// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2000-2015, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. * ****************************************************************************** * file name: ubidiwrt.c * encoding: UTF-8 * tab size: 8 (not used) * indentation:4 * * created on: 1999aug06 * created by: Markus W. Scherer, updated by Matitiahu Allouche * * This file contains implementations for BiDi functions that use * the core algorithm and core API to write reordered text. */ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "unicode/uchar.h" #include "unicode/ubidi.h" #include "unicode/utf16.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "ustr_imp.h" #include "ubidiimp.h" /* * The function implementations in this file are designed * for UTF-16 and UTF-32, not for UTF-8. * * Assumptions that are not true for UTF-8: * - Any code point always needs the same number of code units * ("minimum-length-problem" of UTF-8) * - The BiDi control characters need only one code unit each * * Further assumptions for all UTFs: * - u_charMirror(c) needs the same number of code units as c */ #if defined(UTF_SIZE) && UTF_SIZE==8 # error reimplement ubidi_writeReordered() for UTF-8, see comment above #endif #define IS_COMBINING(type) ((1UL<<(type))&(1UL<0); return srcLength; } case UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING: { /* do mirroring */ int32_t i=0, j=0; UChar32 c; if(destSize0) { c=*src++; if(!IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(c)) { --remaining; } } return destSize-remaining; } *dest++=c; } } while(--srcLength>0); return destSize-remaining; } default: { /* remove BiDi control characters and do mirroring */ int32_t remaining=destSize; int32_t i, j=0; UChar32 c; do { i=0; U16_NEXT(src, i, srcLength, c); src+=i; srcLength-=i; if(!IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(c)) { remaining-=i; if(remaining<0) { *pErrorCode=U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR; /* preflight the length */ while(srcLength>0) { c=*src++; if(!IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(c)) { --remaining; } --srcLength; } return destSize-remaining; } c=u_charMirror(c); U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(dest, j, c); } } while(srcLength>0); return j; } } /* end of switch */ } static int32_t doWriteReverse(const char16_t *src, int32_t srcLength, char16_t *dest, int32_t destSize, uint16_t options, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) { /* * RTL run - * * RTL runs need to be copied to the destination in reverse order * of code points, not code units, to keep Unicode characters intact. * * The general strategy for this is to read the source text * in backward order, collect all code units for a code point * (and optionally following combining characters, see below), * and copy all these code units in ascending order * to the destination for this run. * * Several options request whether combining characters * should be kept after their base characters, * whether BiDi control characters should be removed, and * whether characters should be replaced by their mirror-image * equivalent Unicode characters. */ int32_t i, j; UChar32 c; /* optimize for several combinations of options */ switch(options&(UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS|UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING|UBIDI_KEEP_BASE_COMBINING)) { case 0: /* * With none of the "complicated" options set, the destination * run will have the same length as the source run, * and there is no mirroring and no keeping combining characters * with their base characters. */ if(destSize0); break; case UBIDI_KEEP_BASE_COMBINING: /* * Here, too, the destination * run will have the same length as the source run, * and there is no mirroring. * We do need to keep combining characters with their base characters. */ if(destSize0 && IS_COMBINING(u_charType(c))); /* copy this "user character" */ j=srcLength; do { *dest++=src[j++]; } while(j0); break; default: /* * With several "complicated" options set, this is the most * general and the slowest copying of an RTL run. * We will do mirroring, remove BiDi controls, and * keep combining characters with their base characters * as requested. */ if(!(options&UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS)) { i=srcLength; } else { /* we need to find out the destination length of the run, which will not include the BiDi control characters */ int32_t length=srcLength; char16_t ch; i=0; do { ch=*src++; if(!IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(ch)) { ++i; } } while(--length>0); src-=srcLength; } if(destSize0 && IS_COMBINING(u_charType(c))) { U16_PREV(src, 0, srcLength, c); } } if(options&UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS && IS_BIDI_CONTROL_CHAR(c)) { /* do not copy this BiDi control character */ continue; } /* copy this "user character" */ j=srcLength; if(options&UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING) { /* mirror only the base character */ int32_t k=0; c=u_charMirror(c); U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(dest, k, c); dest+=k; j+=k; } while(j0); break; } /* end of switch */ return destSize; } U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 ubidi_writeReverse(const char16_t *src, int32_t srcLength, char16_t *dest, int32_t destSize, uint16_t options, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) { int32_t destLength; if(pErrorCode==nullptr || U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) { return 0; } /* more error checking */ if( src==nullptr || srcLength<-1 || destSize<0 || (destSize>0 && dest==nullptr)) { *pErrorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return 0; } /* do input and output overlap? */ if( dest!