/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that the autocomplete popup is resized when needed. const TEST_URI = `data:text/html;charset=utf-8,
Test`; add_task(async function () { const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI); const { jsterm } = hud; const { autocompletePopup: popup } = jsterm; info(`wait for completion suggestions for "xx"`); await setInputValueForAutocompletion(hud, "xx"); ok(popup.isOpen, "popup is open"); const expectedPopupItems = ["xx", "xxx"]; ok( hasExactPopupLabels(popup, expectedPopupItems), "popup has expected items" ); const originalWidth = popup._tooltip.container.clientWidth; ok( originalWidth >= getLongestLabelWidth(jsterm), `popup (${originalWidth}px) is at least wider than the width of the longest list item (${getLongestLabelWidth( jsterm )}px)` ); info(`wait for completion suggestions for "xx."`); let onAutocompleteUpdated = jsterm.once("autocomplete-updated"); EventUtils.sendString("."); await onAutocompleteUpdated; ok( hasExactPopupLabels(popup, ["y".repeat(10), "z".repeat(20)]), "popup has expected items" ); const newPopupWidth = popup._tooltip.container.clientWidth; ok( newPopupWidth >= originalWidth, `The popup width was updated (${originalWidth}px -> ${newPopupWidth}px)` ); ok( newPopupWidth >= getLongestLabelWidth(jsterm), `popup (${newPopupWidth}px) is at least wider than the width of the longest list item (${getLongestLabelWidth( jsterm )}px)` ); info(`wait for completion suggestions for "xx"`); onAutocompleteUpdated = jsterm.once("autocomplete-updated"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Backspace"); await onAutocompleteUpdated; is( popup._tooltip.container.clientWidth, originalWidth, "popup is back to its original width" ); info("Close autocomplete popup"); await closeAutocompletePopup(hud); }); function getLongestLabelWidth(jsterm) { return ( jsterm._inputCharWidth * getAutocompletePopupLabels(jsterm.autocompletePopup).sort( (a, b) => a < b )[0].length ); }