const PAGE_URL = ""; const testVideoId = "video"; add_task(async function setupTestingPref() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["media.mediacontrol.testingevents.enabled", true], ["", true], ], }); }); /** * This test is used to check if the `seekto` action can be sent when calling * media controller's `seekTo()`. In addition, the seeking related properties * which would be sent to the action handler should also be correct as what we * set in `seekTo()`. */ add_task(async function testSetPositionState() { info(`open media page`); const tab = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_URL); info(`start media`); await playMedia(tab, testVideoId); const seektime = 0; info(`seek to ${seektime} seconds.`); await PerformSeekTo(tab, { seekTime: seektime, }); info(`seek to ${seektime} seconds and set fastseek to boolean`); await PerformSeekTo(tab, { seekTime: seektime, fastSeek: true, }); info(`seek to ${seektime} seconds and set fastseek to false`); await PerformSeekTo(tab, { seekTime: seektime, fastSeek: false, }); info(`remove tab`); await tab.close(); }); /** * The following is helper function. */ async function PerformSeekTo(tab, seekDetails) { await SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [seekDetails, testVideoId], (seekDetails, Id) => { const { seekTime, fastSeek } = seekDetails; content.navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("seekto", details => { ok(details.seekTime != undefined, "Seektime must be presented"); is(seekTime, details.seekTime, "Get correct seektime"); if (fastSeek) { is(fastSeek, details.fastSeek, "Get correct fastSeek"); } else { ok( details.fastSeek === undefined, "Details should not contain fastSeek" ); } // We use `onseek` as a hint to know if the `seekto` has been received // or not. The reason we don't return a resolved promise instead is // because if we do so, it can't guarantees that the `seekto` action // handler has been set before calling `mediaController.seekTo`. content.document.getElementById(Id).currentTime = seekTime; }); } ); const seekPromise = SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [testVideoId], Id => { const video = content.document.getElementById(Id); return new Promise(r => (video.onseeking = r())); } ); const { seekTime, fastSeek } = seekDetails; tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.mediaController.seekTo(seekTime, fastSeek); await seekPromise; }