/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-*/ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef MOCKCUBEB_H_ #define MOCKCUBEB_H_ #include "AudioDeviceInfo.h" #include "AudioGenerator.h" #include "AudioVerifier.h" #include "MediaEventSource.h" #include "mozilla/DataMutex.h" #include "mozilla/ThreadSafeWeakPtr.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include #include #include namespace mozilla { const uint32_t MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS = 2; const uint32_t MAX_INPUT_CHANNELS = 2; struct cubeb_ops { int (*init)(cubeb** context, char const* context_name); char const* (*get_backend_id)(cubeb* context); int (*get_max_channel_count)(cubeb* context, uint32_t* max_channels); int (*get_min_latency)(cubeb* context, cubeb_stream_params params, uint32_t* latency_ms); int (*get_preferred_sample_rate)(cubeb* context, uint32_t* rate); int (*enumerate_devices)(cubeb* context, cubeb_device_type type, cubeb_device_collection* collection); int (*device_collection_destroy)(cubeb* context, cubeb_device_collection* collection); void (*destroy)(cubeb* context); int (*stream_init)(cubeb* context, cubeb_stream** stream, char const* stream_name, cubeb_devid input_device, cubeb_stream_params* input_stream_params, cubeb_devid output_device, cubeb_stream_params* output_stream_params, unsigned int latency, cubeb_data_callback data_callback, cubeb_state_callback state_callback, void* user_ptr); void (*stream_destroy)(cubeb_stream* stream); int (*stream_start)(cubeb_stream* stream); int (*stream_stop)(cubeb_stream* stream); int (*stream_get_position)(cubeb_stream* stream, uint64_t* position); int (*stream_get_latency)(cubeb_stream* stream, uint32_t* latency); int (*stream_get_input_latency)(cubeb_stream* stream, uint32_t* latency); int (*stream_set_volume)(cubeb_stream* stream, float volumes); int (*stream_set_name)(cubeb_stream* stream, char const* stream_name); int (*stream_get_current_device)(cubeb_stream* stream, cubeb_device** const device); int (*stream_device_destroy)(cubeb_stream* stream, cubeb_device* device); int (*stream_register_device_changed_callback)( cubeb_stream* stream, cubeb_device_changed_callback device_changed_callback); int (*register_device_collection_changed)( cubeb* context, cubeb_device_type devtype, cubeb_device_collection_changed_callback callback, void* user_ptr); }; // Keep those and the struct definition in sync with cubeb.h and // cubeb-internal.h void cubeb_mock_destroy(cubeb* context); static int cubeb_mock_enumerate_devices(cubeb* context, cubeb_device_type type, cubeb_device_collection* out); static int cubeb_mock_device_collection_destroy( cubeb* context, cubeb_device_collection* collection); static int cubeb_mock_register_device_collection_changed( cubeb* context, cubeb_device_type devtype, cubeb_device_collection_changed_callback callback, void* user_ptr); static int cubeb_mock_stream_init( cubeb* context, cubeb_stream** stream, char const* stream_name, cubeb_devid input_device, cubeb_stream_params* input_stream_params, cubeb_devid output_device, cubeb_stream_params* output_stream_params, unsigned int latency, cubeb_data_callback data_callback, cubeb_state_callback state_callback, void* user_ptr); static int cubeb_mock_stream_start(cubeb_stream* stream); static int cubeb_mock_stream_stop(cubeb_stream* stream); static void cubeb_mock_stream_destroy(cubeb_stream* stream); static char const* cubeb_mock_get_backend_id(cubeb* context); static int cubeb_mock_stream_set_volume(cubeb_stream* stream, float volume); static int cubeb_mock_stream_set_name(cubeb_stream* stream, char const* stream_name); static int cubeb_mock_stream_register_device_changed_callback( cubeb_stream* stream, cubeb_device_changed_callback device_changed_callback); static