/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ use derive_common::cg; use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use syn::{DeriveInput, Ident, Path}; use synstructure::{BindStyle, BindingInfo}; pub fn derive_to_value( mut input: DeriveInput, trait_path: Path, output_type_name: Ident, bind_style: BindStyle, // Returns whether to apply the field bound for a given item. mut binding_attrs: impl FnMut(&BindingInfo) -> ToValueAttrs, // Returns a token stream of the form: trait_path::from_foo(#binding) mut call_from: impl FnMut(&BindingInfo) -> TokenStream, mut call_to: impl FnMut(&BindingInfo) -> TokenStream, // Returns a tokenstream of the form: // fn from_function_syntax(foobar) -> Baz { // #first_arg // } // // fn to_function_syntax(foobar) -> Baz { // #second_arg // } mut trait_impl: impl FnMut(TokenStream, TokenStream) -> TokenStream, ) -> TokenStream { let name = &input.ident; let mut where_clause = input.generics.where_clause.take(); cg::propagate_clauses_to_output_type( &mut where_clause, &input.generics, &trait_path, &output_type_name, ); let moves = match bind_style { BindStyle::Move | BindStyle::MoveMut => true, BindStyle::Ref | BindStyle::RefMut => false, }; let params = input.generics.type_params().collect::>(); for param in ¶ms { cg::add_predicate(&mut where_clause, parse_quote!(#param: #trait_path)); } let computed_value_type = cg::fmap_trait_output(&input, &trait_path, &output_type_name); let mut add_field_bound = |binding: &BindingInfo| { let ty = &binding.ast().ty; let output_type = cg::map_type_params( ty, ¶ms, &computed_value_type, &mut |ident| parse_quote!(<#ident as #trait_path>::#output_type_name), ); cg::add_predicate( &mut where_clause, parse_quote!( #ty: #trait_path<#output_type_name = #output_type> ), ); }; let (to_body, from_body) = if params.is_empty() { let mut s = synstructure::Structure::new(&input); s.variants_mut().iter_mut().for_each(|v| { v.bind_with(|_| bind_style); }); for variant in s.variants() { for binding in variant.bindings() { let attrs = binding_attrs(&binding); assert!( !attrs.field_bound, "It is default on a non-generic implementation", ); if !attrs.no_field_bound { // Add field bounds to all bindings except the manually // excluded. This ensures the correctness of the clone() / // move based implementation. add_field_bound(binding); } } } let to_body = if moves { quote! { self } } else { quote! { std::clone::Clone::clone(self) } }; let from_body = if moves { quote! { from } } else { quote! { std::clone::Clone::clone(from) } }; (to_body, from_body) } else { let to_body = cg::fmap_match(&input, bind_style, |binding| { let attrs = binding_attrs(&binding); assert!( !attrs.no_field_bound, "It doesn't make sense on a generic implementation" ); if attrs.field_bound { add_field_bound(&binding); } call_to(&binding) }); let from_body = cg::fmap_match(&input, bind_style, |binding| call_from(&binding)); let self_ = if moves { quote! { self } } else { quote! { *self } }; let from_ = if moves { quote! { from } } else { quote! { *from } }; let to_body = quote! { match #self_ { #to_body } }; let from_body = quote! { match #from_ { #from_body } }; (to_body, from_body) }; input.generics.where_clause = where_clause; let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = input.generics.split_for_impl(); let impl_ = trait_impl(from_body, to_body); quote! { impl #impl_generics #trait_path for #name #ty_generics #where_clause { type #output_type_name = #computed_value_type; #impl_ } } } pub fn derive(input: DeriveInput) -> TokenStream { let trait_impl = |from_body, to_body| { quote! { #[inline] fn from_computed_value(from: &Self::ComputedValue) -> Self { #from_body } #[allow(unused_variables)] #[inline] fn to_computed_value(&self, context: &crate::values::computed::Context) -> Self::ComputedValue { #to_body } } }; derive_to_value( input, parse_quote!(crate::values::computed::ToComputedValue), parse_quote!(ComputedValue), BindStyle::Ref, |binding| { let attrs = cg::parse_field_attrs::(&binding.ast()); ToValueAttrs { field_bound: attrs.field_bound, no_field_bound: attrs.no_field_bound, } }, |binding| quote!(crate::values::computed::ToComputedValue::from_computed_value(#binding)), |binding| quote!(crate::values::computed::ToComputedValue::to_computed_value(#binding, context)), trait_impl, ) } #[derive(Default)] pub struct ToValueAttrs { pub field_bound: bool, pub no_field_bound: bool, } #[derive(Default, FromField)] #[darling(attributes(compute), default)] struct ComputedValueAttrs { field_bound: bool, no_field_bound: bool, }