# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --- loader: gecko_taskgraph.loader.transform:loader kind-dependencies: - packages transforms: - gecko_taskgraph.transforms.docker_image:transforms - gecko_taskgraph.transforms.cached_tasks:transforms - gecko_taskgraph.transforms.task:transforms # make a task for each docker-image we might want. For the moment, since we # write artifacts for each, these are whitelisted, but ideally that will change # (to use subdirectory clones of the proper directory), at which point we can # generate tasks for every docker image in the directory, secure in the # knowledge that unnecessary images will be omitted from the target task graph jobs: image_builder: symbol: I(ib) # Neither the ubuntu1804-*raw nor the ubuntu1804-*packages images can have # packages dependencies. ubuntu1804-raw: symbol: I(ub18-raw) definition: debian-raw args: BASE_IMAGE: ubuntu:bionic ubuntu1804-packages: symbol: I(ub18-pkg) definition: debian-packages parent: ubuntu1804-raw ubuntu1804-i386-raw: symbol: I(ub18-32-raw) definition: debian-raw args: BASE_IMAGE: i386/ubuntu:bionic ubuntu1804-i386-packages: symbol: I(ub18-32-pkg) definition: debian-packages parent: ubuntu1804-i386-raw ubuntu1804-base: symbol: I(ub18-base) parent: ubuntu1804-raw packages: - ub18-mercurial - ub18-python-zstandard - ub18-python-psutil ubuntu1804-test-base: symbol: I(ub18-test-base) parent: ubuntu1804-base packages: - ub18-libc6 - ub18-32-libc6 ubuntu1804-test: symbol: I(ub18-test) parent: ubuntu1804-test-base # Neither the ubuntu1804-*raw nor the ubuntu1804-*packages images can have # packages dependencies. ubuntu2004-raw: symbol: I(ub20-raw) definition: debian-raw args: BASE_IMAGE: ubuntu:focal ubuntu2004-packages: symbol: I(ub20-pkg) definition: debian-packages parent: ubuntu2004-raw ubuntu2004-base: symbol: I(ub20-base) definition: debian-base parent: ubuntu2004-raw packages: - ub20-mercurial - ub20-python-zstandard # Neither the debian8-*raw nor the debian8-*packages images can have # packages dependencies. debian8-raw: symbol: I(deb8-raw) definition: debian-raw args: BASE_IMAGE: debian:jessie-20210208 DIST: jessie debian8-packages: symbol: I(deb8-pkg) definition: debian-packages parent: debian8-raw debian8-i386-raw: symbol: I(deb8-32-raw) definition: debian-raw args: BASE_IMAGE: i386/debian:jessie-20210208 DIST: jessie debian8-i386-packages: symbol: I(deb8-32-pkg) definition: debian-packages parent: debian8-i386-raw custom-v8: symbol: I(custom-v8) parent: debian11-base # Chromium-as-Release custom-car-linux: symbol: I(custom-car-linux) parent: debian11-base valgrind-build: symbol: I(vb) parent: debian11-amd64-build packages: - deb11-valgrind lint: symbol: I(lnt) parent: debian11-base # Neither the debian11-raw nor the debian11-packages images can have # packages dependencies. debian11-raw: symbol: I(deb11-raw) definition: debian-raw args: BASE_IMAGE: debian:bullseye-20221205 DIST: bullseye SNAPSHOT: '20221204T212138Z' debian11-packages: symbol: I(deb11-pkg) definition: debian-packages parent: debian11-raw debian11-base: symbol: I(deb11-base) definition: debian-base parent: debian11-raw packages: - deb11-mercurial - deb11-python-zstandard debian11-amd64-build: symbol: I(deb11) parent: debian11-base definition: debian-build debian11-repackage: symbol: I(deb11-rpk) parent: debian11-base definition: debian-repackage packages: - deb11-mercurial deb11-toolchain-build: symbol: I(deb11-toolchain) parent: debian11-base definition: toolchain-build packages: - deb11-cmake android-build: symbol: I(agb) parent: debian11-base fetch: symbol: I(fetch) parent: debian11-raw packages: - deb11-python-zstandard static-analysis-build: symbol: I(static-analysis-build) parent: debian11-base gdb-test: symbol: I(gdb) parent: debian11-amd64-build definition: gdb-test index-task: symbol: I(idx) funsize-update-generator: symbol: I(pg) update-verify: symbol: I(uv) parent: ubuntu2004-base diffoscope: symbol: I(diff) parent: debian11-base partner-repack: symbol: I(PR) parent: debian11-base definition: partner-repack updatebot: symbol: I(3rdp) parent: push-to-try periodic-updates: symbol: I(file) parent: debian11-base firefox-snap: symbol: I(snap) firefox-flatpak: symbol: I(flatpak) webrender: symbol: I(webrender) parent: debian11-base condprof: symbol: I(condprof) parent: ubuntu1804-test github-sync: symbol: I(github-sync) parent: debian11-base sentry: symbol: I(sentry) parent: debian11-base system-symbols-mac: symbol: I(system-symbols-mac) parent: debian11-base system-symbols-win: symbol: I(system-symbols-win) parent: debian11-base system-symbols-linux-scraper: symbol: I(system-symbols-linux) parent: debian11-base push-to-try: symbol: I(push-to-try) parent: debian11-base decision: symbol: I(decision) parent: ubuntu2004-base