package org.mozilla.geckoview.test import android.content.Context import import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.os.LocaleList import android.util.Pair import android.util.SparseArray import android.view.View import android.view.ViewStructure import android.view.autofill.AutofillId import android.view.autofill.AutofillValue import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat import androidx.test.ext.junit.rules.ActivityScenarioRule import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import androidx.test.filters.LargeTest import androidx.test.filters.SdkSuppress import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import org.junit.* // ktlint-disable no-wildcard-imports import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue import org.junit.Assume.assumeThat import org.junit.rules.RuleChain import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.mozilla.geckoview.Autofill import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoView import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule.NullDelegate import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.util.UiThreadUtils import @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) @LargeTest class GeckoViewTest : BaseSessionTest() { val activityRule = ActivityScenarioRule( @get:Rule override val rules = RuleChain.outerRule(activityRule).around(sessionRule) @Before fun setup() { activityRule.scenario.onActivity { // Attach the default session from the session rule to the GeckoView it.view.setSession(sessionRule.session) } } @After fun cleanup() { activityRule.scenario.onActivity { it.view.releaseSession() } } @Test fun setSessionOnClosed() { activityRule.scenario.onActivity { it.view.session!!.close() it.view.setSession(GeckoSession()) } } @Test fun setSessionOnOpenDoesNotThrow() { activityRule.scenario.onActivity { assertThat("Session is open", it.view.session!!.isOpen, equalTo(true)) val newSession = GeckoSession() it.view.setSession(newSession) assertThat( "The new session should be correctly set.", it.view.session, equalTo(newSession), ) } } @Test(expected = java.lang.IllegalStateException::class) fun displayAlreadyAcquired() { activityRule.scenario.onActivity { assertThat( "View should be attached", ViewCompat.isAttachedToWindow(it.view), equalTo(true), ) it.view.session!!.acquireDisplay() } } @Test fun relaseOnDetach() { activityRule.scenario.onActivity { // The GeckoDisplay should be released when the View is detached from the window... it.view.onDetachedFromWindow() it.view.session!!.releaseDisplay(it.view.session!!.acquireDisplay()) } } private fun waitUntilContentProcessPriority(high: List, low: List) { val highPids = { sessionRule.getSessionPid(it) }.toSet() val lowPids = { sessionRule.getSessionPid(it) }.toSet() UiThreadUtils.waitForCondition({ val shouldBeHighPri = getContentProcessesOomScore(highPids) val shouldBeLowPri = getContentProcessesOomScore(lowPids) // Note that higher oom score means less priority shouldBeHighPri.count { it > 100 } == 0 && shouldBeLowPri.count { it < 300 } == 0 }, env.defaultTimeoutMillis) } fun getContentProcessesOomScore(pids: Collection): List { return { pid -> File("/proc/$pid/oom_score").readText(Charsets.UTF_8).trim().toInt() } } fun setupPriorityTest(): GeckoSession { // This makes the test a little bit faster sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd( mapOf( "dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.backgroundGracePeriodMS" to 0, "dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.backgroundPerceivableGracePeriodMS" to 0, ), ) val otherSession = sessionRule.createOpenSession() // The process manager sets newly created processes to FOREGROUND priority until they // are de-prioritized, so we need to activate and deactivate the session to trigger // a setPriority call. otherSession.setActive(true) otherSession.setActive(false) // Need a dummy page to be able to get the PID from the session otherSession.loadUri("") otherSession.waitForPageStop() mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH) mainSession.waitForPageStop() waitUntilContentProcessPriority( high = listOf(mainSession), low = listOf(otherSession), ) return otherSession } @Test @NullDelegate(Autofill.Delegate::class) fun setTabActiveKeepsTabAtHighPriority() { // Bug 1768102 - Doesn't