/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test that we can read core dumps with a UTF8 path into HeapSnapshot instances. /* eslint-disable strict */ add_task(async function () { const fileNameWithRussianCharacters = "Снимок памяти Click.ru 08.06.2020 (Firefox dump).fxsnapshot"; const filePathWithRussianCharacters = PathUtils.join( PathUtils.tempDir, fileNameWithRussianCharacters ); const filePath = ChromeUtils.saveHeapSnapshot({ globals: [this] }); ok(true, "Should be able to save a snapshot."); await IOUtils.copy(filePath, filePathWithRussianCharacters); ok( await IOUtils.exists(filePathWithRussianCharacters), `We could copy the file to the expected path ${filePathWithRussianCharacters}` ); const snapshot = ChromeUtils.readHeapSnapshot(filePathWithRussianCharacters); ok(snapshot, "Should be able to read a heap snapshot from an utf8 path"); ok(HeapSnapshot.isInstance(snapshot), "Should be an instanceof HeapSnapshot"); });