/* * Copyright 2013 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE.md or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause */ "use strict"; var assert = require("resource://devtools/shared/storage/vendor/stringvalidator/util/assert.js").assert; function test(options) { var args = options.args || []; args.unshift(null); if (options.valid) { options.valid.forEach(function (valid) { args[0] = valid; let argsString = args.join(', '); ok(validator[options.validator](...args), `validator.${options.validator}(${argsString}) == true`); }); } if (options.invalid) { options.invalid.forEach(function (invalid) { args[0] = invalid; let argsString = args.join(', '); ok(!validator[options.validator](...args), `validator.${options.validator}(${argsString}) == false`); }); } } function repeat(str, count) { var result = ''; while (count--) { result += str; } return result; } function random4digit() { return Math.floor(1000 + (Math.random() * 9000)); } function run_test() { describe('Validators', function () { it('should validate email addresses', function () { test({ validator: 'isEmail', valid: [ 'foo@bar.com', 'x@x.au', 'foo@bar.com.au', 'foo+bar@bar.com', 'hans.m端ller@test.com', 'hans@m端ller.com', 'test|123@m端ller.com', 'test+ext@gmail.com', 'some.name.midd.leNa.me.+extension@GoogleMail.com', 'gmail...ignores...dots...@gmail.com', '"foobar"@example.com', '" foo m端ller "@example.com', '"foo\\@bar"@example.com', `${repeat('a', 64)}@${repeat('a', 252)}.com`, ], invalid: [ 'invalidemail@', 'invalid.com', '@invalid.com', 'foo@bar.com.', 'somename@gmail.com', 'foo@bar.co.uk.', 'z@co.c', 'gmailgmailgmailgmailgmail@gmail.com', `${repeat('a', 64)}@${repeat('a', 253)}.com`, `${repeat('a', 65)}@${repeat('a', 252)}.com`, ], }); }); it('should validate email addresses without UTF8 characters in local part', function () { test({ validator: 'isEmail', args: [{ allow_utf8_local_part: false }], valid: [ 'foo@bar.com', 'x@x.au', 'foo@bar.com.au', 'foo+bar@bar.com', 'hans@m端ller.com', 'test|123@m端ller.com', 'test+ext@gmail.com', 'some.name.midd.leNa.me.+extension@GoogleMail.com', '"foobar"@example.com', '"foo\\@bar"@example.com', '" foo bar "@example.com', ], invalid: [ 'invalidemail@', 'invalid.com', '@invalid.com', 'foo@bar.com.', 'foo@bar.co.uk.', 'somename@gmail.com', 'hans.m端ller@test.com', 'z@co.c', ], }); }); it('should validate email addresses with display names', function () { test({ validator: 'isEmail', args: [{ allow_display_name: true }], valid: [ 'foo@bar.com', 'x@x.au', 'foo@bar.com.au', 'foo+bar@bar.com', 'hans.m端ller@test.com', 'hans@m端ller.com', 'test|123@m端ller.com', 'test+ext@gmail.com', 'some.name.midd.leNa.me.+extension@GoogleMail.com', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Middle Name ', 'Name ', 'Name', ], invalid: [ 'invalidemail@', 'invalid.com', '@invalid.com', 'foo@bar.com.', 'foo@bar.co.uk.', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name <@invalid.com>', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name foo@bar.co.uk.>', 'Some Name ', 'Name foo@bar.co.uk', ], }); }); it('should validate email addresses with required display names', function () { test({ validator: 'isEmail', args: [{ require_display_name: true }], valid: [ 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Middle Name ', 'Name ', 'Name', ], invalid: [ 'some.name.midd.leNa.me.+extension@GoogleMail.com', 'foo@bar.com', 'x@x.au', 'foo@bar.com.au', 'foo+bar@bar.com', 'hans.m端ller@test.com', 'hans@m端ller.com', 'test|123@m端ller.com', 'test+ext@gmail.com', 'invalidemail@', 'invalid.com', '@invalid.com', 'foo@bar.com.', 'foo@bar.co.uk.', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name <@invalid.com>', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name ', 'Some Name foo@bar.co.uk.>', 'Some Name ', 'Name foo@bar.co.uk', ], }); }); it('should validate URLs', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', valid: [ 'foobar.com', 'www.foobar.com', 'foobar.com/', 'valid.au', 'http://www.foobar.com/', 'http://www.foobar.com:23/', 'http://www.foobar.com:65535/', 'http://www.foobar.com:5/', 'https://www.foobar.com/', 'ftp://www.foobar.com/', 'http://www.foobar.com/~foobar', 'http://user:pass@www.foobar.com/', 'http://user:@www.foobar.com/', '', '', '', 'http://duckduckgo.com/?q=%2F', 'http://foobar.com/t$-_.+!*\'(),', 'http://localhost:3000/', 'http://foobar.com/?foo=bar#baz=qux', 'http://foobar.com?foo=bar', 'http://foobar.com#baz=qux', 'http://www.xn--froschgrn-x9a.net/', 'http://xn--froschgrn-x9a.com/', 'http://foo--bar.com', 'http://høyfjellet.no', 'http://xn--j1aac5a4g.xn--j1amh', 'http://xn------eddceddeftq7bvv7c4ke4c.xn--p1ai', 'http://кулік.укр', 'test.com?ref=http://test2.com', 'http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html', 'http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]/index.html', 'http://[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]', 'http://[1080::8:800:200C:417A]/foo', 'http://[::]/ipng', 'http://[::FFFF:]:80/index.html', 'http://[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]', ], invalid: [ 'xyz://foobar.com', 'invalid/', 'invalid.x', 'invalid.', '.com', 'http://com/', 'http://', 'http://300.0.0.1/', 'mailto:foo@bar.com', 'rtmp://foobar.com', 'http://www.xn--.com/', 'http://xn--.com/', 'http://www.foobar.com:0/', 'http://www.foobar.com:70000/', 'http://www.foobar.com:99999/', 'http://www.-foobar.com/', 'http://www.foobar-.com/', 'http://foobar/# lol', 'http://foobar/? lol', 'http://foobar/ lol/', 'http://lol @foobar.com/', 'http://lol:lol @foobar.com/', 'http://lol:lol:lol@foobar.com/', 'http://lol: @foobar.com/', 'http://www.foo_bar.com/', 'http://www.foobar.com/\t', 'http://\n@www.foobar.com/', '', `http://foobar.com/${new Array(2083).join('f')}`, 'http://*.foo.com', '*.foo.com', '!.foo.com', 'http://example.com.', 'http://localhost:61500this is an invalid url!!!!', '////foobar.com', 'http:////foobar.com', 'https://', 'https://example.com/foo//', ], }); }); it('should validate URLs with custom protocols', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ protocols: ['rtmp'], }], valid: [ 'rtmp://foobar.com', ], invalid: [ 'http://foobar.com', ], }); }); it('should validate file URLs without a host', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ protocols: ['file'], require_host: false, }], valid: [ 'file://localhost/foo.txt', 'file:///foo.txt', 'file:///', ], invalid: [ 'http://foobar.com', ], }); }); it('should validate URLs with any protocol', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ require_valid_protocol: false, }], valid: [ 'rtmp://foobar.com', 'http://foobar.com', 'test://foobar.com', ], invalid: [ 'mailto:test@example.com', ], }); }); it('should validate URLs with underscores', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ allow_underscores: true, }], valid: [ 'http://foo_bar.com', 'http://pr.example_com.294.example.com/', 