// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_policy_base.h" #include #include #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/win/win_util.h" #include "base/win/windows_version.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/acl.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/filesystem_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/handle_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/interception.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/job.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/line_break_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/named_pipe_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/policy_broker.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/policy_engine_processor.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/policy_low_level.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/process_mitigations.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/process_mitigations_win32k_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/process_thread_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/registry_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/restricted_token_utils.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_utils.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/security_capabilities.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/signed_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/sync_policy.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/target_process.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/top_level_dispatcher.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/window.h" namespace { // The standard windows size for one memory page. constexpr size_t kOneMemPage = 4096; // The IPC and Policy shared memory sizes. constexpr size_t kIPCMemSize = kOneMemPage * 2; constexpr size_t kPolMemSize = kOneMemPage * 14; // Helper function to allocate space (on the heap) for policy. sandbox::PolicyGlobal* MakeBrokerPolicyMemory() { const size_t kTotalPolicySz = kPolMemSize; sandbox::PolicyGlobal* policy = static_cast(::operator new(kTotalPolicySz)); DCHECK(policy); memset(policy, 0, kTotalPolicySz); policy->data_size = kTotalPolicySz - sizeof(sandbox::PolicyGlobal); return policy; } bool IsInheritableHandle(HANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return false; if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; // File handles (FILE_TYPE_DISK) and pipe handles are known to be // inheritable. Console handles (FILE_TYPE_CHAR) are not // inheritable via PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST. DWORD handle_type = GetFileType(handle); return handle_type == FILE_TYPE_DISK || handle_type == FILE_TYPE_PIPE; } } // namespace namespace sandbox { SANDBOX_INTERCEPT IntegrityLevel g_shared_delayed_integrity_level; SANDBOX_INTERCEPT MitigationFlags g_shared_delayed_mitigations; // Initializes static members. alternate_desktop_handle_ is a desktop on // alternate_winstation_handle_, alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_ is a // desktop on the same winstation as the parent process. HWINSTA PolicyBase::alternate_winstation_handle_ = nullptr; HDESK PolicyBase::alternate_desktop_handle_ = nullptr; HDESK PolicyBase::alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_ = nullptr; IntegrityLevel PolicyBase::alternate_desktop_integrity_level_label_ = INTEGRITY_LEVEL_SYSTEM; IntegrityLevel PolicyBase::alternate_desktop_local_winstation_integrity_level_label_ = INTEGRITY_LEVEL_SYSTEM; PolicyBase::PolicyBase() : ref_count(1), lockdown_level_(USER_LOCKDOWN), initial_level_(USER_LOCKDOWN), job_level_(JOB_LOCKDOWN), ui_exceptions_(0), memory_limit_(0), use_alternate_desktop_(false), use_alternate_winstation_(false), file_system_init_(false), relaxed_interceptions_(true), stdout_handle_(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), stderr_handle_(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), integrity_level_(INTEGRITY_LEVEL_LAST), delayed_integrity_level_(INTEGRITY_LEVEL_LAST), mitigations_(0), delayed_mitigations_(0), is_csrss_connected_(true), policy_maker_(nullptr), policy_(nullptr), lowbox_sid_(nullptr), lockdown_default_dacl_(false), add_restricting_random_sid_(false), enable_opm_redirection_(false), effective_token_(nullptr) { ::InitializeCriticalSection(&lock_); dispatcher_.reset(new