/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=813901 */ const TypedArrays = [ Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, Uint8ClampedArray ]; // Make sure that the correct nativecall-y stuff is denied on security wrappers. function run_test() { var sb = new Cu.Sandbox('http://www.example.org'); sb.obj = {foo: 2}; /* Set up some typed arrays. */ sb.ab = new ArrayBuffer(8); for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) new Uint8Array(sb.ab)[i] = i * 10; sb.ta = []; TypedArrays.forEach(f => sb.ta.push(new f(sb.ab))); sb.dv = new DataView(sb.ab); /* Things that should throw. */ checkThrows("Object.prototype.__lookupSetter__('__proto__').call(obj, {});", sb); sb.re = /f/; checkThrows("RegExp.prototype.exec.call(re, 'abcdefg').index", sb); sb.d = new Date(); checkThrows("Date.prototype.setYear.call(d, 2011)", sb); sb.m = new Map(); checkThrows("(new Map()).clear.call(m)", sb); checkThrows("ArrayBuffer.prototype.__lookupGetter__('byteLength').call(ab);", sb); checkThrows("ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice.call(ab, 0);", sb); checkThrows("DataView.prototype.getInt8.call(dv, 0);", sb); /* Now that Date is on Xrays, these should all throw. */ checkThrows("Date.prototype.getYear.call(d)", sb); checkThrows("Date.prototype.valueOf.call(d)", sb); checkThrows("d.valueOf()", sb); checkThrows("d.toString()", sb); /* Typed arrays. */ function testForTypedArray(t) { sb.curr = t; sb.currName = t.constructor.name; checkThrows("this[currName].prototype.subarray.call(curr, 0)[0]", sb); checkThrows("(new this[currName]).__lookupGetter__('length').call(curr)", sb); checkThrows("(new this[currName]).__lookupGetter__('buffer').call(curr)", sb); checkThrows("(new this[currName]).__lookupGetter__('byteOffset').call(curr)", sb); checkThrows("(new this[currName]).__lookupGetter__('byteLength').call(curr)", sb); } sb.ta.forEach(testForTypedArray); } function checkThrows(expression, sb) { var result = Cu.evalInSandbox('(function() { try { ' + expression + '; return "allowed"; } catch (e) { return e.toString(); }})();', sb); dump('result: ' + result + '\n\n\n'); Assert.ok(!!/denied/.exec(result)); }