'http://foo__bar.com', ], invalid: [], }); }); it('should validate URLs that do not have a TLD', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ require_tld: false, }], valid: [ 'http://foobar.com/', 'http://foobar/', 'foobar/', 'foobar', ], invalid: [], }); }); it('should validate URLs with a trailing dot option', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ allow_trailing_dot: true, require_tld: false, }], valid: [ 'http://example.com.', 'foobar.', ], }); }); it('should validate protocol relative URLs', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ allow_protocol_relative_urls: true, }], valid: [ '//foobar.com', 'http://foobar.com', 'foobar.com', ], invalid: [ '://foobar.com', '/foobar.com', '////foobar.com', 'http:////foobar.com', ], }); }); it('should not validate protocol relative URLs when require protocol is true', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ allow_protocol_relative_urls: true, require_protocol: true, }], valid: [ 'http://foobar.com', ], invalid: [ '//foobar.com', '://foobar.com', '/foobar.com', 'foobar.com', ], }); }); it('should let users specify whether URLs require a protocol', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ require_protocol: true, }], valid: [ 'http://foobar.com/', 'http://localhost/', ], invalid: [ 'foobar.com', 'foobar', ], }); }); it('should let users specify a host whitelist', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ host_whitelist: ['foo.com', 'bar.com'], }], valid: [ 'http://bar.com/', 'http://foo.com/', ], invalid: [ 'http://foobar.com', 'http://foo.bar.com/', 'http://qux.com', ], }); }); it('should allow regular expressions in the host whitelist', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ host_whitelist: ['bar.com', 'foo.com', /\.foo\.com$/], }], valid: [ 'http://bar.com/', 'http://foo.com/', 'http://images.foo.com/', 'http://cdn.foo.com/', 'http://a.b.c.foo.com/', ], invalid: [ 'http://foobar.com', 'http://foo.bar.com/', 'http://qux.com', ], }); }); it('should let users specify a host blacklist', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ host_blacklist: ['foo.com', 'bar.com'], }], valid: [ 'http://foobar.com', 'http://foo.bar.com/', 'http://qux.com', ], invalid: [ 'http://bar.com/', 'http://foo.com/', ], }); }); it('should allow regular expressions in the host blacklist', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL', args: [{ host_blacklist: ['bar.com', 'foo.com', /\.foo\.com$/], }], valid: [ 'http://foobar.com', 'http://foo.bar.com/', 'http://qux.com', ], invalid: [ 'http://bar.com/', 'http://foo.com/', 'http://images.foo.com/', 'http://cdn.foo.com/', 'http://a.b.c.foo.com/', ], }); }); it('should validate MAC addresses', function () { test({ validator: 'isMACAddress', valid: [ 'ab:ab:ab:ab:ab:ab', 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF', '01:02:03:04:05:ab', '01:AB:03:04:05:06', ], invalid: [ 'abc', '01:02:03:04:05', '01:02:03:04::ab', '1:2:3:4:5:6', 'AB:CD:EF:GH:01:02', ], }); }); it('should validate IP addresses', function () { test({ validator: 'isIP', valid: [ '', '', '', '', '::1', '2001:db8:0000:1:1:1:1:1', '2001:41d0:2:a141::1', '::ffff:', '::0000', '0000::', '1::', '1111:1:1:1:1:1:1:1', 'fe80::a6db:30ff:fe98:e946', '::', '::ffff:', '0:0:0:0:0:ffff:', ], invalid: [ 'abc', '', '', '', '0200.200.200.200', '200.0200.200.200', '200.200.0200.200', '', '::banana', 'banana::', '::1banana', '::1::', '1:', ':1', ':1:1:1::2', '1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1', '::11111', '11111:1:1:1:1:1:1:1', '2001:db8:0000:1:1:1:1::1', '0:0:0:0:0:0:ffff:', '0:0:0:0:ffff:', ], }); test({ validator: 'isIP', args: [4], valid: [ '', '', '', '', ], invalid: [ '::1', '2001:db8:0000:1:1:1:1:1', '::ffff:', ], }); test({ validator: 'isIP', args: [6], valid: [ '::1', '2001:db8:0000:1:1:1:1:1', '::ffff:', ], invalid: [ '', '', '', '', '::ffff:', ], }); test({ validator: 'isIP', args: [10], valid: [], invalid: [ '', '', '', '', '::1', '2001:db8:0000:1:1:1:1:1', ], }); }); it('should validate FQDN', function () { test({ validator: 'isFQDN', valid: [ 'domain.com', 'dom.plato', 'a.domain.co', 'foo--bar.com', 'xn--froschgrn-x9a.com', 'rebecca.blackfriday', ], invalid: [ 'abc', '', '_.com', '*.some.com', 's!ome.com', 'domain.com/', '/more.com', ], }); }); it('should validate FQDN with trailing dot option', function () { test({ validator: 'isFQDN', args: [ { allow_trailing_dot: true }, ], valid: [ 'example.com.', ], }); }); it('should validate alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlpha', valid: [ 'abc', 'ABC', 'FoObar', ], invalid: [ 'abc1', ' foo ', '', 'ÄBC', 'FÜübar', 'Jön', 'Heiß', ], }); }); it('should validate czech alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlpha', args: ['cs-CZ'], valid: [ 'žluťoučký', 'KŮŇ', 'Pěl', 'Ďábelské', 'ódy', ], invalid: [ 'ábc1', ' fůj ', '', ], }); }); it('should validate german alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlpha', args: ['de-DE'], valid: [ 'äbc', 'ÄBC', 'FöÖbär', 'Heiß', ], invalid: [ 'äbc1', ' föö ', '', ], }); }); it('should validate hungarian alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlpha', args: ['hu-HU'], valid: [ 'árvíztűrőtükörfúrógép', 'ÁRVÍZTŰRŐTÜKÖRFÚRÓGÉP', ], invalid: [ 'äbc1', ' fäö ', 'Heiß', '', ], }); }); it('should validate arabic alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlpha', args: ['ar'], valid: [ 'أبت', 'اَبِتَثّجً', ], invalid: [ '١٢٣أبت', '١٢٣', 'abc1', ' foo ', '', 'ÄBC', 'FÜübar', 'Jön', 'Heiß', ], }); }); it('should validate serbian cyrillic alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['sr-RS'], valid: [ 'ШћжЂљЕ', 'ЧПСТЋЏ', ], invalid: [ 'řiď ', 'blé33!!', 'föö!!', ], }); }); it('should validate serbian latin alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['sr-RS@latin'], valid: [ 'ŠAabčšđćž', 'ŠATROĆčđš', ], invalid: [ '12řiď ', 'blé!!', 'föö!2!', ], }); }); it('should validate defined arabic locales alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlpha', args: ['ar-SY'], valid: [ 'أبت', 'اَبِتَثّجً', ], invalid: [ '١٢٣أبت', '١٢٣', 'abc1', ' foo ', '', 'ÄBC', 'FÜübar', 'Jön', 'Heiß', ], }); }); it('should validate turkish alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlpha', args: ['tr-TR'], valid: [ 'AİıÖöÇ窺ĞğÜüZ', ], invalid: [ '0AİıÖöÇ窺ĞğÜüZ1', ' AİıÖöÇ窺ĞğÜüZ ', 'abc1', ' foo ', '', 'ÄBC', 'Heiß', ], }); }); it('should validate urkrainian alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlpha', args: ['uk-UA'], valid: [ 'АБВГҐДЕЄЖЗИIЇЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦШЩЬЮЯ', ], invalid: [ '0AİıÖöÇ窺ĞğÜüZ1', ' AİıÖöÇ窺ĞğÜüZ ', 'abc1', ' foo ', '', 'ÄBC', 'Heiß', 'ЫыЪъЭэ', ], }); }); it('should validate alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', valid: [ 'abc123', 'ABC11', ], invalid: [ 'abc ', 'foo!!', 'ÄBC', 'FÜübar', 'Jön', ], }); }); it('should validate defined english aliases', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['en-GB'], valid: [ 'abc123', 'ABC11', ], invalid: [ 'abc ', 'foo!!', 'ÄBC', 'FÜübar', 'Jön', ], }); }); it('should validate czech alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['cs-CZ'], valid: [ 'řiť123', 'KŮŇ11', ], invalid: [ 'řiď ', 'blé!!', ], }); }); it('should validate german alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['de-DE'], valid: [ 'äbc123', 'ÄBC11', ], invalid: [ 'äca ', 'föö!!', ], }); }); it('should validate hungarian alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['hu-HU'], valid: [ '0árvíztűrőtükörfúrógép123', '0ÁRVÍZTŰRŐTÜKÖRFÚRÓGÉP123', ], invalid: [ '1időúr!', 'äbc1', ' fäö ', 'Heiß!', '', ], }); }); it('should validate spanish alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['es-ES'], valid: [ 'ábcó123', 'ÁBCÓ11', ], invalid: [ 'äca ', 'abcß', 'föö!!', ], }); }); it('should validate arabic alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['ar'], valid: [ 'أبت123', 'أبتَُِ١٢٣', ], invalid: [ 'äca ', 'abcß', 'föö!!', ], }); }); it('should validate defined arabic aliases', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['ar-SY'], valid: [ 'أبت123', 'أبتَُِ١٢٣', ], invalid: [ 'abc ', 'foo!!', 'ÄBC', 'FÜübar', 'Jön', ], }); }); it('should validate serbian cyrillic alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['sr-RS'], valid: [ 'ШћжЂљЕ123', 'ЧПСТ132ЋЏ', ], invalid: [ 'řiď ', 'blé!!', 'föö!!', ], }); }); it('should validate serbian latin alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['sr-RS@latin'], valid: [ 'ŠAabčšđćž123', 'ŠATRO11Ćčđš', ], invalid: [ 'řiď ', 'blé!!', 'föö!!', ], }); }); it('should validate turkish alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['tr-TR'], valid: [ 'AİıÖöÇ窺ĞğÜüZ123', ], invalid: [ 'AİıÖöÇ窺ĞğÜüZ ', 'foo!!', 'ÄBC', ], }); }); it('should validate urkrainian alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric', args: ['uk-UA'], valid: [ 'АБВГҐДЕЄЖЗИIЇЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦШЩЬЮЯ123', ], invalid: [ 'éeoc ', 'foo!!', 'ÄBC', 'ЫыЪъЭэ', ], }); }); it('should error on invalid locale', function () { try { validator.isAlphanumeric('abc123', 'in-INVALID'); assert(false); } catch (err) { assert(true); } }); it('should validate numeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isNumeric', valid: [ '123', '00123', '-00123', '0', '-0', '+123', ], invalid: [ '123.123', ' ', '.', ], }); }); it('should validate RFC5646 strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isRFC5646', valid: [ 'en-US', 'en-US', ], invalid: [ 'enus', 'en-us', 'xxx', '', ], }); }); it('should validate RGBColor strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isRGBColor', valid: [ "rgb(0,31,255)", "rgb(0, 31, 255)", ], invalid: [ "", "rgb(1,349,275)", "rgb(01,31,255)", "rgb(0.6,31,255)", "rgba(0,31,255)", ], }); }); it('should validate SemVer strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isSemVer', valid: [ "v1.0.0", "1.0.0", "1.0.0-alpha", "1.0.0-alpha.1", "1.0.0-0.3.7", "1.0.0-x.7.z.92", "1.0.0-alpha+001", "1.0.0+20130313144700", "1.0.0-beta+exp.sha.5114f85", "1.0.0-beta+exp.sha.05114f85", ], invalid: [ "1.1.01", "1.01.0", "01.1.0", "v1.1.01", "v1.01.0", "v01.1.0", "1.0.0-0.03.7", "1.0.0-00.3.7", "1.0.0-+beta", "1.0.0-b+-9+eta", "v+1.8.0-b+-9+eta", ], }); }); it('should validate decimal numbers', function () { test({ validator: 'isDecimal', valid: [ '123', '00123', '-00123', '0', '-0', '+123', '0.01', '.1', '1.0', '-.25', '-0', '0.0000000000001', ], invalid: [ '....', ' ', '', '-', '+', '.', '0.1a', 'a', '\n', ], }); }); it('should validate lowercase strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isLowercase', valid: [ 'abc', 'abc123', 'this is lowercase.', 'tr竪s 端ber', ], invalid: [ 'fooBar', '123A', ], }); }); it('should validate uppercase strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isUppercase', valid: [ 'ABC', 'ABC123', 'ALL CAPS IS FUN.', ' .', ], invalid: [ 'fooBar', '123abc', ], }); }); it('should validate integers', function () { test({ validator: 'isInt', valid: [ '13', '123', '0', '123', '-0', '+1', '01', '-01', '000', ], invalid: [ '100e10', '123.123', ' ', '', ], }); test({ validator: 'isInt', args: [{ allow_leading_zeroes: false }], valid: [ '13', '123', '0', '123', '-0', '+1', ], invalid: [ '01', '-01', '000', '100e10', '123.123', ' ', '', ], }); test({ validator: 'isInt', args: [{ allow_leading_zeroes: true }], valid: [ '13', '123', '0', '123', '-0', '+1', '01', '-01', '000', '-000', '+000', ], invalid: [ '100e10', '123.123', ' ', '', ], }); test({ validator: 'isInt', args: [{ min: 10, }], valid: [ '15', '80', '99', ], invalid: [ '9', '6', '3.2', 'a', ], }); test({ validator: 'isInt', args: [{ min: 10, max: 15, }], valid: [ '15', '11', '13', ], invalid: [ '9', '2', '17', '3.2', '33', 'a', ], }); test({ validator: 'isInt', args: [{ gt: 10, lt: 15, }], valid: [ '14', '11', '13', ], invalid: [ '10', '15', '17', '3.2', '33', 'a', ], }); }); it('should validate floats', function () { test({ validator: 'isFloat', valid: [ '123', '123.', '123.123', '-123.123', '-0.123', '+0.123', '0.123', '.0', '-.123', '+.123', '01.123', '-0.22250738585072011e-307', ], invalid: [ ' ', '', '.', 'foo', ], }); test({ validator: 'isFloat', args: [{ min: 3.7, }], valid: [ '3.888', '3.92', '4.5', '50', '3.7', '3.71', ], invalid: [ '3.6', '3.69', '3', '1.5', 'a', ], }); test({ validator: 'isFloat', args: [{ min: 0.1, max: 1.0, }], valid: [ '0.1', '1.0', '0.15', '0.33', '0.57', '0.7', ], invalid: [ '0', '0.0', 'a', '1.3', '0.05', '5', ], }); test({ validator: 'isFloat', args: [{ gt: -5.5, lt: 10, }], valid: [ '9.9', '1.0', '0', '-1', '7', '-5.4', ], invalid: [ '10', '-5.5', 'a', '-20.3', '20e3', '10.00001', ], }); test({ validator: 'isFloat', args: [{ min: -5.5, max: 10, gt: -5.5, lt: 10, }], valid: [ '9.99999', '-5.499999', ], invalid: [ '10', '-5.5', ], }); }); it('should validate hexadecimal strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isHexadecimal', valid: [ 'deadBEEF', 'ff0044', ], invalid: [ 'abcdefg', '', '..', ], }); }); it('should validate hexadecimal color strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isHexColor', valid: [ '#ff0034', '#CCCCCC', 'fff', '#f00', ], invalid: [ '#ff', 'fff0', '#ff12FG', ], }); }); it('should validate ISRC code strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isISRC', valid: [ 'USAT29900609', 'GBAYE6800011', 'USRC15705223', 'USCA29500702', ], invalid: [ 'USAT2990060', 'SRC15705223', 'US-CA29500702', 'USARC15705223', ], }); }); it('should validate md5 strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isMD5', valid: [ 'd94f3f016ae679c3008de268209132f2', '751adbc511ccbe8edf23d486fa4581cd', '88dae00e614d8f24cfd5a8b3f8002e93', '0bf1c35032a71a14c2f719e5a14c1e96', ], invalid: [ 'KYT0bf1c35032a71a14c2f719e5a14c1', 'q94375dj93458w34', '39485729348', '%&FHKJFvk', ], }); }); it('should validate null strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isEmpty', valid: [ '', ], invalid: [ ' ', 'foo', '3', ], }); }); it('should validate strings against an expected value', function () { test({ validator: 'equals', args: ['abc'], valid: ['abc'], invalid: ['Abc', '123'] }); }); it('should validate strings contain another string', function () { test({ validator: 'contains', args: ['foo'], valid: ['foo', 'foobar', 'bazfoo'], invalid: ['bar', 'fobar'], }); }); it('should validate strings against a pattern', function () { test({ validator: 'matches', args: [/abc/], valid: ['abc', 'abcdef', '123abc'], invalid: ['acb', 'Abc'], }); test({ validator: 'matches', args: ['abc'], valid: ['abc', 'abcdef', '123abc'], invalid: ['acb', 'Abc'], }); test({ validator: 'matches', args: ['abc', 'i'], valid: ['abc', 'abcdef', '123abc', 'AbC'], invalid: ['acb'], }); }); it('should validate strings by length (deprecated api)', function () { test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [2], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'abcd'], invalid: ['', 'a'], }); test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [2, 3], valid: ['abc', 'de'], invalid: ['', 'a', 'abcd'], }); test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [2, 3], valid: ['干𩸽', '𠮷野家'], invalid: ['', '𠀋', '千竈通り'], }); test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [0, 0], valid: [''], invalid: ['a', 'ab'], }); }); it('should validate strings by byte length (deprecated api)', function () { test({ validator: 'isByteLength', args: [2], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'abcd', 'gmail'], invalid: ['', 'a'], }); test({ validator: 'isByteLength', args: [2, 3], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'g'], invalid: ['', 'a', 'abcd', 'gm'], }); test({ validator: 'isByteLength', args: [0, 0], valid: [''], invalid: ['g', 'a'], }); }); it('should validate strings by length', function () { test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [{ min: 2 }], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'abcd'], invalid: ['', 'a'], }); test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [{ min: 2, max: 3 }], valid: ['abc', 'de'], invalid: ['', 'a', 'abcd'], }); test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [{ min: 2, max: 3 }], valid: ['干𩸽', '𠮷野家'], invalid: ['', '𠀋', '千竈通り'], }); test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [{ max: 3 }], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'a', ''], invalid: ['abcd'], }); test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [{ max: 0 }], valid: [''], invalid: ['a', 'ab'], }); }); it('should validate strings by byte length', function () { test({ validator: 'isByteLength', args: [{ min: 2 }], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'abcd', 'gmail'], invalid: ['', 'a'], }); test({ validator: 'isByteLength', args: [{ min: 2, max: 3 }], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'g'], invalid: ['', 'a', 'abcd', 'gm'], }); test({ validator: 'isByteLength', args: [{ max: 3 }], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'g', 'a', ''], invalid: ['abcd', 'gm'], }); test({ validator: 'isByteLength', args: [{ max: 0 }], valid: [''], invalid: ['g', 'a'], }); }); it('should validate UUIDs', function () { test({ validator: 'isUUID', valid: [ 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3', 'A987FBC9-4BED-4078-8F07-9141BA07C9F3', 'A987FBC9-4BED-5078-AF07-9141BA07C9F3', ], invalid: [ '', 'xxxA987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3', 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3xxx', 'A987FBC94BED3078CF079141BA07C9F3', '934859', '987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07A-9141BA07C9F3', 'AAAAAAAA-1111-1111-AAAG-111111111111', ], }); test({ validator: 'isUUID', args: [3], valid: [ 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3', ], invalid: [ '', 'xxxA987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3', '934859', 'AAAAAAAA-1111-1111-AAAG-111111111111', 'A987FBC9-4BED-4078-8F07-9141BA07C9F3', 'A987FBC9-4BED-5078-AF07-9141BA07C9F3', ], }); test({ validator: 'isUUID', args: [4], valid: [ '713ae7e3-cb32-45f9-adcb-7c4fa86b90c1', '625e63f3-58f5-40b7-83a1-a72ad31acffb', '57b73598-8764-4ad0-a76a-679bb6640eb1', '9c858901-8a57-4791-81fe-4c455b099bc9', ], invalid: [ '', 'xxxA987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3', '934859', 'AAAAAAAA-1111-1111-AAAG-111111111111', 'A987FBC9-4BED-5078-AF07-9141BA07C9F3', 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3', ], }); test({ validator: 'isUUID', args: [5], valid: [ '987FBC97-4BED-5078-AF07-9141BA07C9F3', '987FBC97-4BED-5078-BF07-9141BA07C9F3', '987FBC97-4BED-5078-8F07-9141BA07C9F3', '987FBC97-4BED-5078-9F07-9141BA07C9F3', ], invalid: [ '', 'xxxA987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3', '934859', 'AAAAAAAA-1111-1111-AAAG-111111111111', '9c858901-8a57-4791-81fe-4c455b099bc9', 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3', ], }); }); it('should validate a string that is in another string or array', function () { test({ validator: 'isIn', args: ['foobar'], valid: ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar', ''], invalid: ['foobarbaz', 'barfoo'], }); test({ validator: 'isIn', args: [['foo', 'bar']], valid: ['foo', 'bar'], invalid: ['foobar', 'barfoo', ''], }); test({ validator: 'isIn', args: [['1', '2', '3']], valid: ['1', '2', '3'], invalid: ['4', ''], }); test({ validator: 'isIn', invalid: ['foo', ''] }); }); it('should validate a string that is in another object', function () { test({ validator: 'isIn', args: [{ 'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'foobar': 3 }], valid: ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'], invalid: ['foobarbaz', 'barfoo', ''], }); test({ validator: 'isIn', args: [{ 1: 3, 2: 0, 3: 1 }], valid: ['1', '2', '3'], invalid: ['4', ''], }); }); it('should validate dates against a start date', function () { test({ validator: 'isAfter', args: ['2011-08-03'], valid: ['2011-08-04', new Date(2011, 8, 10).toString()], invalid: ['2010-07-02', '2011-08-03', new Date(0).toString(), 'foo'], }); test({ validator: 'isAfter', valid: ['2100-08-04', new Date(Date.now() + 86400000).toString()], invalid: ['2010-07-02', new Date(0).toString()], }); test({ validator: 'isAfter', args: ['2011-08-03'], valid: ['2015-09-17'], invalid: ['invalid date'], }); test({ validator: 'isAfter', args: ['invalid date'], invalid: ['invalid date', '2015-09-17'], }); }); it('should validate dates against an end date', function () { test({ validator: 'isBefore', args: ['08/04/2011'], valid: ['2010-07-02', '2010-08-04', new Date(0).toString()], invalid: ['08/04/2011', new Date(2011, 9, 10).toString()], }); test({ validator: 'isBefore', args: [new Date(2011, 7, 4).toString()], valid: ['2010-07-02', '2010-08-04', new Date(0).toString()], invalid: ['08/04/2011', new Date(2011, 9, 10).toString()], }); test({ validator: 'isBefore', valid: [ '2000-08-04', new Date(0).toString(), new Date(Date.now() - 86400000).toString(), ], invalid: ['2100-07-02', new Date(2097, 10, 10).toString()], }); test({ validator: 'isBefore', args: ['2011-08-03'], valid: ['1999-12-31'], invalid: ['invalid date'], }); test({ validator: 'isBefore', args: ['invalid date'], invalid: ['invalid date', '1999-12-31'], }); }); it('should validate that integer strings are divisible by a number', function () { test({ validator: 'isDivisibleBy', args: [2], valid: ['2', '4', '100', '1000'], invalid: [ '1', '2.5', '101', 'foo', '', ], }); }); it('should validate credit cards', function () { test({ validator: 'isCreditCard', valid: [ '375556917985515', '36050234196908', '4716461583322103', '4716-2210-5188-5662', '4929 7226 5379 7141', '5398228707871527', '6283875070985593', '6263892624162870', '6234917882863855', '6234698580215388', '6226050967750613', '6246281879460688', '2222155765072228', '2225855203075256', '2720428011723762', '2718760626256570', ], invalid: [ 'foo', 'foo', '5398228707871528', '2718760626256571', '2721465526338453', '2220175103860763', ], }); }); it('should validate ISINs', function () { test({ validator: 'isISIN', valid: [ 'AU0000XVGZA3', 'DE000BAY0017', 'BE0003796134', 'SG1G55870362', 'GB0001411924', 'DE000WCH8881', 'PLLWBGD00016', ], invalid: [ 'DE000BAY0018', 'PLLWBGD00019', 'foo', '5398228707871528', ], }); }); it('should validate ISBNs', function () { test({ validator: 'isISBN', args: [10], valid: [ '3836221195', '3-8362-2119-5', '3 8362 2119 5', '1617290858', '1-61729-085-8', '1 61729 085-8', '0007269706', '0-00-726970-6', '0 00 726970 6', '3423214120', '3-423-21412-0', '3 423 21412 0', '340101319X', '3-401-01319-X', '3 401 01319 X', ], invalid: [ '3423214121', '3-423-21412-1', '3 423 21412 1', '978-3836221191', '9783836221191', '123456789a', 'foo', '', ], }); test({ validator: 'isISBN', args: [13], valid: [ '9783836221191', '978-3-8362-2119-1', '978 3 8362 2119 1', '9783401013190', '978-3401013190', '978 3401013190', '9784873113685', '978-4-87311-368-5', '978 4 87311 368 5', ], invalid: [ '9783836221190', '978-3-8362-2119-0', '978 3 8362 2119 0', '3836221195', '3-8362-2119-5', '3 8362 2119 5', '01234567890ab', 'foo', '', ], }); test({ validator: 'isISBN', valid: [ '340101319X', '9784873113685', ], invalid: [ '3423214121', '9783836221190', ], }); test({ validator: 'isISBN', args: ['foo'], invalid: [ '340101319X', '9784873113685', ], }); }); it('should validate ISSNs', function () { test({ validator: 'isISSN', valid: [ '0378-5955', '0000-0000', '2434-561X', '2434-561x', '01896016', '20905076', ], invalid: [ '0378-5954', '0000-0001', '0378-123', '037-1234', '0', '2434-561c', '1684-5370', '19960791', '', ], }); test({ validator: 'isISSN', args: [{ case_sensitive: true }], valid: [ '2434-561X', '2434561X', '0378-5955', '03785955', ], invalid: [ '2434-561x', '2434561x', ], }); test({ validator: 'isISSN', args: [{ require_hyphen: true }], valid: [ '2434-561X', '2434-561x', '0378-5955', ], invalid: [ '2434561X', '2434561x', '03785955', ], }); test({ validator: 'isISSN', args: [{ case_sensitive: true, require_hyphen: true }], valid: [ '2434-561X', '0378-5955', ], invalid: [ '2434-561x', '2434561X', '2434561x', '03785955', ], }); }); it('should validate JSON', function () { test({ validator: 'isJSON', valid: [ '{ "key": "value" }', '{}', ], invalid: [ '{ key: "value" }', '{ \'key\': \'value\' }', 'null', '1234', 'false', '"nope"', ], }); }); it('should validate multibyte strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isMultibyte', valid: [ 'ひらがな・カタカナ、.漢字', 'あいうえお foobar', 'test@example.com', '1234abcDExyz', 'カタカナ', '中文', ], invalid: [ 'abc', 'abc123', '<>@" *.', ], }); }); it('should validate ascii strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAscii', valid: [ 'foobar', '0987654321', 'test@example.com', '1234abcDEF', ], invalid: [ 'foobar', 'xyz098', '123456', 'カタカナ', ], }); }); it('should validate full-width strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isFullWidth', valid: [ 'ひらがな・カタカナ、.漢字', '3ー0 a@com', 'Fカタカナ゙ᆲ', 'Good=Parts', ], invalid: [ 'abc', 'abc123', '!"#$%&()<>/+=-_? ~^|.,@`{}[]', ], }); }); it('should validate half-width strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isHalfWidth', valid: [ '!"#$%&()<>/+=-_? ~^|.,@`{}[]', 'l-btn_02--active', 'abc123い', 'カタカナ゙ᆲ←', ], invalid: [ 'あいうえお', '0011', ], }); }); it('should validate variable-width strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isVariableWidth', valid: [ 'ひらがなカタカナ漢字ABCDE', '3ー0123', 'Fカタカナ゙ᆲ', 'Good=Parts', ], invalid: [ 'abc', 'abc123', '!"#$%&()<>/+=-_? ~^|.,@`{}[]', 'ひらがな・カタカナ、.漢字', '123456', 'カタカナ゙ᆲ', ], }); }); it('should validate surrogate pair strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isSurrogatePair', valid: [ '𠮷野𠮷', '𩸽', 'ABC千𥧄1-2-3', ], invalid: [ '吉野竈', '鮪', 'ABC1-2-3', ], }); }); it('should validate base64 strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isBase64', valid: [ 'Zg==', 'Zm8=', 'Zm9v', 'Zm9vYg==', 'Zm9vYmE=', 'Zm9vYmFy', 'TG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9sb3Igc2l0IGFtZXQsIGNvbnNlY3RldHVyIGFkaXBpc2NpbmcgZWxpdC4=', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZW50dW0gc2VtcGVyIHBvcnRhLg==', 'U3VzcGVuZGlzc2UgbGVjdHVzIGxlbw==', 'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAuMPNS1Ufof9EW/M98FNw' + 'UAKrwflsqVxaxQjBQnHQmiI7Vac40t8x7pIb8gLGV6wL7sBTJiPovJ0V7y7oc0Ye' + 'rhKh0Rm4skP2z/jHwwZICgGzBvA0rH8xlhUiTvcwDCJ0kc+fh35hNt8srZQM4619' + 'FTgB66Xmp4EtVyhpQV+t02g6NzK72oZI0vnAvqhpkxLeLiMCyrI416wHm5Tkukhx' + 'QmcL2a6hNOyu0ixX/x2kSFXApEnVrJ+/IxGyfyw8kf4N2IZpW5nEP847lpfj0SZZ' + 'Fwrd1mnfnDbYohX2zRptLy2ZUn06Qo9pkG5ntvFEPo9bfZeULtjYzIl6K8gJ2uGZ' + 'HQIDAQAB', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', 'Zg=', 'Z===', 'Zm=8', '=m9vYg==', 'Zm9vYmFy====', ], }); }); it('should validate hex-encoded MongoDB ObjectId', function () { test({ validator: 'isMongoId', valid: [ '507f1f77bcf86cd799439011', ], invalid: [ '507f1f77bcf86cd7994390', '507f1f77bcf86cd79943901z', '', '507f1f77bcf86cd799439011 ', ], }); }); it('should validate mobile phone number', function () { test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0944549710', '+963944549710', '956654379', '0944549710', '0962655597', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', '+9639626626262', '+963332210972', '0114152198', ], args: ['ar-SY'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0556578654', '+966556578654', '966556578654', '596578654', '572655597', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', '+9665626626262', '+96633221097', '0114152198', ], args: ['ar-SA'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+420 123 456 789', '+420 123456789', '+420123456789', '123 456 789', '123456789', ], invalid: [ '', '+42012345678', ], args: ['cs-CZ'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+49 (0) 123 456 