#!/usr/bin/perl # usage: compile-et input.et # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. sub header { local($filename, $comment) = @_; < 0x7fffff); $base*256; } sub code { local($macro, $text) = @_; $code = $table_base + $table_item_count; print H "\n"; print H "/* ", $text, " */\n"; printf H "#define %-40s (%dL)\n", $macro, $code; print C "\t{\"", $macro, "\", \"", $text, "\"},\n"; print PROPERTIES $macro, "=", $text, "\n"; $table_item_count++; } $filename = $ARGV[0]; open(INPUT, "< $filename") || die "Can't read $filename: $!\n"; $base = "$filename"; $base =~ s/\.et$//; $base =~ s#.*/##; open(H, "> ${base}.h") || die "Can't write ${base}.h\n"; open(C, "> ${base}.c") || die "Can't write ${base}.c\n"; open(PROPERTIES, "> ${base}.properties") || die "Can't write ${base}.properties\n"; print H "/*\n", &header("${base}.h", " *"), " */\n"; print C "/*\n", &header("${base}.c", " *"), " */\n"; print PROPERTIES &header("${base}.properties", "#"); $skipone = 0; while ($_ = ) { next if /^#/; if (/^[ \t]*(error_table|et)[ \t]+([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *(-?[0-9]*)/) { $table_name = $2; if ($3) { $table_base = $3; } else { $table_base = &table_base($table_name); } $table_item_count = 0; print C "#include \"prerror.h\"\n"; print C "static const struct PRErrorMessage text[] = {\n"; } elsif (/^[ \t]*(error_code|ec)[ \t]+([A-Z_0-9]+),[ \t]*$/) { $skipone = 1; $macro = $2; } elsif (/^[ \t]*(error_code|ec)[ \t]+([A-Z_0-9]+),[ \t]*"(.*)"[ \t]*$/) { &code($2, $3); } elsif ($skipone && /^[ \t]*"(.*)"[ \t]*$/) { &code($macro, $1); } } print H "\n"; print H "extern void ", $table_name, "_InitializePRErrorTable","(void);\n"; printf H "#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_%s (%dL)\n", $table_name, $table_base; print C "\t{0, 0}\n"; print C "};\n\n"; printf C "static const struct PRErrorTable et = { text, \"%s\", %dL, %d };\n", $base, $table_base, $table_item_count; print C "\n"; print C "void ", $table_name, "_InitializePRErrorTable", "(void) {\n"; print C " PR_ErrorInstallTable(&et);\n"; print C "}\n"; 0;