# © 2021 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. # License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html # This Bazel build file defines targets that are dependencies for building # the gennorm2 and genprops binaries. load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_binary", "cc_library") package( default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) cc_library( name = "toolutil", includes = ["."], hdrs = ["toolutil.h"], srcs = ["toolutil.cpp"], local_defines = [ "U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION", ], deps = ["//icu4c/source/common:platform"], ) cc_library( name = "unewdata", includes = ["."], hdrs = ["unewdata.h"], srcs = ["unewdata.cpp"], local_defines = [ "U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION", ], deps = [ ":filestrm", "//icu4c/source/common:platform", ], ) cc_library( name = "uoptions", includes = ["."], hdrs = ["uoptions.h"], srcs = ["uoptions.cpp"], local_defines = [ "U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION", ], deps = ["//icu4c/source/common:platform"], ) cc_library( name = "writesrc", includes = ["."], hdrs = ["writesrc.h"], srcs = ["writesrc.cpp"], local_defines = [ "U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION", ], deps = [ "//icu4c/source/common:bytestream", "//icu4c/source/common:platform", "//icu4c/source/common:uniset_core", ], ) cc_library( name = "uparse", includes = ["."], hdrs = ["uparse.h"], srcs = ["uparse.cpp"], local_defines = [ "U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION", ], deps = [ ":filestrm", "//icu4c/source/common:platform", ], ) cc_library( name = "filestrm", includes = ["."], hdrs = ["filestrm.h"], srcs = ["filestrm.cpp"], local_defines = [ "U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION", ], deps = ["//icu4c/source/common:platform"], ) cc_library( name = "ppucd", includes = ["."], hdrs = ["ppucd.h"], srcs = ["ppucd.cpp"], local_defines = [ "U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION", ], deps = [ ":uparse", "//icu4c/source/common:platform", ], ) cc_library( name = "denseranges", includes = ["."], hdrs = ["denseranges.h"], srcs = ["denseranges.cpp"], local_defines = [ "U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION", ], deps = ["//icu4c/source/common:platform"], ) cc_library( name = "collationinfo", includes = ["."], hdrs = ["collationinfo.h"], srcs = ["collationinfo.cpp"], local_defines = [ "U_TOOLUTIL_IMPLEMENTATION", ], deps = [ "//icu4c/source/common:platform", "//icu4c/source/i18n:headers", ], )