789', '+49 (0) 123 456789', '0123/4567890', '+49 01234567890', '01234567890', ], invalid: [ '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', ], args: ['de-DE'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '55-17-3332-2155', '55-15-25661234', '551223456789', '01523456987', '022995678947', '+55-12-996551215', ], invalid: [ '+017-123456789', '5501599623874', '+55012962308', '+55-015-1234-3214', ], args: ['pt-BR'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '15323456787', '13523333233', '13898728332', '+086-13238234822', '08613487234567', '8617823492338', '86-17823492338', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '010-38238383', ], args: ['zh-CN'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0987123456', '+886987123456', '886987123456', '+886-987123456', '886-987123456', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '0-987123456', ], args: ['zh-TW'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', invalid: [ '15323456787', '13523333233', '13898728332', '+086-13238234822', '08613487234567', '8617823492338', '86-17823492338', ], args: ['en'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0821231234', '+27821231234', '27821231234', ], invalid: [ '082123', '08212312345', '21821231234', '+21821231234', '+0821231234', ], args: ['en-ZA'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '61404111222', '+61411222333', '0417123456', ], invalid: [ '082123', '08212312345', '21821231234', '+21821231234', '+0821231234', '04123456789', ], args: ['en-AU'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '91234567', '9123-4567', '61234567', '51234567', '+85291234567', '+852-91234567', '+852-9123-4567', '852-91234567', `8384-${random4digit()}`, // Spare - starting from 1.7.2017 `8580-${random4digit()}`, // Spare - starting from 1.7.2017 `7109-${random4digit()}`, // Spare - starting from 1.7.2017 `7114-${random4digit()}`, // Spare - starting from 1.7.2017 `6920-${random4digit()}`, // Spare - starting from 1.7.2017 `6280-${random4digit()}`, // Spare - starting from 1.7.2017 `5908-${random4digit()}`, // Spare - starting from 1.7.2017 `5152-${random4digit()}`, // Spare - starting from 1.7.2017 `4923-${random4digit()}`, // Spare - starting from 1.7.2017 ], invalid: [ '999', '+852-912345678', '123456789', '+852-1234-56789', `9998${random4digit()}`, // Emergency Service (999) `9111-${random4digit()}`, // Others (911) `8521-${random4digit()}`, // Others (Conflict with country code) `8009-${random4digit()}`, // 800 Fixed Services `7211-${random4digit()}`, // Paging Service `7119-${random4digit()}`, // Paging Service `5850-${random4digit()}`, // Fixed Services `5003${random4digit()}`, // Others (Special Services) `4300-${random4digit()}`, // Others (Network Number) `3830-${random4digit()}`, // Fixed Services `2230-${random4digit()}`, // Fixed Services `1833-${random4digit()}`, // Short Code (High traffic volume services) `0060-${random4digit()}`, // Access Code (ETS, Prime IDD for Voice) ], args: ['en-HK'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0612457898', '+33612457898', '33612457898', '0712457898', '+33712457898', '33712457898', ], invalid: [ '061245789', '06124578980', '0112457898', '0212457898', '0312457898', '0412457898', '0512457898', '0812457898', '0912457898', '+34612457898', '+336124578980', '+3361245789', ], args: ['fr-FR'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+306944848966', '6944848966', '306944848966', ], invalid: [ '2102323234', '+302646041461', '120000000', '20000000000', '68129485729', '6589394827', '298RI89572', ], args: ['el-GR'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '447789345856', '+447861235675', '07888814488', ], invalid: [ '67699567', '0773894868', '077389f8688', '+07888814488', '0152456999', '442073456754', '+443003434751', '05073456754', '08001123123', ], args: ['en-GB'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '19876543210', '8005552222', '+15673628910', ], invalid: [ '564785', '0123456789', '1437439210', '8009112340', '+10345672645', '11435213543', '2436119753', '16532116190', ], args: ['en-US'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '19876543210', '8005552222', '+15673628910', ], invalid: [ '564785', '0123456789', '1437439210', '8009112340', '+10345672645', '11435213543', '2436119753', '16532116190', ], args: ['en-CA'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0956684590', '0966684590', '0976684590', '+260956684590', '+260966684590', '+260976684590', '260976684590', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '010-38238383', '966684590', ], args: ['en-ZM'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+79676338855', '79676338855', '89676338855', '9676338855', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '010-38238383', '+9676338855', '19676338855', '6676338855', '+99676338855', ], args: ['ru-RU'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0640133338', '063333133', '0668888878', '+381645678912', '+381611314000', '0655885010', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '010-38238383', '+9676338855', '19676338855', '6676338855', '+99676338855', ], args: ['sr-RS'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+6427987035', '642240512347', '0293981646', '029968425', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '+642956696123566', '+02119620856', '+9676338855', '19676338855', '6676338855', '+99676338855', ], args: ['en-NZ'], }); var norwegian = { valid: [ '+4796338855', '+4746338855', '4796338855', '4746338855', '46338855', '96338855', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '+4676338855', '19676338855', '+4726338855', '4736338855', '66338855', ], }; test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: norwegian.valid, invalid: norwegian.invalid, args: ['nb-NO'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: norwegian.valid, invalid: norwegian.invalid, args: ['nn-NO'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '01636012403', '+841636012403', '1636012403', '841636012403', '+84999999999', '84999999999', '0999999999', '999999999', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '010-38238383', '260976684590', ], args: ['vi-VN'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+34654789321', '654789321', '+34714789321', '714789321', '+34744789321', '744789321', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '+3465478932', '65478932', '+346547893210', '6547893210', '+34704789321', '704789321', '+34754789321', '754789321', ], args: ['es-ES'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+48512689767', '+48 56 376 87 47', '56 566 78 46', '657562855', '+48657562855', '+48 887472765', '+48 56 6572724', '+48 67 621 5461', '48 67 621 5461', ], invalid: [ '+48 67 621 5461', '+55657562855', '3454535', 'teststring', '', '1800-88-8687', '+6019-5830837', '357562855', ], args: ['pl-PL'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+358505557171', '0455571', '0505557171', '358505557171', '04412345', '0457 