int cubeb_mock_get_min_latency(cubeb* context, cubeb_stream_params params, uint32_t* latency_ms); static int cubeb_mock_get_preferred_sample_rate(cubeb* context, uint32_t* rate); static int cubeb_mock_get_max_channel_count(cubeb* context, uint32_t* max_channels); // Mock cubeb impl, only supports device enumeration for now. cubeb_ops const mock_ops = { /*.init =*/NULL, /*.get_backend_id =*/cubeb_mock_get_backend_id, /*.get_max_channel_count =*/cubeb_mock_get_max_channel_count, /*.get_min_latency =*/cubeb_mock_get_min_latency, /*.get_preferred_sample_rate =*/cubeb_mock_get_preferred_sample_rate, /*.enumerate_devices =*/cubeb_mock_enumerate_devices, /*.device_collection_destroy =*/cubeb_mock_device_collection_destroy, /*.destroy =*/cubeb_mock_destroy, /*.stream_init =*/cubeb_mock_stream_init, /*.stream_destroy =*/cubeb_mock_stream_destroy, /*.stream_start =*/cubeb_mock_stream_start, /*.stream_stop =*/cubeb_mock_stream_stop, /*.stream_get_position =*/NULL, /*.stream_get_latency =*/NULL, /*.stream_get_input_latency =*/NULL, /*.stream_set_volume =*/cubeb_mock_stream_set_volume, /*.stream_set_name =*/cubeb_mock_stream_set_name, /*.stream_get_current_device =*/NULL, /*.stream_device_destroy =*/NULL, /*.stream_register_device_changed_callback =*/ cubeb_mock_stream_register_device_changed_callback, /*.register_device_collection_changed =*/ cubeb_mock_register_device_collection_changed}; class SmartMockCubebStream; // Represents the fake cubeb_stream. The context instance is needed to // provide access on cubeb_ops struct. class MockCubebStream { // These members need to have the exact same memory layout as a real // cubeb_stream, so that AsMock() returns a pointer to this that can be used // as a cubeb_stream. cubeb* context; void* mUserPtr; public: MockCubebStream(cubeb* aContext, cubeb_devid aInputDevice, cubeb_stream_params* aInputStreamParams, cubeb_devid aOutputDevice, cubeb_stream_params* aOutputStreamParams, cubeb_data_callback aDataCallback, cubeb_state_callback aStateCallback, void* aUserPtr, SmartMockCubebStream* aSelf, bool aFrozenStart); ~MockCubebStream(); int Start(); int Stop(); void Destroy(); int RegisterDeviceChangedCallback( cubeb_device_changed_callback aDeviceChangedCallback); cubeb_stream* AsCubebStream(); static MockCubebStream* AsMock(cubeb_stream* aStream); cubeb_devid GetInputDeviceID() const; cubeb_devid GetOutputDeviceID() const; uint32_t InputChannels() const; uint32_t OutputChannels() const; uint32_t InputSampleRate() const; uint32_t InputFrequency() const; void SetDriftFactor(float aDriftFactor); void ForceError(); void ForceDeviceChanged(); void Thaw(); // Enable input recording for this driver. This is best called before // the thread is running, but is safe to call whenever. void SetOutputRecordingEnabled(bool aEnabled); // Enable input recording for this driver. This is best called before // the thread is running, but is safe to call whenever. void SetInputRecordingEnabled(bool aEnabled); // Get the recorded output from this stream. This doesn't copy, and therefore // only works once. nsTArray&& TakeRecordedOutput(); // Get the recorded input from this stream. This doesn't copy, and therefore // only works once. nsTArray&& TakeRecordedInput(); MediaEventSource& StateEvent(); MediaEventSource& FramesProcessedEvent(); MediaEventSource& FramesVerifiedEvent(); MediaEventSource>& OutputVerificationEvent(); MediaEventSource& ErrorForcedEvent(); MediaEventSource& ErrorStoppedEvent(); MediaEventSource& DeviceChangeForcedEvent(); void Process10Ms(); public: const bool mHasInput; const bool mHasOutput; SmartMockCubebStream* const mSelf; private: void NotifyStateChanged(cubeb_state aState); // Monitor used to block start until mFrozenStart is false. Monitor