# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. # http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ # Unit test for the HttpPostFile plugin, using a server on localhost. # # This test has not been set up to run in continuous integration. It is # intended to be run manually, and only on Windows. # # Requires postdriver.exe, which can be built from postdriver.nsi with makensis # from MozillaBuild: # # makensis-3.01.exe postdriver.nsi # # It can then be run from this directory as: # # python3 test.py import os import subprocess import http.server import socketserver import threading DRIVER_EXE_FILE_NAME = "postdriver.exe" JSON_FILE_NAME = "test1.json" RESULT_FILE_NAME = "result.txt" BIND_HOST = "" BIND_PORT = 8080 COMMON_URL = f"http://{BIND_HOST}:{BIND_PORT}/submit" COMMON_JSON_BYTES = '{"yes": "indeed",\n"and": "ij"}'.encode('utf-8') DRIVER_TIMEOUT_SECS = 60 SERVER_TIMEOUT_SECS = 120 class PostHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): """BaseHTTPRequestHandler, basically just here to have a configurable do_POST handler""" last_submission = None last_content_type = None server_response = 'Hello, plugin'.encode('utf-8') def server_accept_submit(handler): """Plugs into PostHandler.do_POST, accepts a POST on /submit and saves it into the globals""" global last_submission global last_content_type global server_response last_submission = None last_content_type = None if handler.path == "/submit": handler.send_response(200, 'Ok') content_length = int(handler.headers['Content-Length']) last_submission = handler.rfile.read(content_length) last_content_type = handler.headers['Content-Type'] else: handler.send_response(404, 'Not found') handler.end_headers() handler.wfile.write(server_response) handler.wfile.flush() handler.log_message("sent response") server_hang_event = None def server_hang(handler): """Plugs into PostHandler.do_POST, waits on server_hang_event or until timeout""" server_hang_event.wait(SERVER_TIMEOUT_SECS) def run_and_assert_result(handle_request, post_file, url, expected_result): """Sets up the server on another thread, runs the NSIS driver, and checks the result""" global last_submission global server_hang_event try: os.remove(RESULT_FILE_NAME) except FileNotFoundError: pass PostHandler.do_POST = handle_request last_submission = None def handler_thread(): with socketserver.TCPServer((BIND_HOST, BIND_PORT), PostHandler) as httpd: httpd.timeout = SERVER_TIMEOUT_SECS httpd.handle_request() if handle_request: server_thread = threading.Thread(target=handler_thread) server_thread.start() try: subprocess.call([DRIVER_EXE_FILE_NAME, f'/postfile={post_file}', f'/url={url}', f'/resultfile={RESULT_FILE_NAME}', '/S'], timeout=DRIVER_TIMEOUT_SECS) with open(RESULT_FILE_NAME, "r") as result_file: result = result_file.read() if result != expected_result: raise AssertionError(f'{result} != {expected_result}') finally: if server_hang_event: server_hang_event.set() if handle_request: server_thread.join() os.remove(RESULT_FILE_NAME) def create_json_file(json_bytes=COMMON_JSON_BYTES): with open(JSON_FILE_NAME, "wb") as outfile: outfile.write(json_bytes) def check_submission(json_bytes=COMMON_JSON_BYTES): if last_submission != json_bytes: raise AssertionError(f'{last_submission.hex()} != {COMMON_JSON_BYTES}') def cleanup_json_file(): os.remove(JSON_FILE_NAME) # Tests begin here try: cleanup_json_file() except FileNotFoundError: pass # Basic test create_json_file() run_and_assert_result(server_accept_submit, JSON_FILE_NAME, COMMON_URL, "success") check_submission() assert last_content_type == 'application/json' cleanup_json_file() print("Basic test OK\n") # Test with missing file try: cleanup_json_file() except FileNotFoundError: pass run_and_assert_result(None, JSON_FILE_NAME, COMMON_URL, "error reading file") print("Missing file test OK\n") # Test with empty file create_json_file(bytes()) run_and_assert_result(server_accept_submit, JSON_FILE_NAME, COMMON_URL, "success") check_submission(bytes()) cleanup_json_file() print("Empty file test OK\n") # Test with large file # NOTE: Not actually JSON, but nothing here should care four_mbytes = bytes([x & 255 for x in range(4*1024*1024)]) create_json_file(four_mbytes) run_and_assert_result(server_accept_submit, JSON_FILE_NAME, COMMON_URL, "success") if last_submission != four_mbytes: raise AssertionError("large file mismatch") cleanup_json_file() print("Large file test OK\n") # Test with long file name # Test with bad URL bogus_url = "notAUrl" create_json_file() run_and_assert_result(None, JSON_FILE_NAME, bogus_url, "error parsing URL") cleanup_json_file() print("Bad URL test OK\n") # Test with empty response server_response = bytes() create_json_file() run_and_assert_result(server_accept_submit, JSON_FILE_NAME, COMMON_URL, "success") check_submission() cleanup_json_file() print("Empty response test OK\n") # Test with large response server_response = four_mbytes create_json_file() run_and_assert_result(server_accept_submit, JSON_FILE_NAME, COMMON_URL, "success") check_submission() cleanup_json_file() print("Large response test OK\n") # Test with 404 # NOTE: This succeeds since the client doesn't check the status code create_json_file() nonexistent_url = f"http://{BIND_HOST}:{BIND_PORT}/bad" run_and_assert_result(server_accept_submit, JSON_FILE_NAME, nonexistent_url, "success") cleanup_json_file() print("404 response test OK\n") # Test with no server on the port # NOTE: I'm assuming nothing else has been able to bind to the port print("Running no server test, this will take a few seconds...") create_json_file() run_and_assert_result(None, JSON_FILE_NAME, COMMON_URL, "error sending HTTP request") cleanup_json_file() print("No server test OK\n") # Test with server that hangs on response # NOTE: HttpPostFile doesn't currently set the timeouts. Defaults seem to be around 30 seconds, # but if they end up being longer than the 60 second driver timeout then this will fail. print("Running server hang test, this will take up to a minute...") server_hang_event = threading.Event() create_json_file() run_and_assert_result(server_hang, JSON_FILE_NAME, COMMON_URL, "error sending HTTP request") cleanup_json_file() server_hang_event = None print("Server hang test OK\n")