123 45 67', '+358457 123 45 67', '+358 50 555 7171', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', '045557', '045555717112312332423423421', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '010-38238383', '+3-585-0555-7171', '+9676338855', '19676338855', '6676338855', '+99676338855', '044123', '019123456789012345678901', ], args: ['fi-FI'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+60128228789', '+60195830837', '+6019-5830837', '+6019-5830837', '0128737867', '01468987837', '016-2838768', '016 2838768', ], invalid: [ '12345', '601238788657', '088387675', '16-2838768', '032551433', '6088-387888', '088-261987', '1800-88-8687', '088-320000', ], args: ['ms-MY'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0312345678', '0721234567', '09012345688', '06 1234 5678', '072 123 4567', '0729 12 3456', '07296 1 2345', '072961 2345', '090 1234 5678', '03-1234-5678', '+81312345678', '+816-1234-5678', '+8190-1234-5678', ], invalid: [ '12345', '', '045555717112312332423423421', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '+3-585-0555-7171', '0 1234 5689', '16 1234 5689', '03_1234_5689', ], args: ['ja-JP'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '370 3175423', '333202925', '+39 310 7688449', '+39 3339847632', ], invalid: [ '011 7387545', '12345', '+45 345 6782395', ], args: ['it-IT'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0470123456', '+32470123456', '32470123456', '021234567', '+3221234567', '3221234567', ], invalid: [ '12345', '+3212345', '3212345', '04701234567', '+3204701234567', '3204701234567', '0212345678', '+320212345678', '320212345678', ], args: ['fr-BE'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0470123456', '+32470123456', '32470123456', '021234567', '+3221234567', '3221234567', ], invalid: [ '12345', '+3212345', '3212345', '04701234567', '+3204701234567', '3204701234567', '0212345678', '+320212345678', '320212345678', ], args: ['nl-BE'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+40740123456', '+40 740123456', '+40740 123 456', '+40740.123.456', '+40740-123-456', '40740123456', '40 740123456', '40740 123 456', '40740.123.456', '40740-123-456', '0740123456', '0740/123456', '0740 123 456', '0740.123.456', '0740-123-456', ], invalid: [ '', 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123', '123456', '740123456', '+40640123456', '+40210123456', ], args: ['ro-RO'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '0217123456', '0811 778 998', '089931236181900', '622178878890', '62811 778 998', '62811778998', '6289931236181900', '6221 740123456', '62899 740123456', '62899 7401 2346', '0341 8123456', '0778 89800910', '0741 123456', '+6221740123456', '+62811 778 998', '+62811778998', ], invalid: [ '+65740 123 456', '', 'ASDFGJKLmZXJtZtesting123', '123456', '740123456', '+65640123456', '+64210123456', ], args: ['id-ID'], }); test({ validator: 'isMobilePhone', valid: [ '+37051234567', '851234567', ], invalid: [ '+65740 123 456', '', 'ASDFGJKLmZXJtZtesting123', '123456', '740123456', '+65640123456', '+64210123456', ], args: ['lt-LT'], }); }); it('should validate currency', function () { test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { }, '-$##,###.## (en-US, en-CA, en-AU, en-NZ, en-HK)', ], valid: [ '-$10,123.45', '$10,123.45', '$10123.45', '10,123.45', '10123.45', '10,123', '1,123,456', '1123456', '1.39', '.03', '0.10', '$0.10', '-$0.01', '-$.99', '$100,234,567.89', '$10,123', '10,123', '-10123', ], invalid: [ '1.234', '$1.1', '$ 32.50', '500$', '.0001', '$.001', '$0.001', '12,34.56', '123456,123,123456', '123,4', ',123', '$-,123', '$', '.', ',', '00', '$-', '$-,.', '-', '-$', '', '- $', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { require_symbol: true, }, '-$##,###.## with $ required (en-US, en-CA, en-AU, en-NZ, en-HK)', ], valid: [ '-$10,123.45', '$10,123.45', '$10123.45', '$10,123.45', '$10,123', '$1,123,456', '$1123456', '$1.39', '$.03', '$0.10', '$0.10', '-$0.01', '-$.99', '$100,234,567.89', '$10,123', '-$10123', ], invalid: [ '1.234', '$1.234', '1.1', '$1.1', '$ 32.50', ' 32.50', '500', '10,123,456', '.0001', '$.001', '$0.001', '1,234.56', '123456,123,123456', '$123456,123,123456', '123.4', '$123.4', ',123', '$,123', '$-,123', '$', '.', '$.', ',', '$,', '00', '$00', '$-', '$-,.', '-', '-$', '', '$ ', '- $', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { symbol: '¥', negative_sign_before_digits: true, }, '¥-##,###.## (zh-CN)', ], valid: [ '123,456.78', '-123,456.78', '¥6,954,231', '¥-6,954,231', '¥10.03', '¥-10.03', '10.03', '1.39', '.03', '0.10', '¥-10567.01', '¥0.01', '¥1,234,567.89', '¥10,123', '¥-10,123', '¥-10,123.45', '10,123', '10123', '¥-100', ], invalid: [ '1.234', '¥1.1', '5,00', '.0001', '¥.001', '¥0.001', '12,34.56', '123456,123,123456', '123 456', ',123', '¥-,123', '', ' ', '¥', '¥-', '¥-,.', '-', '- ¥', '-¥', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { symbol: '¥', allow_negatives: false, }, '¥##,###.## with no negatives (zh-CN)', ], valid: [ '123,456.78', '¥6,954,231', '¥10.03', '10.03', '1.39', '.03', '0.10', '¥0.01', '¥1,234,567.89', '¥10,123', '10,123', '10123', '¥100', ], invalid: [ '1.234', '-123,456.78', '¥-6,954,231', '¥-10.03', '¥-10567.01', '¥1.1', '¥-10,123', '¥-10,123.45', '5,00', '¥-100', '.0001', '¥.001', '¥-.001', '¥0.001', '12,34.56', '123456,123,123456', '123 456', ',123', '¥-,123', '', ' ', '¥', '¥-', '¥-,.', '-', '- ¥', '-¥', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { symbol: 'R', negative_sign_before_digits: true, thousands_separator: ' ', decimal_separator: ',', allow_negative_sign_placeholder: true, }, 'R ## ###,## and R-10 123,25 (el-ZA)', ], valid: [ '123 456,78', '-10 123', 'R-10 123', 'R 6 954 231', 'R10,03', '10,03', '1,39', ',03', '0,10', 'R10567,01', 'R0,01', 'R1 234 567,89', 'R10 123', 'R 10 123', 'R 10123', 'R-10123', '10 123', '10123', ], invalid: [ '1,234', 'R -10123', 'R- 10123', 'R,1', ',0001', 'R,001', 'R0,001', '12 34,56', '123456 123 123456', ' 123', '- 123', '123 ', '', ' ', 'R', 'R- .1', 'R-', '-', '-R 10123', 'R00', 'R -', '-R', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { symbol: '€', thousands_separator: '.', decimal_separator: ',', allow_space_after_symbol: true, }, '-€ ##.###,## (it-IT)', ], valid: [ '123.456,78', '-123.456,78', '€6.954.231', '-€6.954.231', '€ 896.954.231', '-€ 896.954.231', '16.954.231', '-16.954.231', '€10,03', '-€10,03', '10,03', '-10,03', '-1,39', ',03', '0,10', '-€10567,01', '-€ 10567,01', '€ 0,01', '€1.234.567,89', '€10.123', '10.123', '-€10.123', '€ 10.123', '€10.123', '€ 10123', '10.123', '-10123', ], invalid: [ '1,234', '€ 1,1', '50#,50', '123,@€ ', '€€500', ',0001', '€ ,001', '€0,001', '12.34,56', '123456.123.123456', '€123€', '', ' ', '€', ' €', '€ ', '€€', ' 123', '- 123', '.123', '-€.123', '123 ', '€-', '- €', '€ - ', '-', '- ', '-€', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { symbol: '€', thousands_separator: '.', symbol_after_digits: true, decimal_separator: ',', allow_space_after_digits: true, }, '-##.