mFrozenStartMonitor MOZ_UNANNOTATED; // Whether this stream should wait for an explicit start request before // starting. Protected by FrozenStartMonitor. bool mFrozenStart; // Signal to the audio thread that stream is stopped. std::atomic_bool mStreamStop{true}; // Whether or not the output-side of this stream (what is written from the // callback output buffer) is recorded in an internal buffer. The data is then // available via `GetRecordedOutput`. std::atomic_bool mOutputRecordingEnabled{false}; // Whether or not the input-side of this stream (what is written from the // callback input buffer) is recorded in an internal buffer. The data is then // available via `TakeRecordedInput`. std::atomic_bool mInputRecordingEnabled{false}; // The audio buffer used on data callback. AudioDataValue mOutputBuffer[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS * 1920] = {}; AudioDataValue mInputBuffer[MAX_INPUT_CHANNELS * 1920] = {}; // The audio callback cubeb_data_callback mDataCallback = nullptr; // The stream state callback cubeb_state_callback mStateCallback = nullptr; // The device changed callback cubeb_device_changed_callback mDeviceChangedCallback = nullptr; // The stream params cubeb_stream_params mOutputParams = {}; cubeb_stream_params mInputParams = {}; /* Device IDs */ cubeb_devid mInputDeviceID; cubeb_devid mOutputDeviceID; std::atomic mDriftFactor{1.0}; std::atomic_bool mFastMode{false}; std::atomic_bool mForceErrorState{false}; std::atomic_bool mForceDeviceChanged{false}; AudioGenerator mAudioGenerator; AudioVerifier mAudioVerifier; MediaEventProducer mStateEvent; MediaEventProducer mFramesProcessedEvent; MediaEventProducer mFramesVerifiedEvent; MediaEventProducer> mOutputVerificationEvent; MediaEventProducer mErrorForcedEvent; MediaEventProducer mErrorStoppedEvent; MediaEventProducer mDeviceChangedForcedEvent; // The recorded data, copied from the output_buffer of the callback. // Interleaved. nsTArray mRecordedOutput; // The recorded data, copied from the input buffer of the callback. // Interleaved. nsTArray mRecordedInput; }; class SmartMockCubebStream : public MockCubebStream, public SupportsThreadSafeWeakPtr { public: MOZ_DECLARE_REFCOUNTED_TYPENAME(SmartMockCubebStream) SmartMockCubebStream(cubeb* aContext, cubeb_devid aInputDevice, cubeb_stream_params* aInputStreamParams, cubeb_devid aOutputDevice, cubeb_stream_params* aOutputStreamParams, cubeb_data_callback aDataCallback, cubeb_state_callback aStateCallback, void* aUserPtr, bool aFrozenStart) : MockCubebStream(aContext, aInputDevice, aInputStreamParams, aOutputDevice, aOutputStreamParams, aDataCallback, aStateCallback, aUserPtr, this, aFrozenStart) {} }; // This class has two facets: it is both a fake cubeb backend that is intended // to be used for testing, and passed to Gecko code that expects a normal // backend, but is also controllable by the test code to decide what the backend // should do, depending on what is being tested. class MockCubeb { public: MockCubeb(); ~MockCubeb(); // Cubeb backend implementation // This allows passing this class as a cubeb* instance. cubeb* AsCubebContext(); static MockCubeb* AsMock(cubeb* aContext); // Fill in the collection parameter with all devices of aType. int EnumerateDevices(cubeb_device_type aType, cubeb_device_collection* aCollection); // Clear the collection parameter and deallocate its related memory space. int DestroyDeviceCollection(cubeb_device_collection* aCollection); // For a given device type, add a callback, called with a user pointer, when // the device collection for this backend changes (i.e. a device has been // removed or added). int RegisterDeviceCollectionChangeCallback( cubeb_device_type aDevType, cubeb_device_collection_changed_callback