seem to work on Fission assumeThat(env.isFission || env.isIsolatedProcess, equalTo(false)) activityRule.scenario.onActivity { val otherSession = setupPriorityTest() // A tab with priority hint does not get de-prioritized even when // the surface is destroyed mainSession.setPriorityHint(GeckoSession.PRIORITY_HIGH) // This will destroy mainSession's surface and create a surface for otherSession it.view.setSession(otherSession) waitUntilContentProcessPriority(high = listOf(mainSession, otherSession), low = listOf()) // Destroying otherSession's surface should leave mainSession as the sole high priority // tab it.view.releaseSession() waitUntilContentProcessPriority(high = listOf(mainSession), low = listOf()) // Cleanup mainSession.setPriorityHint(GeckoSession.PRIORITY_DEFAULT) } } @Test @NullDelegate(Autofill.Delegate::class) fun processPriorityTest() { // Doesn't seem to work on Fission assumeThat(env.isFission || env.isIsolatedProcess, equalTo(false)) activityRule.scenario.onActivity { val otherSession = setupPriorityTest() // After setting otherSession to the view, otherSession should be high priority // and mainSession should be de-prioritized it.view.setSession(otherSession) waitUntilContentProcessPriority( high = listOf(otherSession), low = listOf(mainSession), ) // After releasing otherSession, both sessions should be low priority it.view.releaseSession() waitUntilContentProcessPriority( high = listOf(), low = listOf(mainSession, otherSession), ) // Test that re-setting mainSession in the view raises the priority again it.view.setSession(mainSession) waitUntilContentProcessPriority( high = listOf(mainSession), low = listOf(otherSession), ) // Setting the session to active should also raise priority otherSession.setActive(true) waitUntilContentProcessPriority( high = listOf(mainSession, otherSession), low = listOf(), ) } } @Test @NullDelegate(Autofill.Delegate::class) fun setPriorityHint() { // Bug 1768102 - Doesn't seem to work on Fission assumeThat(env.isFission || env.isIsolatedProcess, equalTo(false)) val otherSession = setupPriorityTest() // Setting priorityHint to PRIORITY_HIGH raises priority otherSession.setPriorityHint(GeckoSession.PRIORITY_HIGH) waitUntilContentProcessPriority( high = listOf(mainSession, otherSession), low = listOf(), ) // Setting priorityHint to PRIORITY_DEFAULT should lower priority otherSession.setPriorityHint(GeckoSession.PRIORITY_DEFAULT) waitUntilContentProcessPriority( high = listOf(mainSession), low = listOf(otherSession), ) } private fun visit(node: MockViewStructure, callback: (MockViewStructure) -> Unit) { callback(node) for (child in node.children) { if (child != null) { visit(child, callback) } } } @Test @NullDelegate(Autofill.Delegate::class) @SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O) fun autofillWithNoSession() { mainSession.loadTestPath(FORMS_XORIGIN_HTML_PATH) mainSession.waitForPageStop() val autofills = mapOf( "#user1" to "", "#user2" to "", "#pass1" to "test-password", "#pass2" to "test-password", ) // Set up promises to monitor the values changing. val promises = { entry -> // Repeat each test with both the top document and the iframe document. mainSession.evaluatePromiseJS( """ window.getDataForAllFrames('${entry.key}', '${entry.value}') """, ) } activityRule.scenario.onActivity { val root = MockViewStructure(View.NO_ID) it.view.onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure(root, 0) val data = SparseArray() visit(root) { node -> if (node.hints?.indexOf(View.AUTOFILL_HINT_USERNAME) != -1) { data.set(, AutofillValue.forText("")) } else if (node.hints?.indexOf(View.AUTOFILL_HINT_PASSWORD) != -1) { data.set(, AutofillValue.forText("test-password")) } } // Releasing the session will set mSession in GeckoView to null // this test verifies that we can still autofill correctly even in released state val session = it.view.releaseSession()!! it.view.autofill(data) // Put back the session and verifies that the autofill went through anyway it.view.setSession(session) // Wait on the promises and check for correct values. for (values in { p -> p.value.asJsonArray() }) { for (i in 0 until values.length()) { val (key, actual, expected, eventInterface) = values.get(i).asJSList() assertThat("Auto-filled value must match ($key)", actual, equalTo(expected)) assertThat( "input event should