<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
Test chrome-only MutationObserver animation notifications (async tests)

  This file contains tests for animation mutation observers that require
  some asynchronous steps (e.g. waiting for animation events).

  Where possible, however, we prefer to write synchronous tests since they are
  less to timeout when run on automation. These synchronous tests are located
  in test_animation_observers_sync.html.

<script type="application/javascript" src="../testharness.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="../testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../testcommon.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>
@keyframes anim {
  to { transform: translate(100px); }
@keyframes anotherAnim {
  to { transform: translate(0px); }
#target {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: yellow;
  line-height: 16px;
<div id=container><div id=target></div></div>
var div = document.getElementById("target");
var gRecords = [];
var gObserver = new MutationObserver(newRecords => {

function setupAsynchronousObserver(t, options) {

  gRecords = [];
  t.add_cleanup(() => {
  gObserver.observe(options.subtree ? div.parentNode : div,
                    { animations: true, subtree: options.subtree });

// Adds an event listener and returns a Promise that is resolved when the
// event listener is called.
function await_event(aElement, aEventName) {
  return new Promise(aResolve => {
    function listener(aEvent) {
      aElement.removeEventListener(aEventName, listener);
    aElement.addEventListener(aEventName, listener);

function assert_record_list(actual, expected, desc, index, listName) {
  assert_equals(actual.length, expected.length,
    `${desc} - record[${index}].${listName} length`);
  if (actual.length != expected.length) {
  for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
    assert_not_equals(actual.indexOf(expected[i]), -1,
      `${desc} - record[${index}].${listName} contains expected Animation`);

function assert_records(expected, desc) {
  var records = gRecords;
  gRecords = [];
  assert_equals(records.length, expected.length, `${desc} - number of records`);
  if (records.length != expected.length) {
  for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
    assert_record_list(records[i].addedAnimations, expected[i].added, desc, i, "addedAnimations");
    assert_record_list(records[i].changedAnimations, expected[i].changed, desc, i, "changedAnimations");
    assert_record_list(records[i].removedAnimations, expected[i].removed, desc, i, "removedAnimations");

function assert_records_any_order(expected, desc) {
  // Generate a unique label for each Animation object.
  let animation_labels = new Map();
  let animation_counter = 0;
  for (let record of gRecords) {
    for (let a of [...record.addedAnimations, ...record.changedAnimations, ...record.removedAnimations]) {
      if (!animation_labels.has(a)) {
        animation_labels.set(a, ++animation_counter);
  for (let record of expected) {
    for (let a of [...record.added, ...record.changed, ...record.removed]) {
      if (!animation_labels.has(a)) {
        animation_labels.set(a, ++animation_counter);

  function record_label(record) {
    // Generate a label of the form:
    //   <added-animations>:<changed-animations>:<removed-animations>
    let added   = record.addedAnimations   || record.added;
    let changed = record.changedAnimations || record.changed;
    let removed = record.removedAnimations || record.removed;
    return [added  .map(a => animation_labels.get(a)).sort().join(),
            changed.map(a => animation_labels.get(a)).sort().join(),
            removed.map(a => animation_labels.get(a)).sort().join()]

  // Sort records by their label.
  gRecords.sort((a, b) => record_label(a) < record_label(b));
  expected.sort((a, b) => record_label(a) < record_label(b));

  // Assert the sorted record lists are equal.
  assert_records(expected, desc);

// -- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------

// We run all tests first targeting the div and observing the div, then again
// targeting the div and observing its parent while using the subtree:true
// MutationObserver option.

function runTest() {
    { observe: div,            target: div, subtree: false },
    { observe: div.parentNode, target: div, subtree: true  },
  ].forEach(aOptions => {

    var e = aOptions.target;

    promise_test(t => {
      setupAsynchronousObserver(t, aOptions);
      // Clear all styles once test finished since we re-use the same element
      // in all test cases.
      t.add_cleanup(() => {
        e.style = "";

      // Start a transition.
      e.style = "transition: background-color 100s; background-color: lime;";

      // Register for the end of the transition.
      var transitionEnd = await_event(e, "transitionend");

      // The transition should cause the creation of a single Animation.
      var animations = e.getAnimations();
      assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
        "getAnimations().length after transition start");

      // Wait for the single MutationRecord for the Animation addition to
      // be delivered.
      return waitForFrame().then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: animations, changed: [], removed: [] }],
                       "records after transition start");

