/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/intl/NumberRangeFormat.h" #include "mozilla/intl/ICU4CGlue.h" #include "mozilla/intl/NumberFormat.h" #include "NumberFormatFields.h" #include "NumberFormatterSkeleton.h" #include "ScopedICUObject.h" #include "unicode/uformattedvalue.h" #include "unicode/unumberrangeformatter.h" #include "unicode/upluralrules.h" namespace mozilla::intl { /*static*/ Result, ICUError> NumberRangeFormat::TryCreate(std::string_view aLocale, const NumberRangeFormatOptions& aOptions) { UniquePtr nrf = MakeUnique(); MOZ_TRY(nrf->initialize(aLocale, aOptions)); return nrf; } NumberRangeFormat::~NumberRangeFormat() { if (mFormattedNumberRange) { unumrf_closeResult(mFormattedNumberRange); } if (mNumberRangeFormatter) { unumrf_close(mNumberRangeFormatter); } } Result NumberRangeFormat::initialize( std::string_view aLocale, const NumberRangeFormatOptions& aOptions) { mFormatForUnit = aOptions.mUnit.isSome(); NumberFormatterSkeleton skeleton(aOptions); mNumberRangeFormatter = skeleton.toRangeFormatter( aLocale, aOptions.mRangeCollapse, aOptions.mRangeIdentityFallback); if (mNumberRangeFormatter) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; mFormattedNumberRange = unumrf_openResult(&status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } return Ok(); } return Err(ICUError::InternalError); } Result NumberRangeFormat::selectForRange( double start, double end, char16_t* keyword, int32_t keywordSize, const UPluralRules* pluralRules) const { MOZ_ASSERT(keyword); MOZ_ASSERT(pluralRules); MOZ_TRY(format(start, end)); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t utf16KeywordLength = uplrules_selectForRange( pluralRules, mFormattedNumberRange, keyword, keywordSize, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } return utf16KeywordLength; } bool NumberRangeFormat::formatInternal(double start, double end) const { // ICU incorrectly formats NaN values with the sign bit set, as if they // were negative. Replace all NaNs with a single pattern with sign bit // unset ("positive", that is) until ICU is fixed. if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(std::isnan(start))) { start = SpecificNaN(0, 1); } if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(std::isnan(end))) { end = SpecificNaN(0, 1); } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; unumrf_formatDoubleRange(mNumberRangeFormatter, start, end, mFormattedNumberRange, &status); return U_SUCCESS(status); } bool NumberRangeFormat::formatInternal(std::string_view start, std::string_view end) const { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; unumrf_formatDecimalRange(mNumberRangeFormatter, start.data(), start.size(), end.data(), end.size(), mFormattedNumberRange, &status); return U_SUCCESS(status); } Result NumberRangeFormat::formatResult() const { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const UFormattedValue* formattedValue = unumrf_resultAsValue(mFormattedNumberRange, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } int32_t utf16Length; const char16_t* utf16Str = ufmtval_getString(formattedValue, &utf16Length, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } return std::u16string_view(utf16Str, static_cast(utf16Length)); } Result NumberRangeFormat::formatResultToParts( Maybe start, bool startIsNegative, Maybe end, bool endIsNegative, NumberPartVector& parts) const { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const UFormattedValue* formattedValue = unumrf_resultAsValue(mFormattedNumberRange, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } int32_t utf16Length; const char16_t* utf16Str = ufmtval_getString(formattedValue, &utf16Length, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } UConstrainedFieldPosition* fpos = ucfpos_open(&status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } ScopedICUObject toCloseFpos(fpos); Maybe number = start; bool isNegative = startIsNegative; NumberPartSourceMap sourceMap; // Vacuum up fields in the overall formatted string. NumberFormatFields fields; while (true) { bool hasMore = ufmtval_nextPosition(formattedValue, fpos, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } if (!hasMore) { break; } int32_t category = ucfpos_getCategory(fpos, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } int32_t fieldName = ucfpos_getField(fpos, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } int32_t beginIndex, endIndex; ucfpos_getIndexes(fpos, &beginIndex, &endIndex, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } if (category == UFIELD_CATEGORY_NUMBER_RANGE_SPAN) { // The special field category UFIELD_CATEGORY_NUMBER_RANGE_SPAN has only // two allowed values (0 or 1), indicating the begin of the start resp. // end number. MOZ_ASSERT(fieldName == 0 || fieldName == 1, "span category has unexpected value"); if (fieldName == 0) { number = start; isNegative = startIsNegative; sourceMap.start = {uint32_t(beginIndex), uint32_t(endIndex)}; } else { number = end; isNegative = endIsNegative; sourceMap.end = {uint32_t(beginIndex), uint32_t(endIndex)}; } continue; } // Ignore categories other than UFIELD_CATEGORY_NUMBER. if (category != UFIELD_CATEGORY_NUMBER) { continue; } Maybe partType = GetPartTypeForNumberField( UNumberFormatFields(fieldName), number, isNegative, mFormatForUnit); if (!partType || !fields.append(*partType, beginIndex, endIndex)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } } if (!fields.toPartsVector(utf16Length, sourceMap, parts)) { return Err(ToICUError(status)); } return std::u16string_view(utf16Str, static_cast(utf16Length)); } } // namespace mozilla::intl