/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "AudioDeviceInfo.h" NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(AudioDeviceInfo, nsIAudioDeviceInfo) using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::CubebUtils; AudioDeviceInfo::AudioDeviceInfo(cubeb_device_info* aInfo) : AudioDeviceInfo(aInfo->devid, NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(aInfo->friendly_name), NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(aInfo->group_id), NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(aInfo->vendor_name), aInfo->type, aInfo->state, aInfo->preferred, aInfo->format, aInfo->default_format, aInfo->max_channels, aInfo->default_rate, aInfo->max_rate, aInfo->min_rate, aInfo->latency_lo, aInfo->latency_hi) {} AudioDeviceInfo::AudioDeviceInfo( AudioDeviceID aID, const nsAString& aName, const nsAString& aGroupId, const nsAString& aVendor, uint16_t aType, uint16_t aState, uint16_t aPreferred, uint16_t aSupportedFormat, uint16_t aDefaultFormat, uint32_t aMaxChannels, uint32_t aDefaultRate, uint32_t aMaxRate, uint32_t aMinRate, uint32_t aMaxLatency, uint32_t aMinLatency) : mDeviceId(aID), mName(aName), mGroupId(aGroupId), mVendor(aVendor), mType(aType), mState(aState), mPreferred(aPreferred), mSupportedFormat(aSupportedFormat), mDefaultFormat(aDefaultFormat), mMaxChannels(aMaxChannels), mDefaultRate(aDefaultRate), mMaxRate(aMaxRate), mMinRate(aMinRate), mMaxLatency(aMaxLatency), mMinLatency(aMinLatency) { MOZ_ASSERT( mType == TYPE_UNKNOWN || mType == TYPE_INPUT || mType == TYPE_OUTPUT, "Wrong type"); MOZ_ASSERT(mState == STATE_DISABLED || mState == STATE_UNPLUGGED || mState == STATE_ENABLED, "Wrong state"); MOZ_ASSERT( mPreferred == PREF_NONE || mPreferred == PREF_ALL || mPreferred & (PREF_MULTIMEDIA | PREF_VOICE | PREF_NOTIFICATION), "Wrong preferred value"); MOZ_ASSERT(mSupportedFormat & (FMT_S16LE | FMT_S16BE | FMT_F32LE | FMT_F32BE), "Wrong supported format"); MOZ_ASSERT(mDefaultFormat == FMT_S16LE || mDefaultFormat == FMT_S16BE || mDefaultFormat == FMT_F32LE || mDefaultFormat == FMT_F32BE, "Wrong default format"); } AudioDeviceID AudioDeviceInfo::DeviceID() const { return mDeviceId; } const nsString& AudioDeviceInfo::Name() const { return mName; } uint32_t AudioDeviceInfo::MaxChannels() const { return mMaxChannels; } uint32_t AudioDeviceInfo::Type() const { return mType; } uint32_t AudioDeviceInfo::State() const { return mState; } const nsString& AudioDeviceInfo::GroupID() const { return mGroupId; } bool AudioDeviceInfo::Preferred() const { return mPreferred; } /* readonly attribute DOMString name; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetName(nsAString& aName) { aName = mName; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute DOMString groupId; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetGroupId(nsAString& aGroupId) { aGroupId = mGroupId; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute DOMString vendor; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetVendor(nsAString& aVendor) { aVendor = mVendor; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned short type; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetType(uint16_t* aType) { *aType = mType; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned short state; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetState(uint16_t* aState) { *aState = mState; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned short preferred; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetPreferred(uint16_t* aPreferred) { *aPreferred = mPreferred; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned short supportedFormat; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetSupportedFormat(uint16_t* aSupportedFormat) { *aSupportedFormat = mSupportedFormat; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned short defaultFormat; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetDefaultFormat(uint16_t* aDefaultFormat) { *aDefaultFormat = mDefaultFormat; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned long maxChannels; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetMaxChannels(uint32_t* aMaxChannels) { *aMaxChannels = mMaxChannels; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned long defaultRate; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetDefaultRate(uint32_t* aDefaultRate) { *aDefaultRate = mDefaultRate; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned long maxRate; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetMaxRate(uint32_t* aMaxRate) { *aMaxRate = mMaxRate; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned long minRate; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetMinRate(uint32_t* aMinRate) { *aMinRate = mMinRate; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned long maxLatency; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetMaxLatency(uint32_t* aMaxLatency) { *aMaxLatency = mMaxLatency; return NS_OK; } /* readonly attribute unsigned long minLatency; */ NS_IMETHODIMP AudioDeviceInfo::GetMinLatency(uint32_t* aMinLatency) { *aMinLatency = mMinLatency; return NS_OK; }