        // Advance until near the end of the transition, then wait for it to
        // finish.
        animations[0].currentTime = 99900;
      }).then(() => {
        return transitionEnd;
      }).then(() => {
        // After the transition has finished, the Animation should disappear.
        assert_equals(e.getAnimations().length, 0,
           "getAnimations().length after transition end");

        // Wait for the change MutationRecord for seeking the Animation to be
        // delivered, followed by the the removal MutationRecord.
        return waitForFrame();
      }).then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: animations, removed: [] },
                        { added: [], changed: [], removed: animations }],
                       "records after transition end");
    }, `single_transition ${aOptions.subtree ? ': subtree' : ''}`);

    // Test that starting a single animation that completes normally
    // dispatches an added notification and then a removed notification.
    promise_test(t => {
      setupAsynchronousObserver(t, aOptions);
      t.add_cleanup(() => {
        e.style = "";

      // Start an animation.
      e.style = "animation: anim 100s;";

      // Register for the end of the animation.
      var animationEnd = await_event(e, "animationend");

      // The animation should cause the creation of a single Animation.
      var animations = e.getAnimations();
      assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
        "getAnimations().length after animation start");

      // Wait for the single MutationRecord for the Animation addition to
      // be delivered.
      return waitForFrame().then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: animations, changed: [], removed: [] }],
                       "records after animation start");

        // Advance until near the end of the animation, then wait for it to finish.
        animations[0].currentTime = 99900;
        return animationEnd;
      }).then(() => {
        // After the animation has finished, the Animation should disappear.
        assert_equals(e.getAnimations().length, 0,
          "getAnimations().length after animation end");

        // Wait for the change MutationRecord from seeking the Animation to
        // be delivered, followed by a further MutationRecord for the Animation
        // removal.
        return waitForFrame();
      }).then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: animations, removed: [] },
                        { added: [], changed: [], removed: animations }],
                       "records after animation end");
    }, `single_animation ${aOptions.subtree ? ': subtree' : ''}`);

    // Test that starting a single animation that is cancelled by updating
    // the animation-fill-mode property dispatches an added notification and
    // then a removed notification.
    promise_test(t => {
      setupAsynchronousObserver(t, aOptions);
      t.add_cleanup(() => {
        e.style = "";

      // Start a short, filled animation.
      e.style = "animation: anim 100s forwards;";

      // Register for the end of the animation.
      var animationEnd = await_event(e, "animationend");

      // The animation should cause the creation of a single Animation.
      var animations = e.getAnimations();
      assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
        "getAnimations().length after animation start");

      // Wait for the single MutationRecord for the Animation addition to
      // be delivered.
      return waitForFrame().then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: animations, changed: [], removed: [] }],
                       "records after animation start");

        // Advance until near the end of the animation, then wait for it to finish.
        animations[0].currentTime = 99900;
        return animationEnd;
      }).then(() => {
        // The only MutationRecord at this point should be the change from
        // seeking the Animation.
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: animations, removed: [] }],
                       "records after animation starts filling");

        // Cancel the animation by setting animation-fill-mode.
        e.style.animationFillMode = "none";
        // Explicitly flush style to make sure the above style change happens.
        // Normally we don't need explicit style flush if there is a waitForFrame()
        // call but in this particular case we are in the middle of animation events'
        // callback handling and requestAnimationFrame handling so that we have no
        // chance to process styling even after the requestAnimationFrame handling.

        // Wait for the single MutationRecord for the Animation removal to
        // be delivered.
        return waitForFrame();
      }).then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: [], removed: animations }],
                       "records after animation end");
    }, `single_animation_cancelled_fill ${aOptions.subtree ? ': subtree' : ''}`);

    // Test that calling finish() on a paused (but otherwise finished) animation
    // dispatches a changed notification.
    promise_test(t => {
      setupAsynchronousObserver(t, aOptions);
      t.add_cleanup(() => {
        e.style = "";

      // Start a long animation
      e.style = "animation: anim 100s forwards";

      // The animation should cause the creation of a single Animation.
      var animations = e.getAnimations();
      assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
        "getAnimations().length after animation start");

      // Wait for the single MutationRecord for the Animation addition to
      // be delivered.
      return waitForFrame().then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: animations, changed: [], removed: [] }],
                        "records after animation start");

        // Wait until the animation is playing.
        return animations[0].ready;
      }).then(() => {
        // Finish and pause.

