# a sample revocations.txt for tests # Lines starting with '#' are ignored - as are empty lines like this: # otherwise: # non-empty lines are treated as base-64 encoded DER DN data (e.g. issuer or # subject) # ...unless the line starts with a ' ' (space) character, in which case it's # assumed to be base-64 encoded DER serial data, or # the line starts with a '\t' (tab) character, in which case it's assumed to # be a base-64 encoded SHA256 hash of a public key # First a serial with no issuer to ensure this doesn't cause parsing to fail # (there should be an issuer first, but we need to test this won't fail) dGVzdA== # next, let's ensure data that isn't valid base64 doesn't cause breakage. this serial isn't valid base64 (but then there's no issuer anyway) Neither is this issuer, though the serial is fine dGVzdA== dGVzdA== in this case, issuer is fine but not the serial # Next two entries; we can add valid base-64 encoded data for some basic tests: # issuer is the base-64 encoded subject DN for the shared Test CA # serial is the base-64 encoded integer 42 MBIxEDAOBgNVBAMMB1Rlc3QgQ0E= Kg== # issuer is the base-64 encoded subject DN for the shared Test Intermediate # the first serial is the base-64 encoded integer 78 # the second serial is the base-64 encoded integer 31 MBwxGjAYBgNVBAMMEVRlc3QgSW50ZXJtZWRpYXRl Tg== Hw== c2VyaWFsMi4= # subject is base-64 encoded subject DN "CN=EE Revoked By Subject and PubKey" # pubKeyHash is the base-64 encoded sha256 hash of the shared RSA SPKI MCsxKTAnBgNVBAMMIEVFIFJldm9rZWQgQnkgU3ViamVjdCBhbmQgUHViS2V5 VCIlmPM9NkgFQtrs4Oa5TeFcDu6MWRTKSNdePEhOgD8= # and some more data to ensure that mixed items don't cause parsing failure a DN a serial a hash another serial