Preferences =========== There are a couple of preferences associated with the Remote Agent: Configurable preferences ------------------------ ### `` Defines the remote protocols that are active. Available protocols are, WebDriver BiDi (`1`), and CDP (`2`). Multiple protocols can be activated at the same time by using bitwise or with the values. Defaults to `3` (WebDriver BiDi and CDP). ### `remote.experimental.enabled` Defines if WebDriver BiDi experimental commands and events are available for usage. Defaults to `true` in Nightly builds, and `false` otherwise. ### `remote.log.level` Defines the verbosity of the internal logger. Available levels are, in descending order of severity, `Trace`, `Debug`, `Config`, `Info`, `Warn`, `Error`, and `Fatal`. Note that the value is treated case-sensitively. ### `remote.log.truncate` Defines whether long log messages should be truncated. Defaults to true. ### `remote.prefs.recommended` By default remote protocols attempts to set a range of preferences deemed suitable in automation when it starts. These include the likes of disabling auto-updates, Telemetry, and first-run UX. Set this preference to `false` to skip setting those preferences, which is mostly useful for internal Firefox CI suites. The user preference file takes precedence over the recommended preferences, meaning any user-defined preference value will not be overridden.