# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import subprocess import mozunit import pytest from mozversioncontrol import MissingVCSExtension, get_repository_object def test_push_to_try(repo, monkeypatch): commit_message = "commit message" vcs = get_repository_object(repo.dir) captured_commands = [] def fake_run(*args, **kwargs): captured_commands.append(args[0]) monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, "check_output", fake_run) monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, "check_call", fake_run) vcs.push_to_try(commit_message) tool = vcs._tool if repo.vcs == "hg": expected = [ (str(tool), "push-to-try", "-m", commit_message), (str(tool), "revert", "-a"), ] else: expected = [ (str(tool), "cinnabar", "--version"), ( str(tool), "-c", "commit.gpgSign=false", "commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", commit_message, ), ( str(tool), "push", "hg::ssh://hg.mozilla.org/try", "+HEAD:refs/heads/branches/default/tip", ), (str(tool), "reset", "HEAD~"), ] for i, value in enumerate(captured_commands): assert value == expected[i] assert len(captured_commands) == len(expected) def test_push_to_try_missing_extensions(repo, monkeypatch): if repo.vcs != "git": return vcs = get_repository_object(repo.dir) orig = vcs._run def cinnabar_raises(*args, **kwargs): # Simulate not having git cinnabar if args[0] == "cinnabar": raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, args) return orig(*args, **kwargs) monkeypatch.setattr(vcs, "_run", cinnabar_raises) with pytest.raises(MissingVCSExtension): vcs.push_to_try("commit message") if __name__ == "__main__": mozunit.main()