aCallback, void* aUserPtr); // Control API // Add an input or output device to this backend. This calls the device // collection invalidation callback if needed. void AddDevice(cubeb_device_info aDevice); // Remove a specific input or output device to this backend, returns true if // a device was removed. This calls the device collection invalidation // callback if needed. bool RemoveDevice(cubeb_devid aId); // Remove all input or output devices from this backend, without calling the // callback. This is meant to clean up in between tests. void ClearDevices(cubeb_device_type aType); // This allows simulating a backend that does not support setting a device // collection invalidation callback, to be able to test the fallback path. void SetSupportDeviceChangeCallback(bool aSupports); // Makes MockCubebStreams starting after this point wait for AllowStart(). // Callers must ensure they get a hold of the stream through StreamInitEvent // to be able to start them. void SetStreamStartFreezeEnabled(bool aEnabled); // Helper class that automatically unforces a forced audio thread on release. class AudioThreadAutoUnforcer { NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(AudioThreadAutoUnforcer) public: explicit AudioThreadAutoUnforcer(MockCubeb* aContext) : mContext(aContext) {} protected: virtual ~AudioThreadAutoUnforcer() { mContext->UnforceAudioThread(); } MockCubeb* mContext; }; // Creates the audio thread if one is not available. The audio thread remains // forced until UnforceAudioThread is called. The returned promise is resolved // when the audio thread is running. With this, a test can ensure starting // audio streams is deterministically fast across platforms for more accurate // results. using ForcedAudioThreadPromise = MozPromise, nsresult, false>; RefPtr ForceAudioThread(); // Allows a forced audio thread to stop. void UnforceAudioThread(); int StreamInit(cubeb* aContext, cubeb_stream** aStream, cubeb_devid aInputDevice, cubeb_stream_params* aInputStreamParams, cubeb_devid aOutputDevice, cubeb_stream_params* aOutputStreamParams, cubeb_data_callback aDataCallback, cubeb_state_callback aStateCallback, void* aUserPtr); void StreamDestroy(cubeb_stream* aStream); void GoFaster(); void DontGoFaster(); MediaEventSource>& StreamInitEvent(); MediaEventSource>& StreamDestroyEvent(); // MockCubeb specific API void StartStream(MockCubebStream* aStream); int StopStream(MockCubebStream* aStream); // Simulates the audio thread. The thread is created at Start and destroyed // at Stop. At next StreamStart a new thread is created. static void ThreadFunction_s(MockCubeb* aContext) { aContext->ThreadFunction(); } void ThreadFunction(); private: // This needs to have the exact same memory layout as a real cubeb backend. // It's very important for this `ops` member to be the very first member of // the class, and to not have any virtual members (to avoid having a // vtable). const cubeb_ops* ops; // The callback to call when the device list has been changed. cubeb_device_collection_changed_callback mInputDeviceCollectionChangeCallback = nullptr; cubeb_device_collection_changed_callback mOutputDeviceCollectionChangeCallback = nullptr; // The pointer to pass in the callback. void* mInputDeviceCollectionChangeUserPtr = nullptr; void* mOutputDeviceCollectionChangeUserPtr = nullptr; void* mUserPtr = nullptr; // Whether or not this backend supports device collection change // notification via a system callback. If not, Gecko is expected to re-query // the list every time. bool mSupportsDeviceCollectionChangedCallback = true; // Whether new MockCubebStreams should be frozen on start. Atomic mStreamStartFreezeEnabled{false}; // Whether the audio thread is forced, i.e., whether it remains active even // with no live