/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const K = 1024; const M = 1024 * 1024; const Bps = 1 / 8; const KBps = K * Bps; const MBps = M * Bps; const { LocalizationHelper } = require("resource://devtools/shared/l10n.js"); const L10N = new LocalizationHelper( "devtools/client/locales/network-throttling.properties" ); /** * Predefined network throttling profiles. * Speeds are in bytes per second. Latency is in ms. */ class ThrottlingProfile { constructor({ id, download, upload, latency }) { this.id = id; this.download = download; this.upload = upload; this.latency = latency; } get description() { const download = this.#toDescriptionData(this.download); const upload = this.#toDescriptionData(this.upload); return L10N.getFormatStr( "throttling.profile.description", download.value, download.unit, upload.value, upload.unit, this.latency ); } #toDescriptionData(val) { if (val % MBps === 0) { return { value: val / MBps, unit: "Mbps" }; } return { value: val / KBps, unit: "Kbps" }; } } // Should be synced with devtools/docs/user/network_monitor/throttling/index.rst const profiles = [ { id: "GPRS", download: 50 * KBps, upload: 20 * KBps, latency: 500, }, { id: "Regular 2G", download: 250 * KBps, upload: 50 * KBps, latency: 300, }, { id: "Good 2G", download: 450 * KBps, upload: 150 * KBps, latency: 150, }, { id: "Regular 3G", download: 750 * KBps, upload: 250 * KBps, latency: 100, }, { id: "Good 3G", download: 1.5 * MBps, upload: 750 * KBps, latency: 40, }, { id: "Regular 4G / LTE", download: 4 * MBps, upload: 3 * MBps, latency: 20, }, { id: "DSL", download: 2 * MBps, upload: 1 * MBps, latency: 5, }, { id: "Wi-Fi", download: 30 * MBps, upload: 15 * MBps, latency: 2, }, ].map(profile => new ThrottlingProfile(profile)); module.exports = profiles;