const { WeaveCrypto } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://services-crypto/WeaveCrypto.sys.mjs" ); var cryptoSvc = new WeaveCrypto(); add_task(async function test_key_memoization() { let cryptoGlobal = cryptoSvc._getCrypto(); let oldImport = cryptoGlobal.subtle.importKey; if (!oldImport) { _("Couldn't swizzle crypto.subtle.importKey; returning."); return; } let iv = cryptoSvc.generateRandomIV(); let key = await cryptoSvc.generateRandomKey(); let c = 0; cryptoGlobal.subtle.importKey = function ( format, keyData, algo, extractable, usages ) { c++; return cryptoGlobal.subtle, format, keyData, algo, extractable, usages ); }; // Encryption should cause a single counter increment. Assert.equal(c, 0); let cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt("Hello, world.", key, iv); Assert.equal(c, 1); cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt("Hello, world.", key, iv); Assert.equal(c, 1); // ... as should decryption. await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(c, 2); // Un-swizzle. cryptoGlobal.subtle.importKey = oldImport; }); // Just verify that it gets populated with the correct bytes. add_task(async function test_makeUint8Array() { ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.sys.mjs"); let item1 = cryptoSvc.makeUint8Array("abcdefghi", false); Assert.ok(item1); for (let i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Assert.equal(item1[i], "abcdefghi".charCodeAt(i)); } }); add_task(async function test_encrypt_decrypt() { // First, do a normal run with expected usage... Generate a random key and // iv, encrypt and decrypt a string. var iv = cryptoSvc.generateRandomIV(); Assert.equal(iv.length, 24); var key = await cryptoSvc.generateRandomKey(); Assert.equal(key.length, 44); var mySecret = "bacon is a vegetable"; var cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText.length, 44); var clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(clearText.length, 20); // Did the text survive the encryption round-trip? Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); Assert.notEqual(cipherText, mySecret); // just to be explicit // Do some more tests with a fixed key/iv, to check for reproducable results. key = "St1tFCor7vQEJNug/465dQ=="; iv = "oLjkfrLIOnK2bDRvW4kXYA=="; _("Testing small IV."); mySecret = "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXo="; let shortiv = "YWJj"; let err; try { await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, shortiv); } catch (ex) { err = ex; } Assert.ok(!!err); _("Testing long IV."); let longiv = "gsgLRDaxWvIfKt75RjuvFWERt83FFsY2A0TW+0b2iVk="; try { await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, longiv); } catch (ex) { err = ex; } Assert.ok(!!err); // Test small input sizes mySecret = ""; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "OGQjp6mK1a3fs9k9Ml4L3w=="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); mySecret = "x"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "96iMl4vhOxFUW/lVHHzVqg=="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); mySecret = "xx"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "olpPbETRYROCSqFWcH2SWg=="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); mySecret = "xxx"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "rRbpHGyVSZizLX/x43Wm+Q=="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); mySecret = "xxxx"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "HeC7miVGDcpxae9RmiIKAw=="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); // Test non-ascii input // ("testuser1" using similar-looking glyphs) mySecret = String.fromCharCode(355, 277, 349, 357, 533, 537, 101, 345, 185); cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "Pj4ixByXoH3SU3JkOXaEKPgwRAWplAWFLQZkpJd5Kr4="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); // Tests input spanning a block boundary (AES block size is 16 bytes) mySecret = "123456789012345"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "e6c5hwphe45/3VN/M0bMUA=="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); mySecret = "1234567890123456"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "V6aaOZw8pWlYkoIHNkhsP1JOIQF87E2vTUvBUQnyV04="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); mySecret = "12345678901234567"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "V6aaOZw8pWlYkoIHNkhsP5GvxWJ9+GIAS6lXw+5fHTI="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); key = "iz35tuIMq4/H+IYw2KTgow=="; iv = "TJYrvva2KxvkM8hvOIvWp3=="; mySecret = "i like pie"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "DLGx8BWqSCLGG7i/xwvvxg=="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); key = "c5hG3YG+NC61FFy8NOHQak1ZhMEWO79bwiAfar2euzI="; iv = "gsgLRDaxWvIfKt75RjuvFW=="; mySecret = "i like pie"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "o+ADtdMd8ubzNWurS6jt0Q=="); Assert.equal(clearText, mySecret); key = "St1tFCor7vQEJNug/465dQ=="; iv = "oLjkfrLIOnK2bDRvW4kXYA=="; mySecret = "does thunder read testcases?"; cipherText = await cryptoSvc.encrypt(mySecret, key, iv); Assert.equal(cipherText, "T6fik9Ros+DB2ablH9zZ8FWZ0xm/szSwJjIHZu7sjPs="); var badkey = "badkeybadkeybadkeybadk=="; var badiv = "badivbadivbadivbadivbad="; var badcipher = "crapinputcrapinputcrapinputcrapinputcrapinp="; var failure; try { failure = false; clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, badkey, iv); } catch (e) { failure = true; } Assert.ok(failure); try { failure = false; clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, key, badiv); } catch (e) { failure = true; } Assert.ok(failure); try { failure = false; clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(cipherText, badkey, badiv); } catch (e) { failure = true; } Assert.ok(failure); try { failure = false; clearText = await cryptoSvc.decrypt(badcipher, key, iv); } catch (e) { failure = true; } Assert.ok(failure); });