TopLevelDispatcher(this)); } PolicyBase::~PolicyBase() { TargetSet::iterator it; for (it = targets_.begin(); it != targets_.end(); ++it) { TargetProcess* target = (*it); delete target; } delete policy_maker_; delete policy_; if (lowbox_sid_) ::LocalFree(lowbox_sid_); ::DeleteCriticalSection(&lock_); } void PolicyBase::AddRef() { ::InterlockedIncrement(&ref_count); } void PolicyBase::Release() { if (0 == ::InterlockedDecrement(&ref_count)) delete this; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetTokenLevel(TokenLevel initial, TokenLevel lockdown) { if (initial < lockdown) { return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } initial_level_ = initial; lockdown_level_ = lockdown; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } TokenLevel PolicyBase::GetInitialTokenLevel() const { return initial_level_; } TokenLevel PolicyBase::GetLockdownTokenLevel() const { return lockdown_level_; } void PolicyBase::SetDoNotUseRestrictingSIDs() { use_restricting_sids_ = false; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetJobLevel(JobLevel job_level, uint32_t ui_exceptions) { if (memory_limit_ && job_level == JOB_NONE) { return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } job_level_ = job_level; ui_exceptions_ = ui_exceptions; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } JobLevel PolicyBase::GetJobLevel() const { return job_level_; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetJobMemoryLimit(size_t memory_limit) { memory_limit_ = memory_limit; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetAlternateDesktop(bool alternate_winstation) { use_alternate_desktop_ = true; use_alternate_winstation_ = alternate_winstation; return CreateAlternateDesktop(alternate_winstation); } std::wstring PolicyBase::GetAlternateDesktop() const { // No alternate desktop or winstation. Return an empty string. if (!use_alternate_desktop_ && !use_alternate_winstation_) { return std::wstring(); } if (use_alternate_winstation_) { // The desktop and winstation should have been created by now. // If we hit this scenario, it means that the user ignored the failure // during SetAlternateDesktop, so we ignore it here too. if (!alternate_desktop_handle_ || !alternate_winstation_handle_) return std::wstring(); return GetFullDesktopName(alternate_winstation_handle_, alternate_desktop_handle_); } if (!alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_) return std::wstring(); return GetFullDesktopName(nullptr, alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_); } ResultCode PolicyBase::CreateAlternateDesktop(bool alternate_winstation) { if (alternate_winstation) { // Check if it's already created. if (alternate_winstation_handle_ && alternate_desktop_handle_) return SBOX_ALL_OK; DCHECK(!alternate_winstation_handle_); // Create the window station. ResultCode result = CreateAltWindowStation(&alternate_winstation_handle_); if (SBOX_ALL_OK != result) return result; // Verify that everything is fine. if (!alternate_winstation_handle_ || base::win::GetWindowObjectName(alternate_winstation_handle_).empty()) return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_DESKTOP; // Create the destkop. result = CreateAltDesktop(alternate_winstation_handle_, &alternate_desktop_handle_); if (SBOX_ALL_OK != result) return result; // Verify that everything is fine. if (!alternate_desktop_handle_ || base::win::GetWindowObjectName(alternate_desktop_handle_).empty()) { return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_DESKTOP; } } else { // Check if it already exists. if (alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_) return SBOX_ALL_OK; // Create the destkop. ResultCode result = CreateAltDesktop(nullptr, &alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_); if (SBOX_ALL_OK != result) return result; // Verify that everything is fine. if (!alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_ || base::win::GetWindowObjectName( alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_) .empty()) { return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_DESKTOP; } } return SBOX_ALL_OK; } void PolicyBase::DestroyAlternateDesktop() { if (use_alternate_winstation_) { if (alternate_desktop_handle_) { ::CloseDesktop(alternate_desktop_handle_); alternate_desktop_handle_ = nullptr; } if (alternate_winstation_handle_) { ::CloseWindowStation(alternate_winstation_handle_); alternate_winstation_handle_ = nullptr; } } else { if (alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_) { ::CloseDesktop(alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_); alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_ = nullptr; } } } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetIntegrityLevel(IntegrityLevel integrity_level) { if (app_container_profile_) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; integrity_level_ = integrity_level; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } IntegrityLevel PolicyBase::GetIntegrityLevel() const { return integrity_level_; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetDelayedIntegrityLevel( IntegrityLevel integrity_level) { delayed_integrity_level_ = integrity_level; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetLowBox(const wchar_t* sid) { if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN8) return SBOX_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; DCHECK(sid); if (lowbox_sid_ || app_container_profile_) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; if (!ConvertStringSidToSid(sid, &lowbox_sid_)) return SBOX_ERROR_INVALID_LOWBOX_SID; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetProcessMitigations(MitigationFlags flags) { // Prior to Win10 RS5 CreateProcess fails when AppContainer and mitigation // flags are enabled. Return an error on downlevel platforms if trying to // set new mitigations. if (app_container_profile_ && base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN10_RS5) { return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } if (!CanSetProcessMitigationsPreStartup(flags)) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; mitigations_ = flags; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } MitigationFlags PolicyBase::GetProcessMitigations() { return mitigations_; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetDelayedProcessMitigations(MitigationFlags flags) { if (!CanSetProcessMitigationsPostStartup(flags)) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; delayed_mitigations_ = flags; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } MitigationFlags PolicyBase::GetDelayedProcessMitigations() const { return delayed_mitigations_; } void PolicyBase::SetStrictInterceptions() { relaxed_interceptions_ = false; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetStdoutHandle(HANDLE handle) { if (!IsInheritableHandle(handle)) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; stdout_handle_ = handle; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetStderrHandle(HANDLE handle) { if (!IsInheritableHandle(handle)) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; stderr_handle_ = handle; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } ResultCode PolicyBase::AddRule(SubSystem subsystem, Semantics semantics, const wchar_t* pattern) { ResultCode result = AddRuleInternal(subsystem, semantics, pattern); LOG_IF(ERROR, result != SBOX_ALL_OK) << "Failed to add sandbox rule." << " error = " << result << ", subsystem = " << subsystem << ", semantics = " << semantics << ", pattern = '" << pattern << "'"; return result; } ResultCode PolicyBase::AddDllToUnload(const wchar_t* dll_name) { blocklisted_dlls_.push_back(dll_name); return SBOX_ALL_OK; } ResultCode PolicyBase::AddKernelObjectToClose(const wchar_t* handle_type, const wchar_t* handle_name) { return handle_closer_.AddHandle(handle_type, handle_name); } void PolicyBase::AddHandleToShare(HANDLE handle) { CHECK(handle); CHECK_NE(handle, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); // Ensure the handle can be inherited. bool result = SetHandleInformation(handle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT); PCHECK(result); handles_to_share_.push_back(handle); } void PolicyBase::SetLockdownDefaultDacl() { lockdown_default_dacl_ = true; } void PolicyBase::AddRestrictingRandomSid() { add_restricting_random_sid_ = true; } const base::HandlesToInheritVector& PolicyBase::GetHandlesBeingShared() { return handles_to_share_; } ResultCode PolicyBase::MakeJobObject(base::win::ScopedHandle* job) { if (job_level_ == JOB_NONE) { job->Close(); return SBOX_ALL_OK; } // Create the windows job object. Job job_obj; DWORD result = job_obj.Init(job_level_, nullptr, ui_exceptions_, memory_limit_); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != result) return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_INIT_JOB; *job = job_obj.Take(); return SBOX_ALL_OK; } ResultCode PolicyBase::MakeTokens(base::win::ScopedHandle* initial, base::win::ScopedHandle* lockdown, base::win::ScopedHandle* lowbox) { Sid random_sid = Sid::GenerateRandomSid(); PSID random_sid_ptr = nullptr; if (add_restricting_random_sid_) random_sid_ptr = random_sid.GetPSID(); // Create the 'naked' token. This will be the permanent token associated // with the process and therefore with any thread that is not impersonating. DWORD result = CreateRestrictedToken( effective_token_, lockdown_level_, integrity_level_, PRIMARY, lockdown_default_dacl_, random_sid_ptr, use_restricting_sids_, lockdown); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != result) return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_RESTRICTED_TOKEN; // If we're launching on the alternate desktop we need to make sure the // integrity label on the object is no higher than the sandboxed process's // integrity level. So, we lower the label on the desktop process if it's // not already low enough for our process. if (use_alternate_desktop_ && integrity_level_ != INTEGRITY_LEVEL_LAST) { // Integrity label enum is reversed (higher level is a lower value). static_assert(INTEGRITY_LEVEL_SYSTEM < INTEGRITY_LEVEL_UNTRUSTED, "Integrity level ordering reversed."); HDESK desktop_handle = nullptr; IntegrityLevel desktop_integrity_level_label; if (use_alternate_winstation_) { desktop_handle = alternate_desktop_handle_; desktop_integrity_level_label = alternate_desktop_integrity_level_label_; } else { desktop_handle = alternate_desktop_local_winstation_handle_; desktop_integrity_level_label = alternate_desktop_local_winstation_integrity_level_label_; } // If the desktop_handle hasn't been created for any reason, skip this. if (desktop_handle && desktop_integrity_level_label < integrity_level_) { result = SetObjectIntegrityLabel(desktop_handle, SE_WINDOW_OBJECT, L"", GetIntegrityLevelString(integrity_level_)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != result) return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_SET_DESKTOP_INTEGRITY; if (use_alternate_winstation_) { alternate_desktop_integrity_level_label_ = integrity_level_; } else { alternate_desktop_local_winstation_integrity_level_label_ = integrity_level_; } } } if (lowbox_sid_) { if (!lowbox_directory_.IsValid()) { result = CreateLowBoxObjectDirectory(lowbox_sid_, true, &lowbox_directory_); DCHECK(result == ERROR_SUCCESS); } // The order of handles isn't important in the CreateLowBoxToken call. // The kernel will maintain a reference to the object directory handle. HANDLE saved_handles[1] = {lowbox_directory_.Get()}; DWORD saved_handles_count = lowbox_directory_.IsValid() ? 1 : 0; Sid package_sid(lowbox_sid_); SecurityCapabilities caps(package_sid); if (CreateLowBoxToken(lockdown->Get(), PRIMARY, &caps, saved_handles, saved_handles_count, lowbox) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_LOWBOX_TOKEN; } if (!ReplacePackageSidInDacl(lowbox->Get(), SE_KERNEL_OBJECT, package_sid, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS)) { return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_MODIFY_LOWBOX_TOKEN_DACL; } } // Create the 'better' token. We use this token as the one that the main // thread uses when booting up the process. It should contain most of // what we need (before reaching main( )) result = CreateRestrictedToken( effective_token_, initial_level_, integrity_level_, IMPERSONATION, lockdown_default_dacl_, random_sid_ptr, use_restricting_sids_, initial); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != result) return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_RESTRICTED_IMP_TOKEN; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } PSID PolicyBase::GetLowBoxSid() const { return lowbox_sid_; } ResultCode PolicyBase::AddTarget(TargetProcess* target) { if (policy_) policy_maker_->Done(); if (!ApplyProcessMitigationsToSuspendedProcess(target->Process(), mitigations_)) { return SBOX_ERROR_APPLY_ASLR_MITIGATIONS; } ResultCode ret = SetupAllInterceptions(target); if (ret != SBOX_ALL_OK) return ret; if (!SetupHandleCloser(target)) return SBOX_ERROR_SETUP_HANDLE_CLOSER; DWORD win_error = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Initialize the sandbox infrastructure for the target. // TODO(wfh) do something with win_error code here. ret = target->Init(dispatcher_.get(), policy_, kIPCMemSize, kPolMemSize, &win_error); if (ret != SBOX_ALL_OK) return ret; g_shared_delayed_integrity_level = delayed_integrity_level_; ret = target->TransferVariable("g_shared_delayed_integrity_level", &g_shared_delayed_integrity_level, sizeof(g_shared_delayed_integrity_level)); g_shared_delayed_integrity_level = INTEGRITY_LEVEL_LAST; if (SBOX_ALL_OK != ret) return ret; // Add in delayed mitigations and pseudo-mitigations enforced at startup. g_shared_delayed_mitigations = delayed_mitigations_ | FilterPostStartupProcessMitigations(mitigations_); if (!CanSetProcessMitigationsPostStartup(g_shared_delayed_mitigations)) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; ret = target->TransferVariable("g_shared_delayed_mitigations", &g_shared_delayed_mitigations, sizeof(g_shared_delayed_mitigations)); g_shared_delayed_mitigations = 0; if (SBOX_ALL_OK != ret) return ret; AutoLock lock(&lock_); targets_.push_back(target); return SBOX_ALL_OK; } bool PolicyBase::OnJobEmpty(HANDLE job) { AutoLock lock(&lock_); TargetSet::iterator it; for (it = targets_.begin(); it != targets_.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->Job() == job) break; } if (it == targets_.end()) { return false; } TargetProcess* target = *it; targets_.erase(it); delete target; return true; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetDisconnectCsrss() { // Does not work on 32-bit, and the ASAN runtime falls over with the // CreateThread EAT patch used when this is enabled. // See https://crbug.com/783296#c27. #if defined(_WIN64) && !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::Version::WIN10) { is_csrss_connected_ = false; return AddKernelObjectToClose(L"ALPC Port", nullptr); } #endif // !defined(_WIN64) return SBOX_ALL_OK; } EvalResult PolicyBase::EvalPolicy(IpcTag service, CountedParameterSetBase* params) { if (policy_) { if (!policy_->entry[static_cast(service)]) { // There is no policy for this particular service. This is not a big // deal. return DENY_ACCESS; } for (size_t i = 0; i < params->count; i++) { if (!params->parameters[i].IsValid()) { NOTREACHED(); return SIGNAL_ALARM; } } PolicyProcessor pol_evaluator(policy_->entry[static_cast(service)]); PolicyResult result = pol_evaluator.Evaluate(kShortEval, params->parameters, params->count); if (POLICY_MATCH == result) return pol_evaluator.GetAction(); DCHECK(POLICY_ERROR != result); } return DENY_ACCESS; } HANDLE PolicyBase::GetStdoutHandle() { return stdout_handle_; } HANDLE PolicyBase::GetStderrHandle() { return stderr_handle_; } void PolicyBase::SetEnableOPMRedirection() { enable_opm_redirection_ = true; } bool PolicyBase::GetEnableOPMRedirection() { return enable_opm_redirection_; } ResultCode PolicyBase::AddAppContainerProfile(const wchar_t* package_name, bool create_profile) { if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN8) return SBOX_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; DCHECK(package_name); if (lowbox_sid_ || app_container_profile_ || integrity_level_ != INTEGRITY_LEVEL_LAST) { return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } if (create_profile) { app_container_profile_ = AppContainerProfileBase::Create( package_name, L"Chrome Sandbox", L"Profile for Chrome Sandbox"); } else { app_container_profile_ = AppContainerProfileBase::Open(package_name); } if (!app_container_profile_) return SBOX_ERROR_CREATE_APPCONTAINER_PROFILE; // A bug exists in CreateProcess where enabling an AppContainer profile and // passing a set of mitigation flags will generate ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. // Apply best efforts here and convert set mitigations to delayed mitigations. // This bug looks to have been fixed in Win10 RS5, so exit early if possible. if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::Version::WIN10_RS5) return SBOX_ALL_OK; delayed_mitigations_ = mitigations_ & GetAllowedPostStartupProcessMitigations(); DCHECK(delayed_mitigations_ == (mitigations_ & ~(MITIGATION_SEHOP | MITIGATION_RESTRICT_INDIRECT_BRANCH_PREDICTION))); mitigations_ = 0; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } scoped_refptr PolicyBase::GetAppContainerProfile() { return GetAppContainerProfileBase(); } void