/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "CredentialManagerSecret.h" #include <windows.h> #include <wincred.h> #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/SyncRunnable.h" // This is the implementation of CredentialManagerSecretSecret, an instantiation // of OSKeyStore for Windows. It uses the system credential manager, hence the // name. using namespace mozilla; LazyLogModule gCredentialManagerSecretLog("credentialmanagersecret"); struct ScopedDelete { void operator()(CREDENTIALA* cred) { CredFree(cred); } }; template <class T> struct ScopedMaybeDelete { void operator()(T* ptr) { if (ptr) { ScopedDelete del; del(ptr); } } }; typedef std::unique_ptr<CREDENTIALA, ScopedMaybeDelete<CREDENTIALA>> ScopedCREDENTIALA; CredentialManagerSecret::CredentialManagerSecret() {} CredentialManagerSecret::~CredentialManagerSecret() {} nsresult CredentialManagerSecret::Lock() { // The Windows credential manager can't be locked. return NS_OK; } nsresult CredentialManagerSecret::Unlock() { // The Windows credential manager is always unlocked when the user is logged // in. return NS_OK; } nsresult CredentialManagerSecret::StoreSecret(const nsACString& aSecret, const nsACString& aLabel) { if (aSecret.Length() > CRED_MAX_CREDENTIAL_BLOB_SIZE) { // Windows doesn't allow blobs larger than CRED_MAX_CREDENTIAL_BLOB_SIZE // bytes. MOZ_LOG(gCredentialManagerSecretLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("StoreSecret secret must not be larger than 512 bytes (got %zd)", aSecret.Length())); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } CREDENTIALA cred = {0}; cred.Type = CRED_TYPE_GENERIC; const nsCString& label = PromiseFlatCString(aLabel); cred.TargetName = const_cast<LPSTR>(label.get()); cred.CredentialBlobSize = aSecret.Length(); const nsCString& secret = PromiseFlatCString(aSecret); cred.CredentialBlob = (LPBYTE)secret.get(); cred.Persist = CRED_PERSIST_LOCAL_MACHINE; cred.UserName = const_cast<char*>(""); // -Wwritable-strings // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/wincred/nf-wincred-credwritea BOOL ok = CredWriteA(&cred, 0); if (!ok) { MOZ_LOG(gCredentialManagerSecretLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("CredWriteW failed %lu", GetLastError())); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } nsresult CredentialManagerSecret::DeleteSecret(const nsACString& aLabel) { // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/wincred/nf-wincred-creddeletea const nsCString& label = PromiseFlatCString(aLabel); BOOL ok = CredDeleteA(label.get(), CRED_TYPE_GENERIC, 0); int error = GetLastError(); if (!ok && error != ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { MOZ_LOG(gCredentialManagerSecretLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("CredDeleteA failed %d", error)); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } nsresult CredentialManagerSecret::RetrieveSecret( const nsACString& aLabel, /* out */ nsACString& aSecret) { aSecret.Truncate(); PCREDENTIALA pcred_raw = nullptr; const nsCString& label = PromiseFlatCString(aLabel); // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/wincred/nf-wincred-credreada BOOL ok = CredReadA(label.get(), CRED_TYPE_GENERIC, 0, &pcred_raw); ScopedCREDENTIALA pcred(pcred_raw); if (!ok) { MOZ_LOG(gCredentialManagerSecretLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("CredReadA failed %lu", GetLastError())); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } MOZ_ASSERT(pcred); aSecret.Assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pcred->CredentialBlob), pcred->CredentialBlobSize); return NS_OK; }