/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Check that the editor toolbar works as expected when in editor mode. "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf8,
Test editor toolbar"; add_task(async function () { await pushPref("devtools.webconsole.input.editor", false); const tab = await addTab(TEST_URI); let hud = await openConsole(tab); info("Test that the toolbar is not displayed when in editor mode"); let toolbar = getEditorToolbar(hud); is(toolbar, null, "The toolbar isn't displayed when not in editor mode"); await closeToolbox(); await pushPref("devtools.webconsole.input.editor", true); hud = await openConsole(tab); info("Test that the toolbar is displayed when in editor mode"); toolbar = getEditorToolbar(hud); ok(toolbar, "The toolbar is displayed when in editor mode"); info("Test that the toolbar has the expected items"); const runButton = toolbar.querySelector( ".webconsole-editor-toolbar-executeButton" ); is(runButton.textContent, "Run", "The button has the expected text"); const keyShortcut = (Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin" ? "Cmd" : "Ctrl") + " + Enter"; is( runButton.getAttribute("title"), `Run expression (${keyShortcut}). This won’t clear the input.`, "The Run Button has the correct title" ); info("Test that clicking on the Run button works as expected"); const jsTestStatememts = Object.entries({ // input: output, "`${1 + 1} = 2`": "2 = 2", '`${"area" + 51} = aliens?`': "area51 = aliens?", }); for (const [input, output] of jsTestStatememts) { // Setting the input value. setInputValue(hud, input); runButton.click(); await waitFor(() => findMessageByType(hud, input, ".command")); await waitFor(() => findEvaluationResultMessage(hud, output)); ok(true, "The expression and its result are displayed in the output"); ok( isInputFocused(hud), "input is still focused after clicking the Run button" ); } // Clear JS Term beform testing history buttons setInputValue(hud, ""); info("Test that clicking the previous expression button works as expected"); const prevHistoryButton = toolbar.querySelector( ".webconsole-editor-toolbar-history-prevExpressionButton" ); is( prevHistoryButton.getAttribute("title"), "Previous Expression", "The Previous Expression Button has the correct title" ); for (const [input] of jsTestStatememts.slice().reverse()) { prevHistoryButton.click(); is( getInputValue(hud), input, `The JS Terminal Editor has the correct previous expresion ${input}` ); } info("Test that clicking the next expression button works as expected"); const nextHistoryButton = toolbar.querySelector( ".webconsole-editor-toolbar-history-nextExpressionButton" ); is( nextHistoryButton.getAttribute("title"), "Next Expression", "The Next Expression Button has the correct title" ); nextHistoryButton.click(); const [nextHistoryJsStatement] = jsTestStatememts.slice(-1).pop(); is( getInputValue(hud), nextHistoryJsStatement, `The JS Terminal Editor has the correct next expresion ${nextHistoryJsStatement}` ); nextHistoryButton.click(); is(getInputValue(hud), ""); info("Test that clicking the pretty print button works as expected"); const expressionToPrettyPrint = [ // [raw, prettified, prettifiedWithTab, prettifiedWith4Spaces] ["fn=n=>n*n", "fn = n => n * n", "fn = n => n * n", "fn = n => n * n"], [ "{x:1, y:2}", "{\n x: 1,\n y: 2\n}", "{\n\tx: 1,\n\ty: 2\n}", "{\n x: 1,\n y: 2\n}", ], [ "async function test() {await new Promise(res => {})}", "async function test() {\n await new Promise(res => {})\n}", "async function test() {\n\tawait new Promise(res => {})\n}", "async function test() {\n await new Promise(res => {})\n}", ], ]; const prettyPrintButton = toolbar.querySelector( ".webconsole-editor-toolbar-prettyPrintButton" ); ok(prettyPrintButton, "The pretty print button is displayed in editor mode"); for (const [ input, output, outputWithTab, outputWith4Spaces, ] of expressionToPrettyPrint) { // Setting the input value. setInputValue(hud, input); await pushPref("devtools.editor.tabsize", 2); prettyPrintButton.click(); is( getInputValue(hud), output, `Pretty print works for expression ${input}` ); // Turn on indent with tab. await pushPref("devtools.editor.expandtab", false); prettyPrintButton.click(); is( getInputValue(hud), outputWithTab, `Pretty print works for expression ${input} when expandtab is false` ); await pushPref("devtools.editor.expandtab", true); // Set indent size to 4. await pushPref("devtools.editor.tabsize", 4); prettyPrintButton.click(); is( getInputValue(hud), outputWith4Spaces, `Pretty print works for expression ${input} when tabsize is 4` ); await pushPref("devtools.editor.tabsize", 2); ok( isInputFocused(hud), "input is still focused after clicking the pretty print button" ); } info("Test that clicking the close button works as expected"); const closeButton = toolbar.querySelector( ".webconsole-editor-toolbar-closeButton" ); const closeKeyShortcut = (Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin" ? "Cmd" : "Ctrl") + " + B"; is( closeButton.title, `Switch back to inline mode (${closeKeyShortcut})`, "Close button has expected title" ); closeButton.click(); await waitFor(() => !isEditorModeEnabled(hud)); ok(true, "Editor mode is disabled when clicking on the close button"); }); function getEditorToolbar(hud) { return hud.ui.outputNode.querySelector(".webconsole-editor-toolbar"); }