/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
// Tests the object_expanded telemetry event.
"use strict";
const TEST_URI = `data:text/html,`;
add_task(async function () {
// Let's reset the counts.
// Ensure no events have been logged
const snapshot = Services.telemetry.snapshotEvents(ALL_CHANNELS, true);
ok(!snapshot.parent, "No events have been logged for the main process");
const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI);
const message = await waitFor(() =>
findConsoleAPIMessage(hud, "test message")
info("Click on the arrow icon to expand the node");
const arrowIcon = message.querySelector(".arrow");
// let's wait until we have 2 arrows (i.e. the object was expanded)
await waitFor(() => message.querySelectorAll(".arrow").length === 2);
let events = getObjectExpandedEventsExtra();
is(events.length, 1, "There was 1 event logged");
const [event] = events;
ok(event.session_id > 0, "There is a valid session_id in the logged event");
info("Click on the second arrow icon to expand the prototype node");
const secondArrowIcon = message.querySelectorAll(".arrow")[1];
// let's wait until we have more than 2 arrows displayed, i.e. the prototype node was
// expanded.
await waitFor(() => message.querySelectorAll(".arrow").length > 2);
events = getObjectExpandedEventsExtra();
is(events.length, 1, "There was an event logged when expanding a child node");
info("Click the first arrow to collapse the object");
// Let's wait until there's only one arrow visible, i.e. the node is collapsed.
await waitFor(() => message.querySelectorAll(".arrow").length === 1);
ok(!snapshot.parent, "There was no event logged when collapsing the node");
function getObjectExpandedEventsExtra() {
// Retrieve and clear telemetry events.
const snapshot = Services.telemetry.snapshotEvents(ALL_CHANNELS, true);
const events = snapshot.parent.filter(
event =>
event[1] === "devtools.main" &&
event[2] === "object_expanded" &&
event[3] === "webconsole"
// Since we already know we have the correct event, we only return the `extra` field
// that was passed to it (which is event[5] here).
return events.map(event => event[5]);