        // Wait for the pause to complete.
        return animations[0].ready;
      }).then(() => {
          !animations[0].pending && animations[0].playState === "paused",
          "playState after finishing and pausing");

        // We should have two MutationRecords for the Animation changes:
        // one for the finish, one for the pause.
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: animations, removed: [] },
                        { added: [], changed: animations, removed: [] }],
                        "records after finish() and pause()");

        // Call finish() again.
        assert_equals(animations[0].playState, "finished",
          "playState after finishing from paused state");

        // Wait for the single MutationRecord for the Animation change to
        // be delivered. Even though the currentTime does not change, the
        // playState will change.
        return waitForFrame();
      }).then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: animations, removed: [] }],
                        "records after finish() and pause()");

        // Cancel the animation.
        e.style = "";

        // Wait for the single removal notification.
        return waitForFrame();
      }).then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: [], removed: animations }],
                        "records after animation end");
    }, `finish_from_pause ${aOptions.subtree ? ': subtree' : ''}`);

    // Test that calling play() on a paused Animation dispatches a changed
    // notification.
    promise_test(t => {
      setupAsynchronousObserver(t, aOptions);
      t.add_cleanup(() => {
        e.style = "";

      // Start a long, paused animation
      e.style = "animation: anim 100s paused";

      // The animation should cause the creation of a single Animation.
      var animations = e.getAnimations();
      assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
        "getAnimations().length after animation start");

      // Wait for the single MutationRecord for the Animation addition to
      // be delivered.
      return waitForFrame().then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: animations, changed: [], removed: [] }],
                        "records after animation start");

        // Wait until the animation is ready
        return animations[0].ready;
      }).then(() => {
        // Play

        // Wait for the single MutationRecord for the Animation change to
        // be delivered.
        return animations[0].ready;
      }).then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: animations, removed: [] }],
                        "records after play()");

        // Redundant play

        // Wait to ensure no change is dispatched
        return waitForFrame();
      }).then(() => {
        assert_records([], "records after redundant play()");

        // Cancel the animation.
        e.style = "";

        // Wait for the single removal notification.
        return waitForFrame();
      }).then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: [], removed: animations }],
                        "records after animation end");
    }, `play ${aOptions.subtree ? ': subtree' : ''}`);

    // Test that a non-cancelling change to an animation followed immediately by a
    // cancelling change will only send an animation removal notification.
    promise_test(t => {
      setupAsynchronousObserver(t, aOptions);
      t.add_cleanup(() => {
        e.style = "";

      // Start a long animation.
      e.style = "animation: anim 100s;";

      // The animation should cause the creation of a single Animation.
      var animations = e.getAnimations();
      assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
        "getAnimations().length after animation start");

      // Wait for the single MutationRecord for the Animation addition to
      // be delivered.
      return waitForFrame().then(() => {;
        assert_records([{ added: animations, changed: [], removed: [] }],
                       "records after animation start");

        // Update the animation's delay such that it is still running.
        e.style.animationDelay = "-1s";

        // Then cancel the animation by updating its duration.
        e.style.animationDuration = "0.5s";

        // We should get a single removal notification.
        return waitForFrame();
      }).then(() => {
        assert_records([{ added: [], changed: [], removed: animations }],
                       "records after animation end");
    }, `coalesce_change_cancel ${aOptions.subtree ? ': subtree' : ''}`);


promise_test(t => {
  setupAsynchronousObserver(t, { observe: div, subtree: true });
  t.add_cleanup(() => {
    div.style = "";

  // Add style for pseudo elements
  var extraStyle = document.createElement('style');
  var sheet = extraStyle.sheet;
  var rules = { ".before::before": "animation: anim 100s; content: '';",
                ".after::after"  : "animation: anim 100s, anim 100s; " +
                                   "content: '';"};
  for (var selector in rules) {
    sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + rules[selector] + '}',

  // Create a tree with two children:
  //          div
  //       (::before)
  //       (::after)
  //        /     \
  //   childA      childB(::before)
  var childA = document.createElement("div");
  var childB = document.createElement("div");


  // Start an animation on each (using order: childB, div, childA)
  // We include multiple animations on some nodes so that we can test batching
  // works as expected later in this test.
  childB.style = "animation: anim 100s";
  div.style    = "animation: anim 100s, anim 100s, anim 100s";
  childA.style = "animation: anim 100s, anim 100s";

  // Start animations targeting to pseudo element of div and childB.

