// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty('Intl')) const tests = { "en": { long: { "gregory": "Gregorian Calendar", "iso8601": "ISO-8601 Calendar", "japanese": "Japanese Calendar", "islamic-civil": "Islamic Calendar (tabular, civil epoch)", "islamicc": "Islamic Calendar (tabular, civil epoch)", "ethioaa": "Ethiopic Amete Alem Calendar", "ethiopic-amete-alem": "Ethiopic Amete Alem Calendar", }, short: {}, narrow: {}, }, "de": { long: { "gregory": "Gregorianischer Kalender", "iso8601": "ISO-8601-Kalender", "japanese": "Japanischer Kalender", "islamic-civil": "Bürgerlicher islamischer Kalender (tabellarisch)", "islamicc": "Bürgerlicher islamischer Kalender (tabellarisch)", "ethioaa": "Äthiopischer Amätä-Aläm-Kalender", "ethiopic-amete-alem": "Äthiopischer Amätä-Aläm-Kalender", }, short: {}, narrow: {}, }, "fr": { long: { "gregory": "calendrier grégorien", "iso8601": "calendrier ISO 8601", "japanese": "calendrier japonais", "islamic-civil": "calendrier musulman (tabulaire, époque civile)", "islamicc": "calendrier musulman (tabulaire, époque civile)", "ethioaa": "calendrier éthiopien Amete Alem", "ethiopic-amete-alem": "calendrier éthiopien Amete Alem", }, short: {}, narrow: {}, }, "zh": { long: { "gregory": "公历", "iso8601": "国际标准历法", "japanese": "和历", "islamic-civil": "伊斯兰希吉来日历", "islamicc": "伊斯兰希吉来日历", "ethioaa": "埃塞俄比亚阿米特阿莱姆日历", "ethiopic-amete-alem": "埃塞俄比亚阿米特阿莱姆日历", }, short: {}, narrow: {}, }, }; for (let [locale, localeTests] of Object.entries(tests)) { for (let [style, styleTests] of Object.entries(localeTests)) { let dn = new Intl.DisplayNames(locale, {type: "calendar", style}); let resolved = dn.resolvedOptions(); assertEq(resolved.locale, locale); assertEq(resolved.style, style); assertEq(resolved.type, "calendar"); assertEq(resolved.fallback, "code"); let inheritedTests = {...localeTests.long, ...localeTests.short, ...localeTests.narrow}; for (let [calendar, expected] of Object.entries({...inheritedTests, ...styleTests})) { assertEq(dn.of(calendar), expected); // Also works with objects. assertEq(dn.of(Object(calendar)), expected); } } } { let dn = new Intl.DisplayNames("en", {type: "calendar"}); // Performs ToString on the input and then validates the stringified result. assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => dn.of(), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => dn.of(undefined), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => dn.of(Symbol()), TypeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => dn.of(0), RangeError); // Throws an error if |code| isn't a well-formed calendar type. assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => dn.of("gregorian"), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => dn.of("grëgory"), RangeError); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => dn.of("grēgory"), RangeError); } // Test fallback behaviour. { let dn1 = new Intl.DisplayNames("en", {type: "calendar"}); let dn2 = new Intl.DisplayNames("en", {type: "calendar", fallback: "code"}); let dn3 = new Intl.DisplayNames("en", {type: "calendar", fallback: "none"}); assertEq(dn1.resolvedOptions().fallback, "code"); assertEq(dn2.resolvedOptions().fallback, "code"); assertEq(dn3.resolvedOptions().fallback, "none"); // "invalid" isn't a known calendar type. assertEq(dn1.of("invalid"), "invalid"); assertEq(dn2.of("invalid"), "invalid"); assertEq(dn3.of("invalid"), undefined); // The returned fallback is in canonical case. assertEq(dn1.of("INVALID"), "invalid"); assertEq(dn2.of("INVALID"), "invalid"); assertEq(dn3.of("INVALID"), undefined); } // Test when case isn't canonical. { let dn = new Intl.DisplayNames("en", {type: "calendar", fallback: "none"}); assertEq(dn.of("gregory"), "Gregorian Calendar"); assertEq(dn.of("GREGORY"), "Gregorian Calendar"); } if (typeof reportCompare === "function") reportCompare(true, true);