/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * Here's the server side of the remote inspector. * * The WalkerActor is the client's view of the debuggee's DOM. It's gives * the client a tree of NodeActor objects. * * The walker presents the DOM tree mostly unmodified from the source DOM * tree, but with a few key differences: * * - Empty text nodes are ignored. This is pretty typical of developer * tools, but maybe we should reconsider that on the server side. * - iframes with documents loaded have the loaded document as the child, * the walker provides one big tree for the whole document tree. * * There are a few ways to get references to NodeActors: * * - When you first get a WalkerActor reference, it comes with a free * reference to the root document's node. * - Given a node, you can ask for children, siblings, and parents. * - You can issue querySelector and querySelectorAll requests to find * other elements. * - Requests that return arbitrary nodes from the tree (like querySelector * and querySelectorAll) will also return any nodes the client hasn't * seen in order to have a complete set of parents. * * Once you have a NodeFront, you should be able to answer a few questions * without further round trips, like the node's name, namespace/tagName, * attributes, etc. Other questions (like a text node's full nodeValue) * might require another round trip. * * The protocol guarantees that the client will always know the parent of * any node that is returned by the server. This means that some requests * (like querySelector) will include the extra nodes needed to satisfy this * requirement. The client keeps track of this parent relationship, so the * node fronts form a tree that is a subset of the actual DOM tree. * * * We maintain this guarantee to support the ability to release subtrees on * the client - when a node is disconnected from the DOM tree we want to be * able to free the client objects for all the children nodes. * * So to be able to answer "all the children of a given node that we have * seen on the client side", we guarantee that every time we've seen a node, * we connect it up through its parents. */ const { Actor } = require("resource://devtools/shared/protocol.js"); const { inspectorSpec, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/specs/inspector.js"); const { setTimeout } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs" ); const { LongStringActor, } = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/string.js"); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "InspectorActorUtils", "resource://devtools/server/actors/inspector/utils.js" ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "WalkerActor", "resource://devtools/server/actors/inspector/walker.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "EyeDropper", "resource://devtools/server/actors/highlighters/eye-dropper.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "PageStyleActor", "resource://devtools/server/actors/page-style.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, ["CustomHighlighterActor", "isTypeRegistered", "HighlighterEnvironment"], "resource://devtools/server/actors/highlighters.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "CompatibilityActor", "resource://devtools/server/actors/compatibility/compatibility.js", true ); const SVG_NS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; /** * Server side of the inspector actor, which is used to create * inspector-related actors, including the walker. */ class InspectorActor extends Actor { constructor(conn, targetActor) { super(conn, inspectorSpec); this.targetActor = targetActor; this._onColorPicked = this._onColorPicked.bind(this); this._onColorPickCanceled = this._onColorPickCanceled.bind(this); this.destroyEyeDropper = this.destroyEyeDropper.bind(this); } destroy() { super.destroy(); this.destroyEyeDropper(); this._compatibility = null; this._pageStylePromise = null; this._walkerPromise = null; this.walker = null; this.targetActor = null; } get window() { return this.targetActor.window; } getWalker(options = {}) { if (this._walkerPromise) { return this._walkerPromise; } this._walkerPromise = new Promise(resolve => { const domReady = () => { const targetActor = this.targetActor; this.walker = new WalkerActor(this.conn, targetActor, options); this.manage(this.walker); this.walker.once("destroyed", () => { this._walkerPromise = null; this._pageStylePromise = null; }); resolve(this.walker); }; if (this.window.document.readyState === "loading") { // Expose an abort controller for DOMContentLoaded to remove the // listener unconditionally, even if the race hits the timeout. const abortController = new AbortController(); Promise.race([ new Promise(r => { this.window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", r, { capture: true, once: true, signal: abortController.signal, }); }), // The DOMContentLoaded event will never be emitted on documents stuck // in the loading state, for instance if document.write was called // without calling document.close. // TODO: It is not clear why we are waiting for the event overall, see // Bug 1766279 to actually stop listening to the event altogether. new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500)), ]) .then(domReady) .finally(() => abortController.abort()); } else { domReady(); } }); return this._walkerPromise; } getPageStyle() { if (this._pageStylePromise) { return this._pageStylePromise; } this._pageStylePromise = this.getWalker().then(walker => { const pageStyle = new PageStyleActor(this); this.manage(pageStyle); return pageStyle; }); return this._pageStylePromise; } getCompatibility() { if (this._compatibility) { return this._compatibility; } this._compatibility = new CompatibilityActor(this); this.manage(this._compatibility); return this._compatibility; } /** * If consumers need to display several highlighters at the same time or * different types of highlighters, then this method should be used, passing * the type name of the highlighter needed as argument. * A new instance will be created everytime the method is called, so it's up * to the consumer to release it when it is not needed anymore * * @param {String} type The type of highlighter to create * @return {Highlighter} The highlighter actor instance or null if the * typeName passed doesn't match any available highlighter */ async getHighlighterByType(typeName) { if (isTypeRegistered(typeName)) { const highlighterActor = new CustomHighlighterActor(this, typeName); if (highlighterActor.instance.isReady) { await highlighterActor.instance.isReady; } return highlighterActor; } return null; } /** * Get the node's image data if any (for canvas and img nodes). * Returns an imageData object with the actual data being a LongStringActor * and a size json object. * The image data is transmitted as a base64 encoded png data-uri. * The method rejects if the node isn't an image or if the image is missing * * Accepts a maxDim request parameter to resize images that are larger. This * is important as the resizing occurs server-side so that image-data being * transfered in the longstring back to the client will be that much smaller */ getImageDataFromURL(url, maxDim) { const img = new this.window.Image(); img.src = url; // imageToImageData waits for the image to load. return InspectorActorUtils.imageToImageData(img, maxDim).then(imageData => { return { data: new LongStringActor(this.conn, imageData.data), size: imageData.size, }; }); } /** * Resolve a URL to its absolute form, in the scope of a given content window. * @param {String} url. * @param {NodeActor} node If provided, the owner window of this node will be * used to resolve the URL. Otherwise, the top-level content window will be * used instead. * @return {String} url. */ resolveRelativeURL(url, node) { const document = InspectorActorUtils.isNodeDead(node) ? this.window.document : InspectorActorUtils.nodeDocument(node.rawNode); if (!document) { return url; } const baseURI = Services.io.newURI(document.location.href); return Services.io.newURI(url, null, baseURI).spec; } /** * Create an instance of the eye-dropper highlighter and store it on this._eyeDropper. * Note that for now, a new instance is created every time to deal with page navigation. */ createEyeDropper() { this.destroyEyeDropper(); this._highlighterEnv = new HighlighterEnvironment(); this._highlighterEnv.initFromTargetActor(this.targetActor); this._eyeDropper = new EyeDropper(this._highlighterEnv); return this._eyeDropper.isReady; } /** * Destroy the current eye-dropper highlighter instance. */ destroyEyeDropper() { if (this._eyeDropper) { this.cancelPickColorFromPage(); this._eyeDropper.destroy(); this._eyeDropper = null; this._highlighterEnv.destroy(); this._highlighterEnv = null; } } /** * Pick a color from the page using the eye-dropper. This method doesn't return anything * but will cause events to be sent to the front when a color is picked or when the user * cancels the picker. * @param {Object} options */ async pickColorFromPage(options) { await this.createEyeDropper(); this._eyeDropper.show(this.window.document.documentElement, options); this._eyeDropper.once("selected", this._onColorPicked); this._eyeDropper.once("canceled", this._onColorPickCanceled); this.targetActor.once("will-navigate", this.destroyEyeDropper); } /** * After the pickColorFromPage method is called, the only way to dismiss the eye-dropper * highlighter is for the user to click in the page and select a color. If you need to * dismiss the eye-dropper programatically instead, use this method. */ cancelPickColorFromPage() { if (this._eyeDropper) { this._eyeDropper.hide(); this._eyeDropper.off("selected", this._onColorPicked); this._eyeDropper.off("canceled", this._onColorPickCanceled); this.targetActor.off("will-navigate", this.destroyEyeDropper); } } /** * Check if the current document supports highlighters using a canvasFrame anonymous * content container. * It is impossible to detect the feature programmatically as some document types simply * don't render the canvasFrame without throwing any error. */ supportsHighlighters() { const doc = this.targetActor.window.document; const ns = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI; // XUL documents do not support insertAnonymousContent(). if (ns === XUL_NS) { return false; } // SVG documents do not render the canvasFrame (see Bug 1157592). if (ns === SVG_NS) { return false; } return true; } _onColorPicked(color) { this.emit("color-picked", color); } _onColorPickCanceled() { this.emit("color-pick-canceled"); } } exports.InspectorActor = InspectorActor;