=nullptr && ((src>=dest && src=src && dest0) { destLength=doWriteReverse(src, srcLength, dest, destSize, options, pErrorCode); } else { /* nothing to do */ destLength=0; } return u_terminateUChars(dest, destSize, destLength, pErrorCode); } // Ticket 20907 - The optimizer in MSVC/Visual Studio versions below 16.4 has trouble with this // function on Windows ARM64. As a work-around, we disable optimizations for this function. // This work-around could/should be removed once the following versions of Visual Studio are no // longer supported: All versions of VS2017, and versions of VS2019 below 16.4. #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_M_ARM64)) && (_MSC_VER < 1924)) #pragma optimize( "", off ) #endif U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 ubidi_writeReordered(UBiDi *pBiDi, char16_t *dest, int32_t destSize, uint16_t options, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) { const char16_t *text; char16_t *saveDest; int32_t length, destCapacity; int32_t run, runCount, logicalStart, runLength; if(pErrorCode==nullptr || U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) { return 0; } /* more error checking */ if( pBiDi==nullptr || (text=pBiDi->text)==nullptr || (length=pBiDi->length)<0 || destSize<0 || (destSize>0 && dest==nullptr)) { *pErrorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return 0; } /* do input and output overlap? */ if( dest!=nullptr && ((text>=dest && text=text && destoriginalLength))) { *pErrorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return 0; } if(length==0) { /* nothing to do */ return u_terminateUChars(dest, destSize, 0, pErrorCode); } runCount=ubidi_countRuns(pBiDi, pErrorCode); if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) { return 0; } /* destSize shrinks, later destination length=destCapacity-destSize */ saveDest=dest; destCapacity=destSize; /* * Option "insert marks" implies UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC if the * reordering mode (checked below) is appropriate. */ if(pBiDi->reorderingOptions & UBIDI_OPTION_INSERT_MARKS) { options|=UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC; options&=~UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS; } /* * Option "remove controls" implies UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS * and cancels UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC. */ if(pBiDi->reorderingOptions & UBIDI_OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS) { options|=UBIDI_REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS; options&=~UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC; } /* * If we do not perform the "inverse BiDi" algorithm, then we * don't need to insert any LRMs, and don't need to test for it. */ if((pBiDi->reorderingMode != UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L) && (pBiDi->reorderingMode != UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT) && (pBiDi->reorderingMode != UBIDI_REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL) && (pBiDi->reorderingMode != UBIDI_REORDER_RUNS_ONLY)) { options&=~UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC; } /* * Iterate through all visual runs and copy the run text segments to * the destination, according to the options. * * The tests for where to insert LRMs ignore the fact that there may be * BN codes or non-BMP code points at the beginning and end of a run; * they may insert LRMs unnecessarily but the tests are faster this way * (this would have to be improved for UTF-8). * * Note that the only errors that are set by doWriteXY() are buffer overflow * errors. Ignore them until the end, and continue for preflighting. */ if(!(options&UBIDI_OUTPUT_REVERSE)) { /* forward output */ if(!(options&UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC)) { /* do not insert BiDi controls */ for(run=0; rundirProps; const char16_t *src; char16_t uc; UBiDiDirection dir; int32_t markFlag; for(run=0; runruns[run].insertRemove; if(markFlag<0) { /* BiDi controls count */ markFlag=0; } if(UBIDI_LTR==dir) { if((pBiDi->isInverse) && (/*run>0 &&*/ dirProps[logicalStart]!=L)) { markFlag |= LRM_BEFORE; } if (markFlag & LRM_BEFORE) { uc=LRM_CHAR; } else if (markFlag & RLM_BEFORE) { uc=RLM_CHAR; } else uc=0; if(uc) { if(destSize>0) { *dest++=uc; } --destSize; } runLength=doWriteForward(src, runLength, dest, destSize, (uint16_t)(options&~UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING), pErrorCode); if(dest!=nullptr) { dest+=runLength; } destSize-=runLength; if((pBiDi->isInverse) && (/*run0) { *dest++=uc; } --destSize; } } else { /* RTL run */ if((pBiDi->isInverse) && (/*run>0 &&*/ !(MASK_R_AL&DIRPROP_FLAG(dirProps[logicalStart+runLength-1])))) { markFlag |= RLM_BEFORE; } if (markFlag & LRM_BEFORE) { uc=LRM_CHAR; } else if (markFlag & RLM_BEFORE) { uc=RLM_CHAR; } else uc=0; if(uc) { if(destSize>0) { *dest++=uc; } --destSize; } runLength=doWriteReverse(src, runLength, dest, destSize, options, pErrorCode); if(dest!=nullptr) { dest+=runLength; } destSize-=runLength; if((pBiDi->isInverse) && (/*run0) { *dest++=uc; } --destSize; } } } } } else { /* reverse output */ if(!(options&UBIDI_INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC)) { /* do not insert BiDi controls */ for(run=runCount; --run>=0;) { if(UBIDI_LTR==ubidi_getVisualRun(pBiDi, run, &logicalStart, &runLength)) { runLength=doWriteReverse(text+logicalStart, runLength, dest, destSize, (uint16_t)(options&~UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING), pErrorCode); } else { runLength=doWriteForward(text+logicalStart, runLength, dest, destSize, options, pErrorCode); } if(dest!=nullptr) { dest+=runLength; } destSize-=runLength; } } else { /* insert BiDi controls for "inverse BiDi" */ const DirProp *dirProps=pBiDi->dirProps; const char16_t *src; UBiDiDirection dir; for(run=runCount; --run>=0;) { /* reverse output */ dir=ubidi_getVisualRun(pBiDi, run, &logicalStart, &runLength); src=text+logicalStart; if(UBIDI_LTR==dir) { if(/*run0) { *dest++=LRM_CHAR; } --destSize; } runLength=doWriteReverse(src, runLength, dest, destSize, (uint16_t)(options&~UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING), pErrorCode); if(dest!=nullptr) { dest+=runLength; } destSize-=runLength; if(/*run>0 &&*/ dirProps[logicalStart]!=L) { if(destSize>0) { *dest++=LRM_CHAR; } --destSize; } } else { if(/*run0) { *dest++=RLM_CHAR; } --destSize; } runLength=doWriteForward(src, runLength, dest, destSize, options, pErrorCode); if(dest!=nullptr) { dest+=runLength; } destSize-=runLength; if(/*run>0 &&*/ !(MASK_R_AL&DIRPROP_FLAG(dirProps[logicalStart+runLength-1]))) { if(destSize>0) { *dest++=RLM_CHAR; } --destSize; } } } } } return u_terminateUChars(saveDest, destCapacity, destCapacity-destSize, pErrorCode); } #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_M_ARM64)) && (_MSC_VER < 1924)) #pragma optimize( "", on ) #endif