/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ use darling::util::Override; use derive_common::cg; use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream}; use quote::{ToTokens, TokenStreamExt}; use syn::{self, Data, Ident, Path, WhereClause}; use synstructure::{BindingInfo, Structure, VariantInfo}; fn derive_bitflags(input: &syn::DeriveInput, bitflags: &CssBitflagAttrs) -> TokenStream { let name = &input.ident; let mut body = TokenStream::new(); for (rust_name, css_name) in bitflags.single_flags() { let rust_ident = Ident::new(&rust_name, Span::call_site()); body.append_all(quote! { if *self == Self::#rust_ident { return dest.write_str(#css_name); } }); } body.append_all(quote! { let mut has_any = false; }); if bitflags.overlapping_bits { body.append_all(quote! { let mut serialized = Self::empty(); }); } for (rust_name, css_name) in bitflags.mixed_flags() { let rust_ident = Ident::new(&rust_name, Span::call_site()); let serialize = quote! { if has_any { dest.write_char(' ')?; } has_any = true; dest.write_str(#css_name)?; }; if bitflags.overlapping_bits { body.append_all(quote! { if self.contains(Self::#rust_ident) && !serialized.intersects(Self::#rust_ident) { #serialize serialized.insert(Self::#rust_ident); } }); } else { body.append_all(quote! { if self.intersects(Self::#rust_ident) { #serialize } }); } } body.append_all(quote! { Ok(()) }); quote! { impl style_traits::ToCss for #name { #[allow(unused_variables)] #[inline] fn to_css( &self, dest: &mut style_traits::CssWriter, ) -> std::fmt::Result where W: std::fmt::Write, { #body } } } } pub fn derive(mut input: syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream { let mut where_clause = input.generics.where_clause.take(); for param in input.generics.type_params() { cg::add_predicate(&mut where_clause, parse_quote!(#param: style_traits::ToCss)); } let input_attrs = cg::parse_input_attrs::(&input); if matches!(input.data, Data::Enum(..)) || input_attrs.bitflags.is_some() { assert!( input_attrs.function.is_none(), "#[css(function)] is not allowed on enums or bitflags" ); assert!( !input_attrs.comma, "#[css(comma)] is not allowed on enums or bitflags" ); } if let Some(ref bitflags) = input_attrs.bitflags { assert!( !input_attrs.derive_debug, "Bitflags can derive debug on their own" ); assert!(where_clause.is_none(), "Generic bitflags?"); return derive_bitflags(&input, bitflags); } let match_body = { let s = Structure::new(&input); s.each_variant(|variant| derive_variant_arm(variant, &mut where_clause)) }; input.generics.where_clause = where_clause; let name = &input.ident; let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = input.generics.split_for_impl(); let mut impls = quote! { impl #impl_generics style_traits::ToCss for #name #ty_generics #where_clause { #[allow(unused_variables)] #[inline] fn to_css( &self, dest: &mut style_traits::CssWriter, ) -> std::fmt::Result where W: std::fmt::Write, { match *self { #match_body } } } }; if input_attrs.derive_debug { impls.append_all(quote! { impl #impl_generics std::fmt::Debug for #name #ty_generics #where_clause { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { style_traits::ToCss::to_css( self, &mut style_traits::CssWriter::new(f), ) } } }); } impls } fn derive_variant_arm(variant: &VariantInfo, generics: &mut Option) -> TokenStream { let bindings = variant.bindings(); let identifier = cg::to_css_identifier(&variant.ast().ident.to_string()); let ast = variant.ast(); let variant_attrs = cg::parse_variant_attrs_from_ast::(&ast); let separator = if variant_attrs.comma { ", " } else { " " }; if variant_attrs.skip { return quote!(Ok(())); } if variant_attrs.dimension { assert_eq!(bindings.len(), 1); assert!( variant_attrs.function.is_none() && variant_attrs.keyword.is_none(), "That makes no sense" ); } let mut expr = if let Some(keyword) = variant_attrs.keyword { assert!