/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests that code completion works properly in regards to case sensitivity. "use strict"; const TEST_URI = `data:text/html;charset=utf8,
test case-sensitivity completion. `; add_task(async function () { const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI); const { jsterm } = hud; const { autocompletePopup } = jsterm; const checkInput = (expected, assertionInfo) => checkInputValueAndCursorPosition(hud, expected, assertionInfo); info("Check that lowercased input is case-insensitive"); await setInputValueForAutocompletion(hud, "foob"); ok( hasExactPopupLabels(autocompletePopup, ["fooBar", "FooBar"]), "popup has expected item, in expected order" ); checkInputCompletionValue(hud, "ar", "completeNode has expected value"); info("Check that filtering the autocomplete cache is also case insensitive"); let onAutoCompleteUpdated = jsterm.once("autocomplete-updated"); // Send "a" to make the input "fooba" EventUtils.sendString("a"); await onAutoCompleteUpdated; checkInput("fooba|"); ok( hasExactPopupLabels(autocompletePopup, ["fooBar", "FooBar"]), "popup cache filtering is also case-insensitive" ); checkInputCompletionValue(hud, "r", "completeNode has expected value"); info( "Check that accepting the completion value will change the input casing" ); let onPopupClose = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab"); await onPopupClose; checkInput("fooBar|", "The input was completed with the correct casing"); checkInputCompletionValue(hud, "", "completeNode is empty"); info("Check that the popup is displayed with only 1 matching item"); onAutoCompleteUpdated = jsterm.once("autocomplete-updated"); EventUtils.sendString(".f"); await onAutoCompleteUpdated; ok(autocompletePopup.isOpen, "autocomplete popup is open"); // Here we want to match "Foo", and since the completion text will only be "oo", we want // to display the popup so the user knows that we are matching "Foo" and not "foo". checkInput("fooBar.f|"); ok(true, "The popup was opened even if there's 1 item matching"); ok( hasExactPopupLabels(autocompletePopup, ["Foo"]), "popup has expected item" ); checkInputCompletionValue(hud, "oo", "completeNode has expected value"); onPopupClose = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab"); await onPopupClose; checkInput("fooBar.Foo|", "The input was completed with the correct casing"); checkInputCompletionValue(hud, "", "completeNode is empty"); info("Check that Javascript keywords are displayed first"); await setInputValueForAutocompletion(hud, "func"); ok( hasExactPopupLabels(autocompletePopup, ["function", "Function"]), "popup has expected item" ); checkInputCompletionValue(hud, "tion", "completeNode has expected value"); onPopupClose = autocompletePopup.once("popup-closed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab"); await onPopupClose; checkInput("function|", "The input was completed as expected"); checkInputCompletionValue(hud, "", "completeNode is empty"); info("Check that filtering the cache works like on the server"); await setInputValueForAutocompletion(hud, "fooBar."); ok( hasExactPopupLabels(autocompletePopup, ["test", "Foo", "Test", "TEST"]), "popup has expected items" ); onAutoCompleteUpdated = jsterm.once("autocomplete-updated"); EventUtils.sendString("T"); await onAutoCompleteUpdated; ok( hasExactPopupLabels(autocompletePopup, ["Test", "TEST"]), "popup was filtered case-sensitively, as expected" ); info("Close autocomplete popup"); await closeAutocompletePopup(hud); });