###,## € (el-GR)', ], valid: [ '123.456,78', '-123.456,78', '6.954.231 €', '-6.954.231 €', '896.954.231', '-896.954.231', '16.954.231', '-16.954.231', '10,03€', '-10,03€', '10,03', '-10,03', '1,39', ',03', '-,03', '-,03 €', '-,03€', '0,10', '10567,01€', '0,01 €', '1.234.567,89€', '10.123€', '10.123', '10.123€', '10.123 €', '10123 €', '10.123', '10123', ], invalid: [ '1,234', '1,1 €', ',0001', ',001 €', '0,001€', '12.34,56', '123456.123.123456', '€123€', '', ' ', '€', ' €', '€ ', ' 123', '- 123', '.123', '-.123€', '-.123 €', '123 ', '-€', '- €', '-', '- ', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { symbol: 'kr.', negative_sign_before_digits: true, thousands_separator: '.', decimal_separator: ',', allow_space_after_symbol: true, }, 'kr. -##.###,## (da-DK)', ], valid: [ '123.456,78', '-10.123', 'kr. -10.123', 'kr.-10.123', 'kr. 6.954.231', 'kr.10,03', 'kr. -10,03', '10,03', '1,39', ',03', '0,10', 'kr. 10567,01', 'kr. 0,01', 'kr. 1.234.567,89', 'kr. -1.234.567,89', '10.123', 'kr. 10.123', 'kr.10.123', '10123', '10.123', 'kr.-10123', ], invalid: [ '1,234', 'kr. -10123', 'kr.,1', ',0001', 'kr. ,001', 'kr.0,001', '12.34,56', '123456.123.123456', '.123', 'kr.-.123', 'kr. -.123', '- 123', '123 ', '', ' ', 'kr.', ' kr.', 'kr. ', 'kr.-', 'kr. -', 'kr. - ', ' - ', '-', '- kr.', '-kr.', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { symbol: 'kr.', allow_negatives: false, negative_sign_before_digits: true, thousands_separator: '.', decimal_separator: ',', allow_space_after_symbol: true, }, 'kr. ##.###,## with no negatives (da-DK)', ], valid: [ '123.456,78', '10.123', 'kr. 10.123', 'kr.10.123', 'kr. 6.954.231', 'kr.10,03', 'kr. 10,03', '10,03', '1,39', ',03', '0,10', 'kr. 10567,01', 'kr. 0,01', 'kr. 1.234.567,89', 'kr.1.234.567,89', '10.123', 'kr. 10.123', 'kr.10.123', '10123', '10.123', 'kr.10123', ], invalid: [ '1,234', '-10.123', 'kr. -10.123', 'kr. -1.234.567,89', 'kr.-10123', 'kr. -10123', 'kr.-10.123', 'kr. -10,03', 'kr.,1', ',0001', 'kr. ,001', 'kr.0,001', '12.34,56', '123456.123.123456', '.123', 'kr.-.123', 'kr. -.123', '- 123', '123 ', '', ' ', 'kr.', ' kr.', 'kr. ', 'kr.-', 'kr. -', 'kr. - ', ' - ', '-', '- kr.', '-kr.', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { parens_for_negatives: true, }, '($##,###.##) (en-US, en-HK)', ], valid: [ '1,234', '(1,234)', '($6,954,231)', '$10.03', '(10.03)', '($10.03)', '1.39', '.03', '(.03)', '($.03)', '0.10', '$10567.01', '($0.01)', '$1,234,567.89', '$10,123', '(10,123)', '10123', ], invalid: [ '1.234', '($1.1)', '-$1.10', '$ 32.50', '500$', '.0001', '$.001', '($0.001)', '12,34.56', '123456,123,123456', '( 123)', ',123', '$-,123', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', '$', '$ ', ' $', ' 123', '(123) ', '.', ',', '00', '$-', '$ - ', '$- ', ' - ', '-', '- $', '-$', '()', '( )', '( -)', '( - )', '( - )', '(-)', '(-$)', ], }); test({ validator: 'isCurrency', args: [ { allow_negatives: false }, '$##,###.## with no negatives (en-US, en-CA, en-AU, en-HK)', ], valid: [ '$10,123.45', '$10123.45', '10,123.45', '10123.45', '10,123', '1,123,456', '1123456', '1.39', '.03', '0.10', '$0.10', '$100,234,567.89', '$10,123', '10,123', ], invalid: [ '1.234', '-1.234', '-10123', '-$0.01', '-$.99', '$1.1', '-$1.1', '$ 32.50', '500$', '.0001', '$.001', '$0.001', '12,34.56', '123456,123,123456', '-123456,123,123456', '123,4', ',123', '$-,123', '$', '.', ',', '00', '$-', '$-,.', '-', '-$', '', '- $', '-$10,123.45', ], }); test({ validator: 'isBoolean', valid: [ 'true', 'false', '0', '1', ], invalid: [ '1.0', '0.0', 'true ', 'False', 'True', 'yes', ], }); }); it('should validate ISO 8601 dates', function () { // from http://www.pelagodesign.com/blog/2009/05/20/iso-8601-date-validation-that-doesnt-suck/ test({ validator: 'isISO8601', valid: [ '2009-12T12:34', '2009', '2009-05-19', '2009-05-19', '20090519', '2009123', '2009-05', '2009-123', '2009-222', '2009-001', '2009-W01-1', '2009-W51-1', '2009-W511', '2009-W33', '2009W511', '2009-05-19', '2009-05-19 00:00', '2009-05-19 14', '2009-05-19 14:31', '2009-05-19 14:39:22', '2009-05-19T14:39Z', '2009-W21-2', '2009-W21-2T01:22', '2009-139', '2009-05-19 14:39:22-06:00', '2009-05-19 14:39:22+0600', '2009-05-19 14:39:22-01', '20090621T0545Z', '2007-04-06T00:00', '2007-04-05T24:00', '2010-02-18T16:23:48.5', '2010-02-18T16:23:48,444', '2010-02-18T16:23:48,3-06:00', '2010-02-18T16:23.4', '2010-02-18T16:23,25', '2010-02-18T16:23.33+0600', '2010-02-18T16.23334444', '2010-02-18T16,2283', '2009-05-19 143922.500', '2009-05-19 1439,55', ], invalid: [ '200905', '2009367', '2009-', '2007-04-05T24:50', '2009-000', '2009-M511', '2009M511', '2009-05-19T14a39r', '2009-05-19T14:3924', '2009-0519', '2009-05-1914:39', '2009-05-19 14:', '2009-05-19r14:39', '2009-05-19 14a39a22', '200912-01', '2009-05-19 14:39:22+06a00', '2009-05-19 146922.500', '2010-02-18T16.5:23.35:48', '2010-02-18T16:23.35:48', '2010-02-18T16:23.35:48.45', '2009-05-19 14.5.44', '2010-02-18T16:23.33.600', '2010-02-18T16,25:23:48,444', ], }); }); it('should validate whitelisted characters', function () { test({ validator: 'isWhitelisted', args: ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-'], valid: ['foo', 'foobar', 'baz-foo'], invalid: ['foo bar', 'fo.bar', 'türkçe'], }); }); it('should error on non-string input', function () { var empty = [undefined, null, [], NaN]; empty.forEach(function (item) { assert.throws(validator.isEmpty.bind(null, item)); }); }); it('should validate dataURI', function () { /* eslint-disable max-len */ test({ validator: 'isDataURI', valid: [ '', '', '  ', 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20width%3D%22100%22%20height%3D%22100%22%3E%3Crect%20fill%3D%22%2300B1FF%22%20width%3D%22100%22%20height%3D%22100%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E', '', ' data:,Hello%2C%20World!', ' data:,Hello World!', ' data:text/plain;base64,SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ%3D%3D', ' data:text/html,%3Ch1%3EHello%2C%20World!%3C%2Fh1%3E', 'data:,A%20brief%20note', 'data:text/html;charset=US-ASCII,%3Ch1%3EHello!%3C%2Fh1%3E', ], invalid: [ 'dataxbase64', 'data:HelloWorld', 'data:text/html;charset=,%3Ch1%3EHello!%3C%2Fh1%3E', 'data:text/html;charset,%3Ch1%3EHello!%3C%2Fh1%3E', 'data:base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQAQMAAAAlPW0iAAAABlBMVEUAAAD///+l2Z/dAAAAM0lEQVR4nGP4/5/h/1+G/58ZDrAz3D/McH8yw83NDDeNGe4Ug9C9zwz3gVLMDA/A6P9/AFGGFyjOXZtQAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC', '', 'http://wikipedia.org', 'base64', 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQAQMAAAAlPW0iAAAABlBMVEUAAAD///+l2Z/dAAAAM0lEQVR4nGP4/5/h/1+G/58ZDrAz3D/McH8yw83NDDeNGe4Ug9C9zwz3gVLMDA/A6P9/AFGGFyjOXZtQAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC', ], }); /* eslint-enable max-len */ }); }); }