be dispatched with InputEvent interface", eventInterface, equalTo("InputEvent"), ) } } } } @Test @NullDelegate(Autofill.Delegate::class) fun activityContextDelegate() { var delegateCalled = false activityRule.scenario.onActivity { class TestActivityDelegate : GeckoView.ActivityContextDelegate { override fun getActivityContext(): Context { delegateCalled = true return it } } // Set view delegate it.view.activityContextDelegate = TestActivityDelegate() val context = it.view.activityContextDelegate?.activityContext assertTrue("The activity context delegate was called.", delegateCalled) assertTrue("The activity context delegate provided the expected context.", context == it) } } class MockViewStructure(var id: Int, var parent: MockViewStructure? = null) : ViewStructure() { private var enabled: Boolean = false private var inputType = 0 var children = Array(0, { null }) var childIndex = 0 var hints: Array? = null override fun setId(p0: Int, p1: String?, p2: String?, p3: String?) { id = p0 } override fun setEnabled(p0: Boolean) { enabled = p0 } override fun setChildCount(p0: Int) { children = Array(p0, { null }) } override fun getChildCount(): Int { return children.size } override fun newChild(p0: Int): ViewStructure { val child = MockViewStructure(p0, this) children[childIndex++] = child return child } override fun asyncNewChild(p0: Int): ViewStructure { return newChild(p0) } override fun setInputType(p0: Int) { inputType = p0 } fun getInputType(): Int { return inputType } override fun setAutofillHints(p0: Array?) { hints = p0 } override fun addChildCount(p0: Int): Int { TODO() } override fun setDimens(p0: Int, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: Int, p5: Int) {} override fun setTransformation(p0: Matrix?) {} override fun setElevation(p0: Float) {} override fun setAlpha(p0: Float) {} override fun setVisibility(p0: Int) {} override fun setClickable(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setLongClickable(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setContextClickable(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setFocusable(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setFocused(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setAccessibilityFocused(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setCheckable(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setChecked(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setSelected(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setActivated(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setOpaque(p0: Boolean) {} override fun setClassName(p0: String?) {} override fun setContentDescription(p0: CharSequence?) {} override fun setText(p0: CharSequence?) {} override fun setText(p0: CharSequence?, p1: Int, p2: Int) {} override fun setTextStyle(p0: Float, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int) {} override fun setTextLines(p0: IntArray?, p1: IntArray?) {} override fun setHint(p0: CharSequence?) {} override fun getText(): CharSequence { return "" } override fun getTextSelectionStart(): Int { return 0 } override fun getTextSelectionEnd(): Int { return 0 } override fun getHint(): CharSequence { return "" } override fun getExtras(): Bundle { return Bundle() } override fun hasExtras(): Boolean { return false } override fun getAutofillId(): AutofillId? { return null } override fun setAutofillId(p0: AutofillId) {} override fun setAutofillId(p0: AutofillId, p1: Int) {} override fun setAutofillType(p0: Int) {} override fun setAutofillValue(p0: AutofillValue?) {} override fun setAutofillOptions(p0: Array?) {} override fun setDataIsSensitive(p0: Boolean) {} override fun asyncCommit() {} override fun setWebDomain(p0: String?) {} override fun setLocaleList(p0: LocaleList?) {} override fun newHtmlInfoBuilder(p0: String): HtmlInfo.Builder { return MockHtmlInfoBuilder() } override fun setHtmlInfo(p0: HtmlInfo) { } } class MockHtmlInfoBuilder : ViewStructure.HtmlInfo.Builder() { override fun addAttribute(p0: String, p1: String): ViewStructure.HtmlInfo.Builder { return this } override fun build(): ViewStructure.HtmlInfo { return MockHtmlInfo() } } class MockHtmlInfo : ViewStructure.HtmlInfo() { override fun getTag(): String { TODO("Not yet implemented") } override fun getAttributes(): MutableList>? { TODO("Not yet implemented") } } }