/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // HeapSnapshot.prototype.takeCensus: by: allocationStack breakdown // // Ported from js/src/jit-test/tests/debug/Memory-takeCensus-09.js function run_test() { const g = newGlobal(); const dbg = new Debugger(g); g.eval(` // 1 var log = []; // 2 function f() { log.push(allocationMarker()); } // 3 function g() { f(); } // 4 function h() { f(); } // 5 `); // Create one allocationMarker with tracking turned off, // so it will have no associated stack. g.f(); dbg.memory.allocationSamplingProbability = 1; for (const [func, n] of [ [g.f, 20], [g.g, 10], [g.h, 5], ]) { for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = true; // All allocations of allocationMarker occur with this line as the oldest // stack frame. func(); dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = false; } } const census = saveHeapSnapshotAndTakeCensus(dbg, { breakdown: { by: "objectClass", then: { by: "allocationStack", then: { by: "count", label: "haz stack" }, noStack: { by: "count", label: "no haz stack", }, }, }, }); const map = census.AllocationMarker; ok(map instanceof Map, "Should be a Map instance"); equal( map.size, 4, "Should have 4 allocation stacks (including the lack of a stack)" ); // Gather the stacks we are expecting to appear as keys, and // check that there are no unexpected keys. const stacks = {}; map.forEach((v, k) => { if (k === "noStack") { // No need to save this key. } else if ( k.functionDisplayName === "f" && k.parent.functionDisplayName === "run_test" ) { stacks.f = k; } else if ( k.functionDisplayName === "f" && k.parent.functionDisplayName === "g" && k.parent.parent.functionDisplayName === "run_test" ) { stacks.fg = k; } else if ( k.functionDisplayName === "f" && k.parent.functionDisplayName === "h" && k.parent.parent.functionDisplayName === "run_test" ) { stacks.fh = k; } else { dumpn("Unexpected allocation stack:"); k.toString() .split(/\n/g) .forEach(s => dumpn(s)); ok(false); } }); equal(map.get("noStack").label, "no haz stack"); equal(map.get("noStack").count, 1); ok(stacks.f); equal(map.get(stacks.f).label, "haz stack"); equal(map.get(stacks.f).count, 20); ok(stacks.fg); equal(map.get(stacks.fg).label, "haz stack"); equal(map.get(stacks.fg).count, 10); ok(stacks.fh); equal(map.get(stacks.fh).label, "haz stack"); equal(map.get(stacks.fh).count, 5); do_test_finished(); }