check out HAR log isnot(har.log, null, "The HAR log must exist"); is(har.log.creator.name, "Firefox", "The creator field must be set"); is(har.log.browser.name, "Firefox", "The browser field must be set"); is(har.log.pages.length, 1, "There must be one page"); is(har.log.entries.length, 1, "There must be one request"); const page = har.log.pages[0]; is(page.title, "Network Monitor test page", "There must be some page title"); ok("onContentLoad" in page.pageTimings, "There must be onContentLoad time"); ok("onLoad" in page.pageTimings, "There must be onLoad time"); const entry = har.log.entries[0]; assertNavigationRequestEntry(entry); info("We get the response content and timings when doing a simple reload"); isnot(entry.response.content.text, undefined, "Check response body"); is(entry.response.content.text.length, 465, "Response body is complete"); isnot(entry.timings, undefined, "Check timings"); } async function testResponseBodyLimits({ tab, monitor, toolbox }) { info("Test response body limit (non zero)."); await pushPref("devtools.netmonitor.responseBodyLimit", 10); let har = await reloadAndCopyAllAsHar({ tab, monitor, toolbox }); let entry = har.log.entries[0]; is(entry.response.content.text.length, 10, "Response body must be truncated"); info("Test response body limit (zero)."); await pushPref("devtools.netmonitor.responseBodyLimit", 0); har = await reloadAndCopyAllAsHar({ tab, monitor, toolbox }); entry = har.log.entries[0]; is( entry.response.content.text.length, 465, "Response body must not be truncated" ); } async function testManyReloads({ tab, monitor, toolbox }) { const har = await reloadAndCopyAllAsHar({ tab, monitor, toolbox, reloadTwice: true, }); // In most cases, we will have two requests, but sometimes, // the first one might be missing as we couldn't fetch any lazy data for it. ok(har.log.entries.length >= 1, "There must be at least one request"); info( "Assert the first navigation request which has been cancelled by the second reload" ); // Requests may come out of order, so try to find the bogus cancelled request let entry = har.log.entries.find(e => e.response.status == 0); if (entry) { ok(entry, "Found the cancelled request"); is(entry.request.method, "GET", "Method is set"); is(entry.request.url, SIMPLE_URL, "URL is set"); // We always get the following headers: // "Host", "User-agent", "Accept", "Accept-Language", "Accept-Encoding", "Connection" // but are missing the three last headers: // "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "Pragma", "Cache-Control" is(entry.request.headers.length, 6, "But headers are partialy populated"); is(entry.response.status, 0, "And status is set to 0"); } entry = har.log.entries.find(e => e.response.status != 0); assertNavigationRequestEntry(entry); } async function testClearedRequests({ tab, monitor, toolbox }) { info("Navigate to an empty page"); const topDocumentURL = "https://example.org/document-builder.sjs?html=empty-document"; const iframeURL = "https://example.org/document-builder.sjs?html=" + encodeURIComponent( `iframe` ); await waitForAllNetworkUpdateEvents(); await navigateTo(topDocumentURL); info("Create an iframe doing a request and remove the iframe."); info( "Doing this, should notify a network request that is destroyed on the server side" ); const onNetworkEvents = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 2); await SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [iframeURL], async function (_iframeURL) { const iframe = content.document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("src", _iframeURL); content.document.body.appendChild(iframe); } ); // Wait for the two request to be processed (iframe doc + fetch requests) // before removing the iframe so that the netmonitor is able to fetch // all lazy data without throwing await onNetworkEvents; await waitForAllNetworkUpdateEvents(); info("Remove the iframe so that lazy request data are freed"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], async function () { content.document.querySelector("iframe").remove(); }); // HAR will try to re-fetch lazy data and may throw on the iframe fetch request. // This subtest is meants to verify we aren't throwing here and HAR export // works fine, even if some requests can't be fetched. const har = await copyAllAsHARWithContextMenu(monitor); is(har.log.entries.length, 2, "There must be two requests"); is( har.log.entries[0].request.url, topDocumentURL, "First request is for the top level document" ); is( har.log.entries[1].request.url, iframeURL, "Second request is for the iframe" ); info( "The fetch request doesn't appear in HAR export, because its lazy data is freed and we completely ignore the request." ); } function assertNavigationRequestEntry(entry) { info("Assert that the entry relates to the navigation request"); ok(entry.time > 0, "Check the total time"); is(entry.request.method, "GET", "Check the method"); is(entry.request.url, SIMPLE_URL, "Check the URL"); is( entry.request.headers.length, EXPECTED_REQUEST_HEADER_COUNT, "Check number of request headers" ); is(entry.response.status, 200, "Check response status"); is(entry.response.statusText, "OK", "Check response status text"); is( entry.response.headers.length, EXPECTED_RESPONSE_HEADER_COUNT, "Check number of response headers" ); is( entry.response.content.mimeType, "text/html", "Check response content type" ); } /** * Reload the page and copy all as HAR. */ async function reloadAndCopyAllAsHar({ tab, monitor, toolbox, reloadTwice = false, }) { const { store, windowRequire } = monitor.panelWin; const Actions = windowRequire("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/actions/index"); store.dispatch(Actions.batchEnable(false)); const onNetworkEvent = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 1); const { onDomCompleteResource } = await waitForNextTopLevelDomCompleteResource(toolbox.commands); if (reloadTwice) { reloadBrowser(); } await reloadBrowser(); info("Waiting for network events"); await onNetworkEvent; info("Waiting for DOCUMENT_EVENT dom-complete resource"); await onDomCompleteResource; return copyAllAsHARWithContextMenu(monitor); }