; liteFirewall - Sample script !ifdef TARGETDIR !addplugindir "${TARGETDIR}" !else !addplugindir "..\bin" !endif Name "Sample liteFirewall" OutFile "Sample.exe" ShowInstDetails show Section "Main program" ; Add NOTEPAD to the authorized list liteFirewallW::AddRule "$WINDIR\Notepad.exe" "liteFirewall Test" Pop $0 Exec "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL firewall.cpl" MessageBox MB_OK "Program added to Firewall exception list.$\r$\n(close the control panel before clicking OK)" ; Remove NOTEPAD from the authorized list liteFirewallW::RemoveRule "$WINDIR\Notepad.exe" "liteFirewall Test" Pop $0 Exec "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL firewall.cpl" MessageBox MB_OK "Program removed to Firewall exception list" SectionEnd