/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
add_task(async function () {
// Bug 1617611: Fix all the tests broken by "cookies SameSite=lax by default"
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault", false]],
const URL1 = buildURLWithContent(
` + ``
const URL2 = buildURLWithContent(
` +
`` +
const URL_IFRAME = buildURLWithContent(
` + ``
// open tab
await openTabAndSetupStorage(URL1);
const doc = gPanelWindow.document;
// Check first domain
// check that both host appear in the storage tree
checkTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.com"]);
// check the table for values
await selectTreeItem(["cookies", "https://example.com"]);
checkCookieData("lorem", "ipsum");
// NOTE: No need to clean up cookies since Services.cookies.removeAll() from
// the registered clean up function will remove all of them.
// Check second domain
await navigateTo(URL2);
// wait for storage tree refresh, and check host
info("Waiting for storage tree to refresh and show correct host…");
await waitUntil(
() =>
isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.net"]) &&
!isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.com"])
!isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.com"]),
"example.com item is not in the tree anymore"
// check the table for values
// NOTE: there's an issue with the TreeWidget in which `selectedItem` is set
// but we have nothing selected in the UI. See Bug 1712706.
// Here we are forcing selecting a different item first.
await selectTreeItem(["cookies"]);
await selectTreeItem(["cookies", "https://example.net"]);
info("Waiting for table data to update and show correct values");
await waitUntil(() => hasCookieData("foo", "bar"));
// reload the current page, and check again
await reloadBrowser();
// wait for storage tree refresh, and check host
info("Waiting for storage tree to refresh and show correct host…");
await waitUntil(() => isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.net"]));
// check the table for values
// NOTE: there's an issue with the TreeWidget in which `selectedItem` is set
// but we have nothing selected in the UI. See Bug 1712706.
// Here we are forcing selecting a different item first.
await selectTreeItem(["cookies"]);
await selectTreeItem(["cookies", "https://example.net"]);
info("Waiting for table data to update and show correct values");
await waitUntil(() => hasCookieData("foo", "bar"));
// make the iframe navigate to a different domain
const onStorageTreeUpdated = gUI.once("store-objects-edit");
await SpecialPowers.spawn(
async function (url) {
const iframe = content.document.querySelector("iframe");
const onIframeLoaded = new Promise(loaded =>
iframe.addEventListener("load", loaded, { once: true })
iframe.src = url;
await onIframeLoaded;
info("Waiting for storage tree to update");
await onStorageTreeUpdated;
info("Waiting for storage tree to refresh and show correct host…");
await waitUntil(() => isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.org"]));
info("Checking cookie data");
await selectTreeItem(["cookies", "https://example.org"]);
checkCookieData("hello", "world");
"Navigate to the first URL to check that the multiple hosts in the current document are all removed"
await navigateTo(URL1);
ok(true, "navigated");
await waitUntil(() => isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.com"]));
!isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.net"]),
"host of previous document (example.net) is not in the tree anymore"
!isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.org"]),
"host of iframe in previous document (example.org) is not in the tree anymore"
info("Navigate backward to test bfcache navigation");
await waitUntil(
() =>
isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.net"]) &&
isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.org"])
!isInTree(doc, ["cookies", "https://example.com"]),
"host of previous document (example.com) is not in the tree anymore"
info("Check that the Cookies node still has the expected label");
getTreeNodeLabel(doc, ["cookies"]),
"Cookies item is properly displayed"