  // Check all animations we have in this document
  var docAnims = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(docAnims.length, 10, "total animations");

  var divAnimations = div.getAnimations();
  var childAAnimations = childA.getAnimations();
  var childBAnimations = childB.getAnimations();

  var divBeforeAnimations =
    docAnims.filter(x => (x.effect.target == div &&
                          x.effect.pseudoElement == "::before"));
  var divAfterAnimations =
    docAnims.filter(x => (x.effect.target == div &&
                          x.effect.pseudoElement == "::after"));
  var childBPseudoAnimations =
    docAnims.filter(x => (x.effect.target == childB &&
                          x.effect.pseudoElement == "::before"));

  var seekRecords;
  // The order in which we get the corresponding records is currently
  // based on the order we visit these nodes when updating styles.
  // That is because we don't do any document-level batching of animation
  // mutation records when we flush styles. We may introduce that in the
  // future but for now all we are interested in testing here is that the
  // right records are generated, but we allow them to occur in any order.
  return waitForFrame().then(() => {
      [{ added: divAfterAnimations, changed: [], removed: [] },
       { added: childAAnimations, changed: [], removed: [] },
       { added: childBAnimations, changed: [], removed: [] },
       { added: childBPseudoAnimations, changed: [], removed: [] },
       { added: divAnimations, changed: [], removed: [] },
       { added: divBeforeAnimations, changed: [], removed: [] }],
      "records after simultaneous animation start");

    // The one case where we *do* currently perform document-level (or actually
    // timeline-level) batching is when animations are updated from a refresh
    // driver tick. In particular, this means that when animations finish
    // naturally the removed records should be dispatched according to the
    // position of the elements in the tree.

    // First, flatten the set of animations. we put the animations targeting to
    // pseudo elements last. (Actually, we don't care the order in the list.)
    var animations = [ ...divAnimations,
                       ...childBPseudoAnimations ];

    // Fast-forward to *just* before the end of the animation.
    animations.forEach(animation => animation.currentTime = 99999);

    // Prepare the set of expected change MutationRecords, one for each
    // animation that was seeked.
    seekRecords = animations.map(
      p => ({ added: [], changed: [p], removed: [] })

    return await_event(div, "animationend");
  }).then(() => {
    // After the changed notifications, which will be dispatched in the order that
    // the animations were seeked, we should get removal MutationRecords in order
    // (div, div::before, div::after), childA, (childB, childB::before).
    // Note: The animations targeting to the pseudo element are appended after
    //       the animations of its parent element.
    divAnimations = [ ...divAnimations,
                      ...divAfterAnimations ];
    childBAnimations = [ ...childBAnimations, ...childBPseudoAnimations ];
                     { added: [], changed: [], removed: divAnimations },
                     { added: [], changed: [], removed: childAAnimations },
                     { added: [], changed: [], removed: childBAnimations }),
                   "records after finishing");

    // Clean up
    div.style = "";
}, "tree_ordering: subtree");

// Test that animations removed by auto-removal trigger an event
promise_test(async t => {
  setupAsynchronousObserver(t, { observe: div, subtree: false });

  // Start two animations such that one will be auto-removed
  const animA = div.animate(
    { opacity: 1 },
    { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC, fill: 'forwards' }
  const animB = div.animate(
    { opacity: 1 },
    { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC, fill: 'forwards' }

  // Wait for the MutationRecords corresponding to each addition.
  await waitForNextFrame();

      { added: [animA], changed: [], removed: [] },
      { added: [animB], changed: [], removed: [] },
    'records after animation start'

  // Finish the animations -- this should cause animA to be replaced, and
  // automatically removed.

  // Wait for the MutationRecords corresponding to the timing changes and the
  // subsequent removal to be delivered.
  await waitForNextFrame();

      { added: [], changed: [animA], removed: [] },
      { added: [], changed: [animB], removed: [] },
      { added: [], changed: [], removed: [animA] },
    'records after finishing'

  // Restore animA.

  // Wait for the MutationRecord corresponding to the re-addition of animA.
  await waitForNextFrame();

    [{ added: [animA], changed: [], removed: [] }],
    'records after persisting'

  // Tidy up

  await waitForNextFrame();

      { added: [], changed: [], removed: [animA] },
      { added: [], changed: [], removed: [animB] },
    'records after tidying up end'
}, 'Animations automatically removed are reported');

setup({explicit_done: true});
    set: [
      ["dom.animations-api.autoremove.enabled", true],
      ["dom.animations-api.implicit-keyframes.enabled", true],
  function() {