/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef CUBEBDEVICEENUMERATOR_H_ #define CUBEBDEVICEENUMERATOR_H_ #include "AudioDeviceInfo.h" #include "cubeb/cubeb.h" #include "MediaEventSource.h" #include "mozilla/Mutex.h" #include "nsTArray.h" namespace mozilla { namespace media { template class Refcountable; } // This class implements a cache for accessing the audio device list. // It can be accessed on any thread. class CubebDeviceEnumerator final { public: NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(CubebDeviceEnumerator) static CubebDeviceEnumerator* GetInstance(); static void Shutdown(); using AudioDeviceSet = media::Refcountable>>; // This method returns a list of all the input audio devices // (sources) available on this machine. // This method is safe to call from all threads. RefPtr EnumerateAudioInputDevices(); // Similar for the audio audio devices (sinks). Also thread safe. RefPtr EnumerateAudioOutputDevices(); // From a device name, return the info for this device, if it's a valid name, // or nullptr otherwise. // This method is safe to call from any thread. enum class Side { INPUT, OUTPUT, }; already_AddRefed DeviceInfoFromName(const nsString& aName, Side aSide); // Event source to listen for changes to the audio input device list on. MediaEventSource& OnAudioInputDeviceListChange() { return mOnInputDeviceListChange; } // Event source to listen for changes to the audio output device list on. MediaEventSource& OnAudioOutputDeviceListChange() { return mOnOutputDeviceListChange; } // Return the default device for a particular side. RefPtr DefaultDevice(Side aSide); private: CubebDeviceEnumerator(); ~CubebDeviceEnumerator(); // Static functions called by cubeb when the audio device list changes // (i.e. when a new device is made available, or non-available). This // simply calls `AudioDeviceListChanged` below. static void InputAudioDeviceListChanged_s(cubeb* aContext, void* aUser); static void OutputAudioDeviceListChanged_s(cubeb* aContext, void* aUser); // Invalidates the cached audio input device list, can be called on any // thread. void AudioDeviceListChanged(Side aSide); RefPtr EnumerateAudioDevices(Side aSide); // Synchronize access to mInputDevices and mOutputDevices; Mutex mMutex MOZ_UNANNOTATED; RefPtr mInputDevices; RefPtr mOutputDevices; // If mManual*Invalidation is true, then it is necessary to query the device // list each time instead of relying on automatic invalidation of the cache by // cubeb itself. Set in the constructor and then can be access on any thread. bool mManualInputInvalidation; bool mManualOutputInvalidation; MediaEventProducer mOnInputDeviceListChange; MediaEventProducer mOnOutputDeviceListChange; }; typedef CubebDeviceEnumerator Enumerator; typedef CubebDeviceEnumerator::Side EnumeratorSide; } // namespace mozilla #endif // CUBEBDEVICEENUMERATOR_H_