(bindings.is_empty()); quote! { std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, #keyword) } } else if !bindings.is_empty() { derive_variant_fields_expr(bindings, generics, separator) } else { quote! { std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, #identifier) } }; if variant_attrs.dimension { expr = quote! { #expr?; std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, #identifier) } } else if let Some(function) = variant_attrs.function { let mut identifier = function.explicit().map_or(identifier, |name| name); identifier.push('('); expr = quote! { std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, #identifier)?; #expr?; std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, ")") } } expr } fn derive_variant_fields_expr( bindings: &[BindingInfo], where_clause: &mut Option, separator: &str, ) -> TokenStream { let mut iter = bindings .iter() .filter_map(|binding| { let attrs = cg::parse_field_attrs::(&binding.ast()); if attrs.skip { return None; } Some((binding, attrs)) }) .peekable(); let (first, attrs) = match iter.next() { Some(pair) => pair, None => return quote! { Ok(()) }, }; if attrs.field_bound { let ty = &first.ast().ty; // TODO(emilio): IntoIterator might not be enough for every type of // iterable thing (like ArcSlice<> or what not). We might want to expose // an `item = "T"` attribute to handle that in the future. let predicate = if attrs.iterable { parse_quote!(<#ty as IntoIterator>::Item: style_traits::ToCss) } else { parse_quote!(#ty: style_traits::ToCss) }; cg::add_predicate(where_clause, predicate); } if !attrs.iterable && iter.peek().is_none() { let mut expr = quote! { style_traits::ToCss::to_css(#first, dest) }; if let Some(condition) = attrs.skip_if { expr = quote! { if !#condition(#first) { #expr } } } if let Some(condition) = attrs.contextual_skip_if { expr = quote! { if !#condition(#(#bindings), *) { #expr } } } return expr; } let mut expr = derive_single_field_expr(first, attrs, where_clause, bindings); for (binding, attrs) in iter { derive_single_field_expr(binding, attrs, where_clause, bindings).to_tokens(&mut expr) } quote! {{ let mut writer = style_traits::values::SequenceWriter::new(dest, #separator); #expr Ok(()) }} } fn derive_single_field_expr( field: &BindingInfo, attrs: CssFieldAttrs, where_clause: &mut Option, bindings: &[BindingInfo], ) -> TokenStream { let mut expr = if attrs.iterable { if let Some(if_empty) = attrs.if_empty { return quote! { { let mut iter = #field.iter().peekable(); if iter.peek().is_none() { writer.raw_item(#if_empty)?; } else { for item in iter { writer.item(&item)?; } } } }; } quote! { for item in #field.iter() { writer.item(&item)?; } } } else if attrs.represents_keyword { let ident = field .ast() .ident .as_ref() .expect("Unnamed field with represents_keyword?"); let ident = cg::to_css_identifier(&ident.to_string()).replace("_", "-"); quote! { if *#field { writer.raw_item(#ident)?; } } } else { if attrs.field_bound { let ty = &field.ast().ty; cg::add_predicate(where_clause, parse_quote!(#ty: style_traits::ToCss)); } quote! { writer.item(#field)?; } }; if let Some(condition) = attrs.skip_if { expr = quote! { if !#condition(#field) { #expr } } } if let Some(condition) = attrs.contextual_skip_if { expr = quote! { if !#condition(#(#bindings), *) { #expr } } } expr } #[derive(Default, FromMeta)] #[darling(default)] pub struct CssBitflagAttrs { /// Flags that can only go on their own, comma-separated. pub single: Option, /// Flags that can go mixed with each other, comma-separated. pub mixed: Option, /// Extra validation of the resulting mixed flags. pub validate_mixed: Option, /// Whether there are overlapping bits we need to take care of when /// serializing. pub overlapping_bits: bool, } impl CssBitflagAttrs { /// Returns a vector of (rust_name, css_name) of a given flag list. fn names(s: &Option) -> Vec<(String, String)> { let s = match s { Some(s) => s, None => return vec![], }; s.split(',') .map(|css_name| (cg::to_scream_case(css_name), css_name.to_owned())) .collect() } pub fn single_flags(&self) -> Vec<(String, String)> { Self::names(&self.single) } pub fn mixed_flags(&self) -> Vec<(String, String)> { Self::names(&self.mixed) } } #[derive(Default, FromDeriveInput)] #[darling(attributes(css), default)] pub struct CssInputAttrs { pub derive_debug: bool, // Here because structs variants are also their whole type definition. pub function: Option>, // Here because structs variants are also their whole type definition. pub comma: bool, pub bitflags: Option, } #[derive(Default, FromVariant)] #[darling(attributes(css), default)] pub struct CssVariantAttrs { pub function: Option>, // Here because structs variants are also their whole type definition. pub derive_debug: bool, pub comma: bool, pub bitflags: Option, pub dimension: bool, pub keyword: Option, pub skip: bool, } #[derive(Default, FromField)] #[darling(attributes(css), default)] pub struct CssFieldAttrs { pub if_empty: Option, pub field_bound: bool, pub iterable: bool, pub skip: bool, pub represents_keyword: bool, pub contextual_skip_if: Option, pub skip_if: Option, }