streams. Atomic mForcedAudioThread{false}; MozPromiseHolder mForcedAudioThreadPromise; // Our input and output devices. nsTArray mInputDevices; nsTArray mOutputDevices; // The streams that are currently running. DataMutex>> mLiveStreams{ "MockCubeb::mLiveStreams"}; // Thread that simulates the audio thread, shared across MockCubebStreams to // avoid unintended drift. This is set together with mLiveStreams, under the // mLiveStreams DataMutex. UniquePtr mFakeAudioThread; // Whether to run the fake audio thread in fast mode, not caring about wall // clock time. false is default and means data is processed every 10ms. When // true we sleep(0) between iterations instead of 10ms. std::atomic mFastMode{false}; MediaEventProducer> mStreamInitEvent; MediaEventProducer> mStreamDestroyEvent; }; int cubeb_mock_enumerate_devices(cubeb* context, cubeb_device_type type, cubeb_device_collection* out) { return MockCubeb::AsMock(context)->EnumerateDevices(type, out); } int cubeb_mock_device_collection_destroy(cubeb* context, cubeb_device_collection* collection) { return MockCubeb::AsMock(context)->DestroyDeviceCollection(collection); } int cubeb_mock_register_device_collection_changed( cubeb* context, cubeb_device_type devtype, cubeb_device_collection_changed_callback callback, void* user_ptr) { return MockCubeb::AsMock(context)->RegisterDeviceCollectionChangeCallback( devtype, callback, user_ptr); } int cubeb_mock_stream_init( cubeb* context, cubeb_stream** stream, char const* stream_name, cubeb_devid input_device, cubeb_stream_params* input_stream_params, cubeb_devid output_device, cubeb_stream_params* output_stream_params, unsigned int latency, cubeb_data_callback data_callback, cubeb_state_callback state_callback, void* user_ptr) { return MockCubeb::AsMock(context)->StreamInit( context, stream, input_device, input_stream_params, output_device, output_stream_params, data_callback, state_callback, user_ptr); } int cubeb_mock_stream_start(cubeb_stream* stream) { return MockCubebStream::AsMock(stream)->Start(); } int cubeb_mock_stream_stop(cubeb_stream* stream) { return MockCubebStream::AsMock(stream)->Stop(); } void cubeb_mock_stream_destroy(cubeb_stream* stream) { MockCubebStream::AsMock(stream)->Destroy(); } static char const* cubeb_mock_get_backend_id(cubeb* context) { #if defined(XP_MACOSX) return "audiounit"; #elif defined(XP_WIN) return "wasapi"; #elif defined(ANDROID) return "opensl"; #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) return "sndio"; #else return "pulse"; #endif } static int cubeb_mock_stream_set_volume(cubeb_stream* stream, float volume) { return CUBEB_OK; } static int cubeb_mock_stream_set_name(cubeb_stream* stream, char const* stream_name) { return CUBEB_OK; } int cubeb_mock_stream_register_device_changed_callback( cubeb_stream* stream, cubeb_device_changed_callback device_changed_callback) { return MockCubebStream::AsMock(stream)->RegisterDeviceChangedCallback( device_changed_callback); } int cubeb_mock_get_min_latency(cubeb* context, cubeb_stream_params params, uint32_t* latency_ms) { *latency_ms = 10; return CUBEB_OK; } int cubeb_mock_get_preferred_sample_rate(cubeb* context, uint32_t* rate) { *rate = 44100; return CUBEB_OK; } int cubeb_mock_get_max_channel_count(cubeb* context, uint32_t* max_channels) { *max_channels = MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS; return CUBEB_OK; } void PrintDevice(cubeb_device_info aInfo); void PrintDevice(AudioDeviceInfo* aInfo); cubeb_device_info DeviceTemplate(cubeb_devid aId, cubeb_device_type aType, const char* name); cubeb_device_info DeviceTemplate(cubeb_devid aId, cubeb_device_type aType); void AddDevices(MockCubeb* mock, uint32_t device_count, cubeb_device_type deviceType); } // namespace mozilla #endif // MOCKCUBEB_H_