PolicyBase::SetEffectiveToken(HANDLE token) { CHECK(token); effective_token_ = token; } scoped_refptr PolicyBase::GetAppContainerProfileBase() { return app_container_profile_; } ResultCode PolicyBase::SetupAllInterceptions(TargetProcess* target) { InterceptionManager manager(target, relaxed_interceptions_); if (policy_) { for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxIpcTag; i++) { if (policy_->entry[i] && !dispatcher_->SetupService(&manager, static_cast(i))) return SBOX_ERROR_SETUP_INTERCEPTION_SERVICE; } } for (const std::wstring& dll : blocklisted_dlls_) manager.AddToUnloadModules(dll.c_str()); if (!SetupBasicInterceptions(&manager, is_csrss_connected_)) return SBOX_ERROR_SETUP_BASIC_INTERCEPTIONS; ResultCode rc = manager.InitializeInterceptions(); if (rc != SBOX_ALL_OK) return rc; // Finally, setup imports on the target so the interceptions can work. if (!SetupNtdllImports(target)) return SBOX_ERROR_SETUP_NTDLL_IMPORTS; return SBOX_ALL_OK; } bool PolicyBase::SetupHandleCloser(TargetProcess* target) { return handle_closer_.InitializeTargetHandles(target); } ResultCode PolicyBase::AddRuleInternal(SubSystem subsystem, Semantics semantics, const wchar_t* pattern) { if (!policy_) { policy_ = MakeBrokerPolicyMemory(); DCHECK(policy_); policy_maker_ = new LowLevelPolicy(policy_); DCHECK(policy_maker_); } switch (subsystem) { case SUBSYS_FILES: { if (!file_system_init_) { if (!FileSystemPolicy::SetInitialRules(policy_maker_)) return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; file_system_init_ = true; } if (!FileSystemPolicy::GenerateRules(pattern, semantics, policy_maker_)) { NOTREACHED(); return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } break; } case SUBSYS_SYNC: { if (!SyncPolicy::GenerateRules(pattern, semantics, policy_maker_)) { NOTREACHED(); return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } break; } case SUBSYS_PROCESS: { if (lockdown_level_ < USER_INTERACTIVE && TargetPolicy::PROCESS_ALL_EXEC == semantics) { // This is unsupported. This is a huge security risk to give full access // to a process handle. return SBOX_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!ProcessPolicy::GenerateRules(pattern, semantics, policy_maker_)) { NOTREACHED(); return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } break; } case SUBSYS_NAMED_PIPES: { if (!NamedPipePolicy::GenerateRules(pattern, semantics, policy_maker_)) { NOTREACHED(); return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } break; } case SUBSYS_REGISTRY: { if (!RegistryPolicy::GenerateRules(pattern, semantics, policy_maker_)) { NOTREACHED(); return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } break; } case SUBSYS_HANDLES: { if (!HandlePolicy::GenerateRules(pattern, semantics, policy_maker_)) { NOTREACHED(); return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } break; } case SUBSYS_WIN32K_LOCKDOWN: { // Win32k intercept rules only supported on Windows 8 and above. This must // match the version checks in process_mitigations.cc for consistency. if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::Version::WIN8) { DCHECK_EQ(MITIGATION_WIN32K_DISABLE, mitigations_ & MITIGATION_WIN32K_DISABLE) << "Enable MITIGATION_WIN32K_DISABLE before adding win32k policy " "rules."; if (!ProcessMitigationsWin32KLockdownPolicy::GenerateRules( pattern, semantics, policy_maker_)) { NOTREACHED(); return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } } break; } case SUBSYS_SIGNED_BINARY: { // Signed intercept rules only supported on Windows 10 TH2 and above. This // must match the version checks in process_mitigations.cc for // consistency. if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::Version::WIN10_TH2) { DCHECK_EQ(MITIGATION_FORCE_MS_SIGNED_BINS, (mitigations_ & MITIGATION_FORCE_MS_SIGNED_BINS) | (delayed_mitigations_ & MITIGATION_FORCE_MS_SIGNED_BINS)) << "Enable MITIGATION_FORCE_MS_SIGNED_BINS before adding signed " "policy rules."; if (!SignedPolicy::GenerateRules(pattern, semantics, policy_maker_)) { NOTREACHED(); return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } } break; } case SUBSYS_LINE_BREAK: { if (!LineBreakPolicy::GenerateRules(pattern, semantics, policy_maker_)) { NOTREACHED(); return SBOX_ERROR_BAD_PARAMS; } break; } default: { return SBOX_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } return SBOX_ALL_OK; } } // namespace sandbox