# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Union from unittest.mock import Mock from mach.site import MozSiteMetadata, SitePackagesSource class NoopTelemetry(object): def __init__(self, failed_glean_import): self._failed_glean_import = failed_glean_import def metrics(self, metrics_path: Union[str, Path]): return Mock() def submit(self, is_bootstrap): if self._failed_glean_import and not is_bootstrap: active_site = MozSiteMetadata.from_runtime() if active_site.mach_site_packages_source == SitePackagesSource.SYSTEM: hint = ( "Mach is looking for glean in the system packages. This can be " "resolved by installing it there, or by allowing Mach to run " "without using the system Python packages." ) elif active_site.mach_site_packages_source == SitePackagesSource.NONE: hint = ( "This is because Mach is currently configured without a source " "for native Python packages." ) else: hint = "You may need to run |mach bootstrap|." print( f"Glean could not be found, so telemetry will not be reported. {hint}", file=sys.stderr, ) class GleanTelemetry(object): """Records and sends Telemetry using Glean. Metrics are defined in python/mozbuild/metrics.yaml. Pings are defined in python/mozbuild/pings.yaml. The "metrics" and "pings" properties may be replaced with no-op implementations if Glean isn't available. This allows consumers to report telemetry without having to guard against incompatible environments. Also tracks whether an employee was just automatically opted into telemetry during this mach invocation. """ def __init__( self, ): self._metrics_cache = {} def metrics(self, metrics_path: Union[str, Path]): if metrics_path not in self._metrics_cache: from glean import load_metrics metrics = load_metrics(metrics_path) self._metrics_cache[metrics_path] = metrics return self._metrics_cache[metrics_path] def submit(self, _): from pathlib import Path from glean import load_pings pings = load_pings(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "pings.yaml") pings.usage.submit()