/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that Debugger.Memory.prototype.takeCensus and // HeapSnapshot.prototype.takeCensus return the same data for the same heap // graph. function doLiveAndOfflineCensus(g, dbg, opts) { dbg.memory.allocationSamplingProbability = 1; dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = true; g.eval(` // 1 (function unsafeAtAnySpeed() { // 2 for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // 3 this.markers.push(allocationMarker()); // 4 } // 5 }()); // 6 `); dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = false; return { live: dbg.memory.takeCensus(opts), offline: saveHeapSnapshotAndTakeCensus(dbg, opts), }; } function getMarkerSize(g, dbg) { dbg.memory.allocationSamplingProbability = 1; dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = true; g.eval("var hold = allocationMarker();"); dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = false; const live = dbg.memory.takeCensus({ breakdown: { by: "objectClass", then: { by: "count" } }, }); g.hold = null; equal(live.AllocationMarker.count, 1); return live.AllocationMarker.bytes; } function run_test() { const g = newGlobal(); const dbg = new Debugger(g); g.eval("this.markers = []"); const markerSize = getMarkerSize(g, dbg); // First, test that we get the same counts and sizes as we allocate and retain // more things. let prevCount = 0; let prevBytes = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const { live, offline } = doLiveAndOfflineCensus(g, dbg, { breakdown: { by: "objectClass", then: { by: "count" } }, }); equal(live.AllocationMarker.count, offline.AllocationMarker.count); equal(live.AllocationMarker.bytes, offline.AllocationMarker.bytes); equal(live.AllocationMarker.count, prevCount + 100); equal(live.AllocationMarker.bytes, prevBytes + 100 * markerSize); prevCount = live.AllocationMarker.count; prevBytes = live.AllocationMarker.bytes; } // Second, test that the reported allocation stacks and counts and sizes at // those allocation stacks match up. const { live, offline } = doLiveAndOfflineCensus(g, dbg, { breakdown: { by: "objectClass", then: { by: "allocationStack" } }, }); equal(live.AllocationMarker.size, offline.AllocationMarker.size); // One stack with the loop further above, and another stack featuring the call // right above. equal(live.AllocationMarker.size, 2); // Note that because SavedFrame stacks reconstructed from an offline heap // snapshot don't have the same principals as SavedFrame stacks captured from // a live stack, the live and offline allocation stacks won't be identity // equal, but should be structurally the same. const liveEntries = []; live.AllocationMarker.forEach((v, k) => { dumpn("Allocation stack:"); k.toString() .split(/\n/g) .forEach(s => dumpn(s)); equal(k.functionDisplayName, "unsafeAtAnySpeed"); equal(k.line, 4); liveEntries.push([k.toString(), v]); }); const offlineEntries = []; offline.AllocationMarker.forEach((v, k) => { dumpn("Allocation stack:"); k.toString() .split(/\n/g) .forEach(s => dumpn(s)); equal(k.functionDisplayName, "unsafeAtAnySpeed"); equal(k.line, 4); offlineEntries.push([k.toString(), v]); }); const sortEntries = (a, b) => { if (a[0] < b[0]) { return -1; } else if (a[0] > b[0]) { return 1; } return 0; }; liveEntries.sort(sortEntries); offlineEntries.sort(sortEntries); equal(liveEntries.length, live.AllocationMarker.size); equal(liveEntries.length, offlineEntries.length); for (let i = 0; i < liveEntries.length; i++) { equal(liveEntries[i][0], offlineEntries[i][0]); equal(liveEntries[i][1].count, offlineEntries[i][1].count); equal(liveEntries[i][1].bytes, offlineEntries[i][1].bytes); } do_test_finished(); }