add_task(async function () { // Even if modifier of a shortcut key same as modifier of content access key, // the shortcut key should be executed if (remote) content doesn't handle it. // This test uses existing shortcut key declaration on Linux and Windows. // If you remove or change Alt + D, you need to keep check this with changing // the pref or result check. await new Promise(resolve => { SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv( { set: [ ["ui.key.generalAccessKey", -1], ["ui.key.chromeAccess", 0 /* disabled */], ["ui.key.contentAccess", 4 /* Alt */], ["", true], ], }, resolve ); }); const kTestPage = "data:text/html,simple web page"; let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, kTestPage); let searchBar = BrowserSearch.searchBar; searchBar.focus(); function promiseURLBarHasFocus() { return new Promise(resolve => { if (gURLBar.focused) { ok(true, "The URL bar already has focus"); resolve(); return; } info("Waiting focus event..."); gURLBar.addEventListener( "focus", () => { ok(true, "The URL bar gets focus"); resolve(); }, { once: true } ); }); } function promiseURLBarSelectsAllText() { return new Promise(resolve => { function isAllTextSelected() { return ( gURLBar.inputField.selectionStart === 0 && gURLBar.inputField.selectionEnd === gURLBar.inputField.value.length ); } if (isAllTextSelected()) { ok(true, "All text of the URL bar is already selected"); isnot( gURLBar.inputField.value, "", "The URL bar should have non-empty text" ); resolve(); return; } info("Waiting selection changes..."); function tryToCheckItLater() { if (!isAllTextSelected()) { SimpleTest.executeSoon(tryToCheckItLater); return; } ok(true, "All text of the URL bar should be selected"); isnot( gURLBar.inputField.value, "", "The URL bar should have non-empty text" ); resolve(); } SimpleTest.executeSoon(tryToCheckItLater); }); } // Alt + D is a shortcut key to move focus to the URL bar and selects its text. info("Pressing Alt + D in the search bar..."); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("d", { altKey: true }); await promiseURLBarHasFocus(); await promiseURLBarSelectsAllText(); // Alt + D in the URL bar should select all text in it. await gURLBar.focus(); await promiseURLBarHasFocus(); gURLBar.inputField.selectionStart = gURLBar.inputField.selectionEnd = gURLBar.inputField.value.length; info("Pressing Alt + D in the URL bar..."); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("d", { altKey: true }); await promiseURLBarHasFocus(); await promiseURLBarSelectsAllText(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); });