/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests if copying a request's url works. */ add_task(async function () { const { tab, monitor } = await initNetMonitor(CUSTOM_GET_URL, { requestCount: 1, }); info("Starting test... "); const { document, store, windowRequire } = monitor.panelWin; const { getSortedRequests } = windowRequire( "devtools/client/netmonitor/src/selectors/index" ); // Execute requests. await performRequests(monitor, tab, 1); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent( { type: "mousedown" }, document.querySelectorAll(".request-list-item")[0] ); const requestItem = getSortedRequests(store.getState())[0]; info("Simulating CmdOrCtrl+C on a first element of the request table"); await waitForClipboardPromise( () => synthesizeKeyShortcut("CmdOrCtrl+C"), requestItem.url ); emptyClipboard(); info("Simulating context click on a first element of the request table"); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent( { type: "contextmenu" }, document.querySelectorAll(".request-list-item")[0] ); await waitForClipboardPromise(async function setup() { await selectContextMenuItem(monitor, "request-list-context-copy-url"); }, requestItem.url); await teardown(monitor); });